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Everything posted by REHawksFan

  1. REHawksFan


    Yeah talk about some jacked up ish. Wiz get sweet Lou and Heat get Chandler. C's get Butler. Hawks counter with a washed up former all star. No thanks. I'm half surprised they didnt have Sap going to Cleveland or some other trash on the Hawks. Maybe we can swap Sap for 2nd in 2030.
  2. More likely they had no interest in beating the Pels offer.
  3. By bad...I thought we were talking about Robin Lopez. And no, I haven't looked at the Bull's cap situation. I was more talking in general that I figured Splitter's contract was more useful paired with another player to make salaries match. But if the trade was Splitter for Brook I'd be all for it. Hell, I'd throw in a few picks too.
  4. Don't know but I'd like to find out. Give me Chandler and Williams and I'll take it and run for now. Would rather have Melo but he isn't going anywhere.
  5. Personally I wouldn't send a 1st for a backup C. I also would think Splitter's expiring contract would get more than Lopez.
  6. Or Melo. Or Jimmy B. Or Kawhi. Or Rudy (a guy I wanted til he went down). Alas.....none of them fools are walking through our door. But can I AT LEAST get a Dano or Wilson? Pretty please? I'm resorting to begging now.....
  7. I would agree if they had a go to scorer for late in games. As it is, they just don't have consistent scoring to beat the better teams in the playoffs, imo.
  8. Wait.....so you're saying they've completed the process of transitioning from a team with nothing but Wings to a team devoid of Wings? Damn. Where's Billy Knight when you need him.
  9. I honestly don't know. I'm not really a conspiracy theory guy or anything, but I just haven't been able to find a trade that improves ATL on their site. It makes me wonder if there's something amiss with their projection for the Hawks. Like maybe the system thinks they are projected for 60+ wins or something so every trade makes it worse? I don't know.
  10. No joke....I read your post, tested the theory that all teams are negative, and this is the first trade I tried......
  11. I'm not saying he's not valuable. He absolutely is. I'm saying trading him weakens the Hawks at the Wing (which is already dreadful) so not only does the return have to make up for that, but actually exceed it in order for the Hawks to net out as a positive trade. I'm just questioning the thought process of trading away your best Wing because I don't see how the Hawks can get substantially better by doing so. Now, if the goal of the trade is simply to get assets for the future, then yeah, I can see it. But if the goal is to compete this year (as unlikely as some say that is), then I don't see it.
  12. I'm not sure I see how trading THJ gets you any better unless it's part of a blockbuster that no one is expecting. If we are talking tweak trades (expected at this point), then trading THJ (who happens to be your best wing) only weakens the team unless you are trading him for a better Wing. But what team trades a better Wing to Atl for a lesser Wing on an expiring contract? I'm not overly attached to THJ and if there's something out there that legit makes them better, then fine. But I don't see it with THJ.
  13. I was trying not to go there. but the evidence seems pretty damning. I mean, I don't know about the other guys but I hear that Bron guy is pretty good. I guess we just don't fully grasp the greatness we have in Baze. LOL
  14. One more. I felt SURE this one would make the Hawks better.
  15. So I was playing around with the Trade Machine on ESPN and came up with a few Hawks trades I liked but realized they were all being said that the Hawks were made worse. Not one to be defeated, I started trying a bunch of different trades on a mission to find one that made the Hawks better according to ESPN. Well, after a good while, I was defeated. I honestly can't find one that makes the Hawks better according to their Trade Machine. My question, am I doing something wrong or is their application out of whack? I'm guessing the latter but wanted to make sure. Here's a few of the trades I tried that I just KNEW would make the Hawks better, but alas, I was foiled yet again...
  16. We need a dysfunctional franchise that Bud can fleece. What's Brooklyn up to nowadays? Philly? I'd take a look anyway. Speaking of looking, I was looking over the box from last night and the thing that jumped out to me was: Moose Bembry Prince Delaney Dunleavy Humphries Scott Patterson That's the bench. I mean, good grief. 14pts in 63 min on 4-16 shooting with 0 Ast, 0 TOs, and 9 PFs. They were a combined -34 for the game. I know it's just one game but still....roster needs an upgrade like whoa.
  17. And now Love is out 6 weeks and Toronto trades for Ibaka. The East is as wide open as its been in a several years. If the Hawks screw around and do nothing and then the freaking C's go on to win the East y'all may be seeing me on the news down at Phillips one day. Damn.
  18. Since you brought up the poker angle.....I feel like the Hawks are that weird dude at the end of the table that spends all night check-calling going broke as a joke cuz he's too damn scared to push his dwindling pile into the middle. Man up, dammit.
  19. Really hope this is just posturing to better position themselves for a trade. Going to be really disappointed if they do nothing at the deadline.
  20. Never been a melo fan either but you gotta admit the team as is ain't going anywhere in the playoffs. IF it only takes Baze, Speedy Splitter, and a pick to get him, why not try it? You aren't giving up anything most would lament losing and it COULD work. If not, trade him and move on. I don't KNOW that it will work, but I am convinced the team as is won't win anything of substance so why not try it if it's not going to hurt you long term?
  21. Agreed. And honestly, a trade like this is about the only thing that would move the needle for me. Doing nothing or making some small periphery trade just doesn't get anyone all that excited, imo. It seems pretty clear that the Hawks are in in no way built to compete now as currently constructed. Could they get hot and make a run to the ECF? Sure. But more likely over a 7 game series we'll see the sporadic Hawks that ain't going anywhere.
  22. I gave you a Like just for this comment. LOL
  23. While I get the underlying point, you lose me at Utah and the Cavs being better as a direct result of Atl trades (also claiming SA with LA is kinda bogus too). Utah is better for sure but that's not solely on Atl trading Teague to Indy. And the Cavs are 8-7 since trading for KK so it's hard for me to see that they are clearly better than they were without him. He's had a few solid games though. I'd still guess that the Cavs are better when he's on the bench than on the court, just like the Hawks were towards the end. Also, I think it's safe to say the draft pick for THJ has made the Hawks better as none of the potential options in the draft appear definitively better than THJ has become. The reality is the Hawks are a flawed team and short of making a major trade (which they haven't done yet), they aren't going to get appreciably better. They've tweaked the roster rather than making a major overhaul.
  24. I've been thinking for a few weeks now that the Cavs just didn't look like the dominant team they've been in the past. I assume they'll get it figured out by the playoffs, but my thought has been that the East was there for the taking. As for your question, there's an awful lot of "IFs" in that scenario for the Hawks as is to expect a playoff run. My preference would be to make a bold trade to position themselves for a strong playoff run. I'd love to see them add to the current core group somehow rather than trade away a big piece like Sap. The East is there for the taking, let's go get it.
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