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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. As for Alpha Kaba . . I do find it funny that is overseas uniform is of the pink and green persuasion Maybe the Spelman or Clark-Atlanta AKA's can adopt him and make him feel at home.
  2. Lethal with the Steve Javie-like decision on KB. Good call. With Hotlanta changing his name and taking a step back, KB has stepped in quite well in the role of "forum antagonist". You need both good and bad in forums like these, especially during bad times.
  3. LOL . . . his statement DOES have a lot of truth to it though. We all know that we're not going after a significant free agent this season, and that ( more than likely ) Schlenk wouldn't mind the team losing again, to obtain a lottery pick. Our top 3 draft picks probably are rotation players. John Collins and Tyler Dorsey, definitely. Deandre Bembry, possibly. So that's 6 already. Depending on if we draft a PG, Isaiah will get time too. Starters PG - Schröder G - Bazemore F - Prince PF - Collins C - Plumlee Bench PG - Taylor G - Dorsey/Bembry #3 pick #19 pick #30 pick Maybe we overpay a vet, or take on a bad contract, to get closer to the minimum salary floor . . . unless the Hawks are willing to pay the current guys the rest of the money we're under. We'll simply have to look at this like Lakers fans had to last Summer League, when Lonzo Ball, Brandon Ingram, Josh Hart, Kyle Kuzma, and Ivica Zubac played in the summer, and ended up getting burn as rotation players.
  4. If I had to root for Jamal Crawford for 2 years, surely you could root for this.
  5. Question is . . . will Julius get paid this season? I actually liked how he played this year, despite Luke Walton trying to keep the shackles on him. Once he cracked that starting lineup, it was lights out.
  6. As much as I like Collins' potential, I would definitely do this.
  7. I agree. Because every one of us would scream like a 8 year old girl at her birthday party, if Lebron decided to leave the Cavs and join the Hawks. This playoffs has actually made be become a fan of the guy. As much as I hate Cleveland ( mainly because of what he does to us ), I'm rooting for them to beat Golden State. People should appreciate the greats of the game. Not try to find reasons to hate them.
  8. So Dennis had a -2.45 RPM in 2017 . . . but a -1.81 RPM in 2018, despite most everyone agreeing that he played worse this season than last season?
  9. Yeah man. When I look at that list, there's no way I'm taking any other PG other than Dennis in that season, once you get past Jrue Holiday at #15.
  10. Advanced stats cannot be used to justify a player's worth in all cases, because high usage starters have different roles than low usage / specialty players. You'll end up with a situation in which Terry Rozier is trying to do the same things that Kyrie Irving does.
  11. Post the link where you got this stat from, and lets go through those other 54 PGs who had a better RPM. Let's see how many of those we'd take over Dennis.
  12. Of course they went back down in 2017 - 2018. I can't even count the number of possessions where Dennis had to play "hero ball" at the end of the shot clock, because no one else could create their own shot.
  13. Dennis in 2016 - 17 actually had a pretty good season. 18 ppg - 6 assists - 3 rebs . . . 45% FG - 34% 3FG He was arguably a top 15 PG in that season. And he still is this season, despite the decrease in 3 point percentage. He has shown improvement in his game in each of his previous 4 seasons. But I said flat out even before the season started, that Dennis should not be judged on this season, seeing that the organization basically took the top 3 players on the team away from him.
  14. LOL . . . which is the main thing that makes Young appealing. He's shown these types of outburst in college, while also making plays for others.
  15. And they took away one of his best buddies on the team, in Tim Hardaway Jr.
  16. Let's back up for a minute though. Most of the fan base wanted this team to tank . . and tank hard. If Dennis played anywhere near what people expected him to play at, he would've been attacked . . . like he was in November, when he was straight balling. We stripped this team almost to the bare bones. We took away the defensive leader and most versatile player on the team. We took away the big man who he could at least get 2 assists a game to via lobs. We took away two of the team's best outside shooters in mid season. And we flat out employed a strategy in which the team was encouraged to play hard, but lose. And we wonder why Dennis' numbers were down? Just 1 year ago, he was doing this . . . remember? It is not Dennis' fault that the new GM decided to hit the reset button. And you really can't blame Dennis for feeling some type of way, when he finally becomes one of the stars on the team, that the organization decides to blow it all up. Put him on a team like Milwaukee, and he might make the All-Star team, playing with an athletic freak like Giannis.
  17. People should never sleep on the greats of the past. Those guys would be able to easily play in today's game.
  18. It's funny how some fans today dislike flashy players, but Cousy was probably the guy that Pistol Pete got some of his flash from. Cousy's jumper was suspect, but that dude could handle and pass the basketball like no other.
  19. If we're comparing talent, who has the most upside? Grayson or Dorsey? I say Grayson.
  20. Grayson is a better shooter than Doncic. Just saying .... Other than his bipolar nature, there's little reason to question what Grayson can bring to a team. If he can at least stay in front of most SGs, he has a place in this league.
  21. From a box office standpoint, Trae would play VERY WELL with the ATL fan base. He has enough flash in his game to excite the masses.
  22. Both have strengths that will help a team, and weaknesses that will possibly keep them from being great players. While I prefer Bagley, I'm not going to pitch a fit if we take Doncic. I definitely like what he brings to the table from a playmaking standpoint. It's just that with this top 3 pick, we NEED to be able to pick the guy who is going to be a Hall of Famer. Like some of the others, I wouldn't be mad if we also took Trae Young, if they thought he can be that special of an offensive player. I honestly like Trae's passing more than his shooting. His passing is on Lonzo Ball's level. It would be very interesting to see how good a guy like Trae could make Taurean Prince and John Collins.
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