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Everything posted by hylndr11

  1. IF you see the stats when Paul and Dwight are on the floor together its not bueno yet, they are both trying to do too much of the same thing. Id imagine this is what Paul was talking about him and dwight playing together and having lots of work to do...... https://twitter.com/johnschuhmann/status/795397602233765889/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
  2. millsap isnt nba level talent (atheltic) he got where he was through years of hard work and being smarter than his competition, he is not a great athlete.
  3. I think this alsso has more to do with Moose getting better with offense than Edy being a project yea he is, but as stated before, thee guys all improved, but we couldnt keep all of them, I think this is the right move, surprising to say that Moose may be better than we think he is and will get a chance to show it, it looks like, not a bad thing guys.
  4. Word on the street is staff has told Muscala they want him to do a lot of what Al used to do, we shall see.
  5. I think Paul said it in there interview with M Conti where he really is feeling him and dwight have a long way to go to be what they want to be, I think that are really banking on that later in the year coming together, Ive seen 2 interviews now where he has mentioned him and Dwight have lots of work to do as far as playing together, but if everyone else has gotten better hopefully it will make up for some of the issues as teams see that they can take advantage of Howards weaknesses in this system. Hell, in a perfect world Timmy and Korver at the 2 and 3 for a short time nailing a barrage of threes, while playing bigger lineups with millsap and Howardd in the game. Wouldnt work long but different stuff we could play with once things come together. I had a blast watching that game last night.
  6. meh 15 rebounds and were up by 1, shiiiiiiiit , hope millsap is right, him and dwight have lots of work to do . this aint gonna cut it
  7. meh doesnt work, they cant get the feed right
  8. I heard the whole thing - they were joking on him for smiling when he was talking about it - looks like Baze will get lots of minutes there, they must really have faith in this Prince kid.
  9. ill be happy if we beat the celtics - all I really care about everyone seems to think they have unseated us and raptors as second best team in the east. fk that. I think the nba is also expecting Baze to keep getting better - he had half the league after him and never really gave many teams the opp to talk - I dont hate that we didnt trade millsap because all offer s are taking advantage of the one year, if we take on those salaries of Faried and such - and lose Paul, Id rather just keep him till the deadline and try and increase the offer or keep him period and just try and develop our piks - I know he can opt out but any team signing him to 30 plus mill deal - are hurting themselves so Im not sure how many are going to line up for that this offseason, especially if AL doesnt make some huge difference to celtics which i dont think he will.
  10. and I think Celtics are just another hawks/spurs clone - they still dont have a star player like we dont, but the spurs did whether its robinson/duncan or all the guys that one several years ago - I dont think they win anymore games.
  11. No NOT AT ALL - Im sorry, brain thinking faster than typing, when I was talking about 2 teams Im talking about GS and CLE obviously but I see I didnt say that clearly - I agree with all posts here - Im just saying if things dont go well, THIS is the best case "tanking" scenario - I HOPE it doesnt happen, I do have plenty of hope for this year for the exact reason northcyde talks about. and am really excited just see it - if we can really change the perception of Dwight, like has been said, if this can happen, it will change the game for the HAWKS moving forward - the press will jump all over it and we wont be a whipping boy anymore. Thanks for the replies
  12. I think we are set, at this point - if we trade anything its going to net us nothing better - we have to think splitter will be healthy and baze and Dennis get better, getting rid of scott or tiago totally kills the frontcourt depth - we cant sign anyone like scott for what hes at, or Tiago, ideally we want another scorer but for us we dont have the assets to give. If things are shitty and not coming together by the deadline, OK Trade Paul and try to get picks and young talent, probably try and trade Dwight too especially if it looks like we are making progress with him, his contract will look like a steal - AT LEAST get some quality picks and young talent to build with; That would be the ideal "tanking" strategy - as mentioned before this new latest dynamic really doesnt bode well at ALL for tanking in a traditional sense too many teams trying to do it, if Boston is kicking ass or CLE or any other teams do better than expected we might be able to pull some serious building blocks from them at the deadline, although when you have two teams that are so far superior to every other one it will be a challenge. Here is my question - does anyone here really keep up with college and what the next couple drafts would look like, is there anyone up and coming that looks to be a talent we should target? I guess well find out by the deadline, if the staff thinks there is. That said the team will be very interesting to watch to see how bad this gets or if by some miracle this actually works. PS - is AL horford fking serious not even saying farewell to the fans, hes said a million times how well he was treated here - Im looking at all these players that left there teams and its all respect. What did we do to really piss this guy off - all this bullshit out there about Howard, OK but he wanted to play with another bigger guy - none of it adds up at all. I hope one day we get the full story, Im sure it wasnt just one thing but do you really let ur agent have that much control in changing towns for endoresments and ur family in ur ear - this isnt the NFL. but both KD and Horford got articles out there about making a big splash to shake things up. CAN NOT WAIT to play Boston, and would pay big money to see Dwight throw alice down to the floor.
  13. they would need to offer some type of lottery pick as well then again, i really dont want to lose millsap for nothing next year which seems will be the case, ideally - we somehow turn around dwight and mask his bullshit and trade both him and millsap at the deadline for fking ransom of young players and picks
  14. Stop with tht tanking shit - TANKING DOESNT WORK WHEN EVERYOTHER FKING TEAM IS DOING IT THAT is the problem that gets created when players do this.
  15. we need to hope somehow cavs lose Love and or another good bench player - just weaken them somehow. Rumor on Celtics trading Crowder and Jaylen for Love hahaah
  16. love this shit today - every team tweeting about tanking other than CLE and GS - lol even Celtics saying fuckit
  17. Guys - thats the point, the biggest issue with a free market like this is this is what eventually happens, the outlying issue isnt as much as they are only a few or 2 teams that matter its that then everyone else is like ok lets TANK - WELL the tank strategy doesnt work when everyone starts to feel thats what they have to do to be the next one of these "selected" teams. ITs a horrible fking cycle that were dealing with in basketball and a damn shame but its the nature of the system, the league really needs to step in and make systemic changes because this is going to keep happening, its been proven over last 5 or 6 years its the only way to win.
  18. If this is true def makes u feel a little bit better - and goes along with other reports that the HAWKS spent lots of resources vetting the shit out of dwight and felt they can change the perception of him, if we can pull that off then yes, we should get to the table more and if AL doesnt all of a sudden improve in BOS, then the hawks will look like real good guys, cuz we improved DH AND still wanted to get Horford back and tried to do right thing by him, we have our work cut out for us, but so does Al, is he playing center or PF up there ?
  19. some of yall dont get it - this completely changes the dynamic we lost teague and horford for dwight - and yall are thrilled. We didnt get better is the point, and we hamstrung ourselves from doing so majorly - Sap and Howard im sure will be good - but we need more players and it wasnt bazemore - the only reason they signed baze cuz they were sure AL was coming back, no way they make that happen otherwise. Total f***ing fail
  20. i cant beleive we f***ing did this
  21. I just want to know what we really did to piss him off - like he didint know we were going for howard ???!!!!! BULLSHIT there was a plan in place SOMETHING BIG IS MISSING HERE.
  22. I dont if your the same supes from TATF but dude wt in the blu fk are you talking about - have you forgotten ur post for the last week, stop cherry picking shit and pontificating. The whole point of him staying is to turn something that was historically shit into making a difference, now your just another guy there - here he could have been historic diff maker.
  23. this doesnt make sense - he just never wanted to be here then, cuz we upped the deal but then he said its ok no were good then all of a sudden cuts off communications.
  24. were def a worse team now, fuking bazemore bitch ass running around no idea why we did this, and why they didnt have this shit worked out ahead of time, talked to season tik lady today no go on that shit. Now we have no leader really on the team to keep Dwights ass in check,
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