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Everything posted by Trout7

  1. I am not going to complain because all Atlanta sports teams usually prove analysts right by never cowboying up on anything. I may seem negative but I am just a product of being born in the late 60's and being a fan of so many teams that never cowboy up, not just the Hawks. I have lived long enough to understand why analysts pick against Atlanta teams. Don't get me wrong, I do still hold out hope that some Atlanta teams might finally cowboy up during my lifetime though.
  2. Good luck and prayers to him. It is easy for spouses to take each other for granted sometimes.
  3. The highlight of this NBA season to me will be when Lebron gets his ass handed to him by the Warriors. At one time I had no dislike of James but it is now painfully obvious he elbows the crap out of everyone and totally gets away with it. I don't consider him quite as great as most do because a lot of players game would improve if they could use their elbows freely anytime.
  4. This is bad news for the Hawks. Everyone knows how the Hawks play when a team is missing players. Could cost us the series.
  5. Losing to the Wizards B-Team with the division on the line and now having to play Cleveland in the 2nd round because of it totally deflated my optimism for the playoffs.
  6. Bud's IQ must be fairly low playing Muscala over Humphries.
  7. Really doesn't matter who we play since we can't even compete with a wizards team tonight that would be an equivalent of a AA baseball team. LOL.
  8. Death, taxes, Atlanta sports teams choking. LOL
  9. You are being very kind with the word disappointing.
  10. This is pathetic. The division title on the line and you can't be motivated enough to compete with a team missing wall, beal and gortat. Atlanta teams are always true to never cowboying up. Embarrasing.
  11. We might pull out one game against the Cavs in the next few years.
  12. Paul has to be good at stealing, because that is the only way he can get back some of what is rightfully his after all the NBA refs steal from him.
  13. Trout7

    Credit is Due

    I think everyone should probably start giving the Hawks a lot of respect and leadway for having to put up with the prejudice on them by NBA refs. We have to outwork other teams because of it. The refs are what will ultimately be our final downfall in the playoffs. That is okay with me because i know in my heart we could compete with anyone in a fairly called game. They are retaliating against Bud because he makes them look bad by calling them out so much. It is worth it to have a coach that actually exposes how pathetic the refs really are. Bob said it best last night when he said he did not know of another star player of the magnitude of Paul Millsap in the NBA that gets a total lack of respect from the refs like he does. Paul really stuck it to their sorry asses last night. I have said my peace now.
  14. I think this has to be the best the Celtics can possibly play. It will be amazing if they can shoot like this the whole second half. I saw a post by a Boston fan today that said he feared the Hawks as much as most anyone. He also said the celtics were not a great shooting team, really? The refs are sucking bad.
  15. I cannot believe the way Boston is shooting. Unbelievable. Smart shoots 24% from 3 and has made 4.
  16. He's just pouting because he thinks he should start over Jeff Teague. Maybe 5 years from now. LOL.
  17. There is nothing more demorializing as a fan watching a game than your team getting dominated on offensive rebounds. It makes all of your effort a total waste. There are so many teams that are nowhere near as good as the Hawks, that stay in the game with us only because we can't stop offensive rebounds.
  18. Anyone with any basketball IQ has to know Humphries is a much better option in the playoffs than Muscala.
  19. I really believe we would win a lot more games against opponents like tonight if we could limit the minutes Schröder and Bazemore play.
  20. Trout7

    John Drew

    I was curious how many on here remember watching John Drew play. The first Hawks game i ever went to as a kid was in 1977, and in that game Drew hit a blind turnaround buzzer beater that beat the sixers and the Omni went nuts. Sure would be nice to have a crunch time guy like that now. John could grab a rebound and totally hide it behind his back. One of the all time Hawk greats, and possibly would have been right at the top if not for the cocaine addiction.
  21. It is very simple why the Hawks cannot close games against good teams. The Hawks, for whatever reason just can't score on important posessions and the good teams we face seem to come up big in those situations even if they are playing poorly at the time. I do not think we have a player that craves the ball in pressure situations. Our players are scared at the end of games.
  22. I would rank Lebron about number 20 on the all time great list. Dominique would even have been much better than James if the refs kissed his ass like James.
  23. I was born in 1966 and have been fans of all Atlanta sports teams. I am not complaining, it is just what happens at the end of almost virtually all games at crunch time. I think all the Hawks nerves get to them somehow in the clutch. I accept this, it is what it is.
  24. It is obvious what kills the Hawks. Jeff Teague gets us playing with fire and momentum and then Bud brings in Dennis with all his careless mistakes and takes the life out of us. People just don't or won't realize what Teague means to this team. Dennis is a long way off from leading a team like Jeff can.
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