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Everything posted by phoostal

  1. Merry Christmas to all my fellow hawk fans! Enjoy your time with your family and friends!
  2. wonder if he went old school last night with rubber band man
  3. If this game doesn't tell you know a need a superstar to be real contender I don't know what does. It's good to play team basketball and get contributions from everyone, however until you get a superstar to take over games you will never be a serious contender for the title. Superstars get calls and take over games. That is what is needed to get good teams over the hump. Ferry must find someone that is of superstar status to get this team over the hump.
  4. Yes, there are plenty of holes I agree. I'm just enjoy watching it spiral out of control. I thought the same thing about the bullet from Deb's gun and the blood. As for Dex's girlfriend, one she is hot as hell, next I didn't know it was so easy to escape from the police. I think they both dug themselves in hole as you know both Angel and the former captain are going to be all out trying to figure out for themselves if Dexter and Deb are dirty. I still find myself entertain with the show even with its flaws, which seem to be more and more each season. Probably good that next season will be its last. Interesting theory on Saul. Not to mention at the end he was saying a muslim prayer. I tell you what that would be a twist very few see coming. Especially since most thing Saul is awesome as a character. It seems it would go against everything Saul believes in or portrays. Remember Dahri telling Saul he never had the stomach for the business or that he was crushed when the girl committed suicide in jail. Not sure I can take many more Carrie faces when she does explain it to Saul or crying to Brody. If you want to read some great writeups on the show Andy Greenwald over at Grantland does a commentary after every episode. They are excellent. As far as my theory I think some how Brody still may have something to do with it. Boy though your Saul theory really has me thinking. Especially when Saul was going off on Carrie about being with Brody (great line in that conversation). He did seem devastated though when he thought Carrie was dead. Who knows? I know it sucks we have to wait till next September for both shows.
  5. Thought I would chime in love Walking Dead, Justify, and Archer as well. Half Season finale was awesome in Walking Dead. Here are another couple of good shows that had their season finale on Sunday, Dexter and Homeland. Dexter was great and next season will be there last season. Should be interesting how that season turns out as Dexter and Deb keep digging themselves into a deeper hole. Homeland is fantastic, so many twist and turns you don't know how it is going to turn out. Every time I think I know where it is going it changes. I believe that is what makes it so great.
  6. Will be at the game tonight ladies & gents, I got the courtside seats from work, so I'll take some pics from the phone and post on line, depending how much I drink will determine if I streak across the court
  7. I go to both of the games here in Orlando every year and drop money on the league pass each year as well
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Hawk fans! Be thankful for all you have. Thanks for a great site for Hawk fans as well.
  9. As I posted in an earlier thread, but I think this topic needs a thread of its own. As I have watched every game this year and looked at this roster, do you think Drew has too many options on this roster as far as playing time goes?We have a deep roster of players this year. This is good and bad. I'm not necessarily saying all of these guys are great players, but pretty much every guy with the team (exception of the rookies) have played significant minutes in the league. I feel this makes Drew's decisions a lot tougher in the game. Now I have read a lot of threads on the site and the majority think Drew is horrible as a coach. I will agree that he has made some questionable decisions, however I don't think this roster does him any favors. I think it is a case of Damn if you do and damn if you don't.If he rides hot hands and we lose. You get the comments of how come so and so didn't play. If he goes the other way and takes them out and we lose, then you get why did he take him out. We even get these comments when we win. For instance last night with the Kings with Teague. I feel if we didn't have as deep of a roster we wouldn't be having this issue as much as we have earlier in the season. I believe Drew wishes we weren't as deep so he doesn't have to find minutes for everyone. You can look at a lot of his quotes stating he is looking to tighten up his rotation of players or finding the right guys to put on the floor. Right now his best option might have to be injuries so he doesn't have to worry about getting everyone minutes.Now Drew gets paid to make these decisions and he ultimately is responsible of putting the best 5 out there. However, I don't think this roster does him any favors. There really isn't a standard 5 he can put out there, thus he puts who think is hot at the time or who he feels can get hot to get the win.Thoughts?P
  10. Teague is a restricted free agent I believe. Meaning we can match any offer he receives. Also, to add to this I believe Teague gets unfairly punished as well. In the first half Drew should have rode his hot hand longer then he did. That I blame on Drew. In the second half Teague came out playing bad. Turnovers and bad shot selection as well as not getting the team into any offense. He came out Lou came in and played well. Also, Korver was playing good too. Thus making it tough for Teague to get back into the game. That I don't blame on Drew. Which leads me to my next observation so far this season (I'll start thread on it as well), as I have watched all the games this year and looked at our roster do you think we have too many people that should be getting minutes? Like I mentioned I will start a new thread on this one expanding on my thoughts on this one.P
  11. Mike Brown is a horrible coach, worst coach at making adjustments and doesn't adjust his system to fit the players on the roster, if we got him we will regret the day we did, it will set the franchise back
  12. RIP Dan Roundfield, you will be missed
  13. Did Speedy play in enough games for the Hawks to make a scrub vid?
  14. From what I have seen in the summer league games he seems a very solid player. Willing to work hard on both ends of the floor. What I also liked was how he put it on the floor for the floater or a closer jump shot. Instead of just setting up and shooting the jumper. Which we all know he can do as well. I think he will only get better. Solid player that will play a significant role on the team. I really don't think you can ask for much more considering he was the 23rd pick of the draft. We will get a better idea once the season gets started, but I don't think you can be upset with what you have seen so far. Its not like he was a lottery pick.
  15. Yeah I read and saw that as well. Luckily everyone has been evacuated within a 5 mile radius.
  16. I've been reading about the massacre today and catching info on the tv. I just want to say it is very saddening and sobering news. Very horrific event that took place. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families. I really don't understand people that do this and maybe they aren't meant to be understood. We probably should focus more on the victims than that sicko. Once again a sad day and I hope the families of all those hurt can overcome this tragedy.
  17. I guess the forgot Teague was part of the roster in that article.
  18. Another article from the Orlando Sentinel today about Howard from Magic beat reporter Robbins. You will notice the last paragraph about the Hawks. Basically the Magic want the package of Horford and Teague. That is their first option but according to this article we are not offering Horford. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-07-14/sports/os-orlando-magic-dwight-howard-options-0715-20120714_1_rob-hennigan-dwight-howard-magic-officials
  19. I don't even know if Sund had a pulse
  20. You have to be invited to play on the Olympic team. Smoove wasn't invited so even if he wanted to play on the team he can't unless he gets an invitation.
  21. Here is a new video link from Josh Robbins of the Orlando Sentinel, he was one of 3 reporters for the Sentinel that covers the Magic on a daily basis. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/videogallery/71036527/Sports/Video-Josh-Robbins-talks-possible-Howard-trades-Orlando-Pro-Summer-League
  22. Beat me to it Sturt. Some guy name Moke Hamilton predicts the Hawks to get Howard. Does anyone know if this guy is legit? How he was talking it sounded like it was purely a guess.
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