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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. So no to BUtch Carter. He's more worried about other things than helping teams win games. Isn't he the same guy that coach Toronto and was more worried other things tham the playoff games?
  2. I like Rudy T....but looking at Houston over the last few years and seeing them now I have to wonder if the game is passing Rudy by. I think Mike F might be the best choice out of the guys you listed. Doc is running neck to neck with him. I don't think I'd really look at anyone else on the list. If we keep Stotts I'd add Kareem as an assistant head coach to replace Stotts.
  3. He's on one of the teams on Segas USA Basketball. I was playing it last year and saw him on the game. I actually didn't know the guy was that old until I seen him on that game then I figured he had to be pretty old.
  4. Miller/Boykins/Lenard aren't exactually the cream of crop players now are they?
  5. Lets see... What has Stromile Swift done? He has talent, but it hasn't panned out. Drew Gooden. I did like the guy, but it's obvious he isn't helping Orlando very much. Shane Battier-Hasn't really been productive this year I don't think. While there are some good players there things haven't planned out and they really haven't helped their team.
  6. yeah Ainge is a fool. I mean, Walker had his problems...but what exactually are they getting from Raef LaFrentz? NOTHING. I'd love to trade for PP...I hope he doesn/t end up spending his prime years with Danny Ainge around.
  7. 1)Kwame Brown is a WIMP. The guy cried cause another player yelled at him for christ sake. And he's averaging 10/8 on one of the worst teams in the league. Kwame Brown is a bust like Kandi. )As watchman said, any GM cause cut payroll. I didn't know it took a genius to cut payroll. You got to be a smart motherfu(ker to field a team with JT/Sura/Diaw/Crawford/Joel.. THe Hawks will have some high schooler.....and some mediocre mid round picks and a overpayed player going into next year. Still no young core. Atleast Cleveland had Boozer/Waggs/Davis/Miles and other young players when they got LaBron. LaBron started out the year on a talented Cleveland team. Some poor fool is going to start out with Rebraca as a starting center.
  8. I agree....The so called New owners don't appear to be getting anything done. Perhaps AOL is going to keep the team and they ordered a payroll cut.
  9. This is what you are not getting... NFL=Popular and lots of fans NBA=Most consider boring these days. It doesn't matter what happend with Vick. THe NFL and NBA aren't the same. Georgia IS a football state and not a basketball state. Even during the Mookie/Deke era even when there was a decent crowd the fans didn't get behind the team. In fact, the fans often rooted AGAINEST the Hawks. There was an article on here last year with players saying they wouldn't want to play here. It doesn't matter about the city because they can come to the city during the offseason.
  10. Even when there is a decent crowd they sit there like a bump on a log. Seriousally, even when a few fans are there they look really bored.
  11. I know it's just tough seeing the franchise throw out so teams like JT/sura/Jackson/Crawford/Joel. Other than Deke no other big name has come to the Hawks since I been a fan I don't think. I have a ahrd time believing anyone would want to come here because it just hasn't happend since the 80s'. And I will not believe until I see it happen.
  12. It has everything but the lotto pick that probably could have been had somehow. I know palyers had to go, but the hawks failed to get enough. I'd love to package two lotto picks to help get a player(s)that can help build around. When does Tmac become a FA? IT would be nice to have two lotto picks...As bad as Orlando is off they just might trade.
  13. I understand....I'm what people like to call "negitive" but mostly I'm hostile toward the Hawks and I think it's like someone on another board said...Said that I lash out at the team so much just so that I cant get dissappointed by failures. Agreed. The team has been very depressing.
  14. Lets look at this way....If you've had a brand new car for a few years and then decided a few years later it isn't good enough for you. Does that mean you just take it to the crushers or just give it away? Keep in mind that just a few years ago it was brand new car..It has value...Do you try and sell it getting the best deal in return? Or do you just throw it away for nothing. The team should have got the BBD and Billy Knight didn't get it.
  15. Where have you been TMAC? I remember you from along time ago. Seems like a few fans have come out of the woodwork.
  16. A couple of things to think about: 1)NBA Basketball isn't popular in Atlanta. Even during the allstar game a few years ago the crowd was dull. 2)Players have said the lack of fan support is a huge turn off. 3)You have to have more talent. Nobody is going to come and play with Boris Diaw/Chris Crawford and all the other ham and eggers on the team. It's not going to be that easy as you will find out this offseason.
  17. So guess second and third rate teams excite you and your boy hotlanta. Cap room is important teams will trade for it, we can easily get our hands on some solid players just by offering cap room. " What's so good about Richardson? He can't even shoot 42%fg's. All he does is run back and fourth doing is queer sign for Darius Miles. And Kenyon can't quit studdering enough. he might look good in the east..but you sure as Hell aren't going to challenge for a title with him as your big player.
  18. They already have a solid player returning in Boris Diaw and may decide to keep a 7 footer with a lot of potential in Joel Przybilla" Yeah, Joel has the potential to collect offensive rebounds from his misses. I guess he figures "Ah what the hell, if I can't score I'll pad my own rebounding stats!" I bet he's a champion in ping pong..*TIP TIP TIP* It's good finally! Not to mention the fact that he's slow as heck. As someone else said, Joel has the potential to be a slightly more athletic Greg Ostertag. "Andre Miller for one." He wanted to get the heck out of LAC...He had to go some where.
  19. Dang, looks like Billy will be putting all his great talents to use. The Hawks remind me of Major League...I wonder if Billy sits around and wonders what more he can do to make the team play worse. He cna't drive off the fans because there isn't any in the first place...He already pulled what little talent the team had so that is out...We have two or three cripples on the team in Hendu/Mills. I wonder what he'll do next?
  20. My biggest problem is the fact that nothing was got in the first trade. I can understand Reef and Theo getting traded and I thought they should be traded myself. But when you rebuild you want young talent or picks that can help your team. Neither really happended. Instead we've seen spare parts added and Billy Knight waiting to basically the last minute to sign a player to a 10 day contract. Damn, it's penny pinching. If the team had a better than average cance of getting Kobe I'd be more excited. However, the thought of adding Q Richarson as the biggest offseason signee doesn't get me going.
  21. Agreed! I know it killed Billy Knight to fork over that 10 day contract to that dude with a strange name. Him and his penny pinching self. Harry the Hawk better look out! He might be the next cut.
  22. I see the Hawks roster as something like this: JT Diaw Hansen Rebraca Hendu Jackson Chris Crawford Person Chris Mills Is that about everbody? You know, I wonder if Stotts quits if the Hawks can add his salary to the cap space? Then Billy Knight could be the coach and GM. It would cut back some more.
  23. Oh man you have to know that the lottery is completely rigged. Like I heard the other day, computers are programmed to be programmed.......and thats exactly what the lottery is. Stern will make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will end up with Howard because it really hurts the league to have Atlanta not be a big basketball draw and Howard is a local product." That's exactually why the league hasn't approved the new owners. If the team gets the overall pick I'd say it isn't because of Sterns help.
  24. I wouldn't trade the pick for AI only because of his age. I guess I need to realize that we need either Kobe/Tmac but that isn't happening.
  25. What I mean is that if it's treated like a job instead of being a passion then there is a problem. And I said that being a 225 pound PF that shoots outside is not a good thing.
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