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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. Come on. Seriously? Who pulled the best player from the Utah Jazz in free agency and signed him to a low cost deal...oh wait that was Danny Ferry. But Jordan landed Al Jefferson who has a dominant post game and, well, this
  2. Tree, Roundfield, Drew, Charlie Criss is as far back as i remember seeing a hawks game. Remember when Skip Caray was the Hawks play by play? If you were a kid in Atlanta (or the southeast as GM attests) you watched every thing that came on 'Channel 17'. Hawks, Braves, Geogia championship wrestling, lost in space, Bill Tush, Hazel...... Sorry i drifted off there and have nothing to add about Pistol Pete. Wes Matthews did come to my high school and bent the rim dunking.
  3. Stinkface. LOL. It's just totally ridiculous how much better your articles are than our local beat. You should sell these (maybe you do?).
  4. I actually thought he should be getting minutes based on his decent play early on but this is cool. Mack is 23 years old so its not like we are playing TLue in his waning years over Dennis. Calling someone 23 a journeyman is a stretch IMO. I think they see Mack still has potential to improve and is already playing damn good.
  5. Right. I feel like he's quite content doing what he does which is watching the Hawks and getting paid to comment, making appearances on sports shows, doing charity work, and punishing those who dare come after him in the house that he built.
  6. He's not saying they are trying to suck. Actually just the opposite. That they are trying to win and eventually they will be better because lets face it they have some talent. Without speaking for RedDawg the point is that unlike other teams, no matter how bad the nets get they will keep trying to compete because they have nothing to gain from losing. Its hard to imagine that team not making the east playoffs with the talent they have no matter how disfunctional they are.
  7. And its not going to be hard to make the playoffs in the east. In fact they only have to win the division right? Which right now means winning like 30 games
  8. DeRozan is already being talked about in Toronto and he'd fit in well here. We'd have to send a draft pick and either Milsap or Brand+others to make the numbers work. Or a three way trade may be better. Sorry to engage in trade scenarios but i think DeRozan is the type of guy who could be on the move.
  9. Great Dunk by Josh. I always thought Cheeks was a good coach and would be a good fit with Josh. Still jacking a lot of shots though.
  10. The Raptors LOL. I'll admit that 2 years ago i thought Gay would be a good fit for the Hawks. I'm an idiot. Go to the 40 second mark. that's just embarrassing.
  11. Honestly I think McCann is just a natural hitter and I expect him to have a big year. I think you'll be surprised how well he hits when he isn't catching everyday. My biggest issue with him has been his fitness level. To me a catcher needs to stay as trim as possible. The more weight you have crouching down like that the harder it is on your legs and then there goes your swing. But that's just my ignorant theory. If money isn't an issue for the Yanks then i think they'll get at least a couple big years from Mac.
  12. I don't even understand why this is a question? People who want to GM or coach spend their time in positions that give them experience to hold those jobs. Nique has never done that. Handing him one of those jobs would be stupid and i doubt he would want that. There are a very few examples of guys with no experience going to these positions but not many. And most of those examples are disasters, see Jason Kidd and Steve Kerr.
  13. Yes! East teams in particular will be looking to dump good players in the race to the bottom.
  14. Technicality! And I'm not 'liking' such an undignified picture. I thought the dolphins were classy.
  15. I think its an alien who ate the Diaw from Atlanta.
  16. Or just add him in. I kind of agree with you but at the same time I like having Nique at every game just because he is the greatest hawk. The Braves telecast improved 100 times when they added in Murph. I know they don't want to pay 3 annoucers but maybe for some games.
  17. I always thought he was a good coach. I liked him a lot better than Woody other than he won all those needless games.
  18. Shouldn't we move this to another forum? Grimes was a Falcon about 10 losses ago.
  19. Anyone else just hate watching Diaw?
  20. Man I couldn't agree more. And there is so much unwarranted criticism of Al lately that i hate to even ask the question but really he should be going around that screen or at the least running him over right? Seems like he should have been expecting the screen and tried to go around but hey still a great game.
  21. I'm pretty sure Nique saying it doesn't change reality. I don't think we were turning down superstars before this interview.
  22. You guys are crazy if you think we would have even been in this game last year. If we cut down on turnovers, which is something we can do, then we win this game. Plus lots of bogus calls. Parker would have had two costly turnovers if he wasn't allowed to tackle guys with the ball on the floor to get it back. What the hell. Spurs know all the tricks of the trade and still it took a last second shot to beat us. I'd say .500 through the first 20 games of new team, new coach is right on track. Now we just need some more nba level talent.
  23. Agreed. Plus Korver out and a lot of travel. We are going to be up and down with this squad as we aren't deep. Still there is fight in this team and if we can pull off a trade for a good 2 guard we have a chance to have a good season.
  24. The East is actually really good....at tanking. Celtics, sixers, bobcats, bucks, raptors, magic arent' really trying that hard as an organization to win this year. Couple that with the pistons, knicks, nets and cleveland being flat out incompetent and your left with 4 teams that give a shoot and the Bulls just lost their franchise. Its a crazy year and its going to get worse as the race out of the playoffs in the east will be intense.
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