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Everything posted by Blunt91

  1. I hope they let Grant Hill sit in on some of these interviews and ask questions as well.
  2. 1. The Atlanta Falcons winning the Superbowl. 2. Dominique becoming the new Head Coach of the Hawjs 3. Klay Thompson signing with the Hawks in 2019. 4. Tony Ressler selling the Hawks in the next 3 years.
  3. I liked Bud, but to be honest he was becoming too much of a complainer. There was a scenario where the Hawks this season had a good lead over the Magic with about 6 seconds left in the game. The Magic get the ball back and Shelvin Mack does a Layup to end the game. Bud got mad about that and was say something to Shelvin about it, meanwhile Chales Lee was talking to Shelvin & could have cared less about that bucket because it did not affect the outcome of the game.
  4. The 76ers need a serious upgrade @ the 3. Robert Covington is a Joke. He can't make 3's and his defense has gone South. To think some on here wanted this guy back in the past.
  5. Jarton Collins to interview for HC with Hawks. Guess some of you were right who said Schlenk would want to bring him in.
  6. I think it is safe to say Schlenk isn't a good negotiater. Hopefully his eye for talent in the draft is better.
  7. That or he is easily influenced by his Boss.
  8. Shlenk stated before the season began that we were not rebuilding, He stated that the team would play hard and if we won 30 games or more so be it. In the beginning Shlenk wanted a "retool" of the roster but as the season went on, and maybe input from Ressler they went in the direction of tanking.
  9. Congrats to Teague & the T-Wolves with a win over Houston. The T-Wolves fans are hype.
  10. I didn't like that Steve said that there will be 1,2, possibly 3 rookies on the team next year. I hope he knows we have 4 draft picks in all. He talked only about the lottery pick & the pick from Minny. Is it just coincidence he didn't say anything about the 30th pick? Is Shlenk looking to sell either the 30th pick or the 2nd rounder? We need to keep all 4 picks at worst stash the 2nd rounder overseas or in the G-League.
  11. I would say Blatt but he doesn't seem like the is to easiest to get along with. Anyone have interest in Stackhouse?
  12. Bud also might not mind moving back near where he grew up at.
  13. Blunt91


    T-wolves in the playoffs!!!
  14. Blunt91


    Jokic played pretty good defense on KAT last week when they met. As a matter of fact KAT fouled out with about 4 minutes left in that game. They may could have sneaked out a victory last week if he stayed out of foul trouble.
  15. Blunt91


    He played last night against Portland but didn't have much of an impact. Denver is a pretty deep team.
  16. Blunt91


    We want the pick this year since it is a Deep draft class. Thibbs need to call in Coach Carter for a Motivational Speech before the game tonight.
  17. Blunt91


    It's his fault for drafing adreian Payne when there was better tablet available.
  18. Blunt91


    Ferry wasted a pick on Adrein Payne whom we shipped to Minny for a future lottery protected 1st. which we are hoping to get back this year. Bud traded away the 15th pick in the draft & got Tim Hardaway &a secondrounder out of the deal.
  19. Blunt91


    Ugh didn't know he was injured he's one of the few that would rebound on the t-wolves Deing needs to step up.
  20. Blunt91


    KAT has to stay out of foul trouble. Keep Jokic of the glass and don't leave Murray ,& the Harris boys open. If they do that they can win. Now if Millsap had a good game tTwolves are screwd.
  21. Blunt91


    Dumb draft decisions by Danny Ferry & Budcox have cost the franchise 1st round picks.
  22. Blunt91


    I hate to sound pessimistic but I don't see Minnesota winning tomorrow even at home. I think I am going to stop following the Hawks for awhile unless they luck up ,& win the Lottery. Tired of wasting my patience and time following losers.
  23. Blunt91


    T-Wolves struggling with the Grizzlies and they ain't even got Marc Gaso.l SMDH
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