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Everything posted by Trout7

  1. Trout7


    They wouldn't really have those advantages against us if we could just simply make our open shots. The Hawks main weakness comes down to poor shooting.
  2. Trout7


    I think humiliating the Hawks is more important to the Cavs than winning the championship. LOL
  3. Yeah, you can tell we are stronger than Toronto after these first 2 games.
  4. The best thing you can hope for is the chance to see Lebron keep losing in the finals. Seeing the city of Cleveland keep losing championships with Lebron would be a joy to watch. I don't think Toronto is even going to compete with Cleveland as well as the Hawks did.
  5. Apparently coaches are just holding that Kardashian thing against him. You would have to be blind to not be a little impressed by him.
  6. Yeah, Bud thinks you can go a long way with players like Muscala and Antic. LOL.
  7. I am sure Dennis is the direction the Hawks will go but when all is said and done, i think Jeff will have more wins with the Hawks than Dennis will lead us to in the future. Dennis potential is all based on how he learns to use his head during games.
  8. He is training for olympics and will miss next season.
  9. I live in the mountains also. It helps you to forget about these Cavs series pretty quickly with all the things you can get back to doing like fishing, hunting hiking and just sitting on the porch listening to the creek in the evening drinking a cold one.
  10. I saw everyone on your list play except Lou Hudson.
  11. Trout7


    Yeah he cost us a chance to win the game by just trying to bulldog into the defenders and another situation where we don't even get up a damn shot when we could win a game. Pathetic.
  12. You are right, people just don't seem to understand that the Hawks just cannot shoot.
  13. It is really weird that the top ranked defense in the East lately is the team giving up historic 3 point percentages. For some reason it is more important for the Cavs to show the Hawks up than anything on their goal list. My statement will be backed up when you see how they shoot against their next couple opponents. I cannot wait to see their shooting come back to earth and lose again to the Warriors.
  14. One reason why not is because Paul has gotten where he cannot dribble or hold onto the ball down low, and especially during crunch time. It is like butterfingers. The group you assembled just wouldn't hold up under the pressure at the end of 4th quarters.
  15. The facts of the situation would be if we let Horford go his replacement probably won't even measure up to him and then people on here will have a new PF to complain about.
  16. Looks like the odds are low on SUPERSTAR, haven't had one since Dominique. Looks like we all will have to bide our time till the "Elbow King" retires.
  17. Al would look great on this team if we had ownership and leadership that knew or was willing to add pieces like the Cavs do. This is all on the management not Horford.
  18. Yeah you're right about the frustration, you can't imagine the time i have put in over the years on these Atlanta teams going all the way back to being a 12 year old sitting in the cold Atlanta Fulton County Stadium, and seeing the cowboys come from 14 down late in 4th quarter in playoffs to break my heart. I've been sticking with all the teams all these years and sometimes these frustrations just come out. I let myself get sucked into believing in teams over and over when i know better. Good luck to you bud.
  19. I think you write sentences about the same level Lebron does. I didn't come on here to listen to somebody praise the "King of Elbows."
  20. It is really going to be interesting to see if the Cavs can keep shooting threes anywhere near the rate they are in this series. I say they won't because they just have some extra level of confidence and belief against the Hawks. I can't wait to see the Cavs fans get to see Lebron lose to the Warriors again. The best part of this series being over is not having to see Tristan Thompson squishing that mouthpiece in and out continuously anymore. Cleveland won't ever get their championship with Lebron and he will ease off somewhere else.
  21. You are 100% right on. I am 49 years old and have wasted a shameful amount of my time on these owners of Atlanta sports teams tease and make fools of fans for too long. I am going to start putting all my free time back in to fishing and things I can control.
  22. Damn right we missed Humphries, Bud is clueless.
  23. I disagree. I still think Korver has as much heart and grit as anyone on this team.
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