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Everything posted by deester11

  1. I think this draft should be all about Yi and Critt/Law/Conley (One of em). I like Gasol, but if we get the same from Yi for longer term than that should be the way to go.
  2. I'm sorry. As much as I like Gasol, I'm very intrigued by what Yi could give us. I know China leagues aren't the NBA, but I think he adds many dimensions that cannot be taken for granted. Maybe Horford is the pick, I don't think I'd complain, but I'd prefer Yi. If Gasol's salary wasn't so big and the young guys needing to re-up in a year and two, he would be a no-brainer for me.
  3. The ACE in the hole is pick number 11. I think we can get a PG for the future in the draft, but I would package a player and get a young vet and alleviate the duplication of F's. I only feel this way because I want Yi (Just me I guess....I like what I've HEARD). Getting Yi maybe gives us more talent and again duplicates the F position, but with a good PG and the weapons we would have, we could make a lot of noise in the East. I agree....if we get the right PG...
  4. I'm in favor of Conley, but only after we get Yi! We need to clear a forward spot soon! #3 is a valuable pick, so BK cannot miss on this!
  5. A lot is going to be taken into consideration at #3 because everyone is blowing smoke about who likes what. People are calling Billy about trading, but I'm positive nothing has enticed him to want to trade. YET. I like Yi at 3, but I'd like him more if we get to draft day and get Law/Critt or trade #11 for any veteran PG who can actually stay on the court and make the players around him better. That would be a novel idea.
  6. Quote: Conley, or any other rookie pg, would have to overcome Woody's horrid offensive coaching to succeed. I suspect Ohio State ran a more structured balanced offense than anything Woody will draw up. I, like others here, so want a point guard to come in here and really take the reins and succeed that we are overlooking Woody. I need to keep reminding myself that Woody will dampen the ability of any rookie point guard we bring in here. Thus my worry with drafting Conley. I like him, but do we honestly think that Woody would finally get the common sense to open up the offense more. Woody has always stopped the run according to how we play defensively. If we suck on D, he won't run. (Has merit if you're not defending, are lazy and giving up easy baskets), however....BK at least got players who are built to run. Nothings going to be worse than watching everyone champion Conley and he fails due to stagnant stand around offense. And you think we get blasted about PG play now!
  7. Dr., precisely. However, IF Portland is so enamored with Conley, it's BK's turn to fleece someone. Everyone is going to think they got the better deal. That's part of doing a deal. I don't mind it except this time WE should be ones fleecing!
  8. I would want Aldridge if Jack were included. I think he is pretty frail yes. But I think he has as much potential as anyone we can get in the draft. Now that I think about it, Wright has the same kind of potential, but some people on this board would send a lynch mob after Billy right?
  9. Well at least he's aiming for the moon! No way in hell they give us Roy, but Aldridge may be what we really want.
  10. That's the problem with drafting. In HINDSIGHT, we're gonna be screwed no matter what we do. Conley is the sexy "Hawks got it right" pick. I agree we need a PG, but I'm in no way 100% sure he's going to be the next great PG. Same with any prospect. BK has to make this the offseason to remember. A trade with Portland? No way unless we get Aldridge back. A trade with Boston? Eh..... Draft Yi - Already complaints Draft Wright - Already complaints Draft anyone other than Conley - Already complaints I like Wright. I like Yi better. I like Conley. I like Crit. The options are there and each prospect has a fair amount of questions. The workouts are going to be huge! We're not media darlings or even local darlings so whomever we pick is not going to be the most popular guy.
  11. I at least agree with Ex on this. At least Yi is a legit 7 footer (not saying he's a center or not). I'm not for or against him, but he has quite a ways to go before he anchors a defense.
  12. This rumor has to have no merit. What on blaze®s would we do with him? I like the points, but no defense is exactly what we don't need. We are in the drivers seat for many reasons and there are some deals that should materialize fairly close to the draft after the workouts are concluded and Billy falls in love with another SF!
  13. Basketball ignorance is proclaiming Yi a 3 (he's a 4 by most accounts). With the stellar job that BK has done so far, some of the posters on here could have done the same thing. Impart your knowledge if you will (I read these forums all the time and after Sheldon's pick chose not to post as much), but people can project. I would think that we have to alleviate our logjam at the Forward position no matter who we target. It's a no-brainer to get a PG if we haven't traded for a vet as BK said himself.
  14. I'm not at all against Conley. At the risk of not being redundant at the Forward spot and knowing we need a definitely PG, I want him - doesn't mean I can't be intrigued by Yi. I've watched three games of Conley's at the most and that may not be enough to say he's our difference maker...he could be. I would have rather we didn'have to get him at 3. I take it Crit is not what you want at 11?
  15. Theres not a problem with knowing we need a center, my question is can you tell me which one is going to come in right away and make a difference? Don't worry, I'll wait.
  16. And in your infinite wisdom who is the best person to take? Is it Conley because everyone says we need a PG? Everyone knows that, but BK has all but said that would be a veteran. By the way, terrible analogy of a donut and a danish!
  17. Exodus, who says anything the Hawks do is going to be easy? I certainly thought last year that IF BK had played his cards right and not have the world know we were taking Sheldon, we could have played the draft different and we could have been talking about a different route. Anything is possible with BK, but I think Chill or Marv (which I would hate) could be moved. IF those occur Yi is just as viable an option as any other project player in this draft.
  18. But couldn't that statement apply to yet many of the 'big men' in the draft? I'm just saying. I know he's got to work on the defensive end. That is a given. I'm saying if we alleviate the logjam, I'd still want him. I see everyone panicking and wanting us to take Conley at 3......I haven't seen Chris Paul in his game. The options say we get a pg/C in a trade anyway.
  19. Exodus, I can't say I disagree with the logjam that we have, but if we alleviated Chill and ???, then I'd take a chance on Yi any day. The scout was talking about one game. There are views of Yi out there (I'm too lazy to look) that said that he didn't have a problem with other big bodies. It's all relative because WE haven't seen him up close and personal. However, I wouldn't not be mad at getting him and Crit.
  20. There are videos of Yi dribbling and taking outside shots. He's rather fluid with this shot and blocking it would be hell for a C having to leave the paint. He also has video on youtube where he drives to the basket rather forcibly. I would be more than happy with Yi and Crit.
  21. I can't tell how you really feel about that Yeti.
  22. deester11


    I don't know about the Aldridge analogy, but I agree on most parts. However, if we can pry Jack from Portland, draft Yi and whatever else BK is going to do, I'd be more than happy with that. Portlands not giving Aldridge up unless they know something we dont', or Oden pulls a "get Conley or else" Eli Manning draft-hostage thing!
  23. If BK did this, he should be fired on the spot with no questions asked, Bernie Mullin should give up his stake of ownership, and we should revisit the grassy knoll theory! Noah is not worthy of a top 3 pick and it's a stretch at 11. He regressed or was exposted this year. Thank goodness he stayed in school or we'd have drafted him last year knowing BK.
  24. deester11


    IMHO, the Blazers would be nuts to deal Aldridge when they will have plenty of takers for Randolph (who we don't need in Atlanta). I would love the following scenarios: 1. Yi and Crittenton - Yi can and will score. He'll have to work on rebounding, but if you've seen his videos and workouts, the thing that stands out is his shooting and off the dribble drives to the basket (AMAZING). Crit will be the real deal in a year or two.....I can deal with the roughness first. 2. Trade for Jack/Aldridge (I have doubts) - Would it take our #3/11 and Chill? If we have the opportunity we have to explore it. AGAIN, the ace in the hole is that #11 pick. 3. Wright and Crittenton? - My least favorite unless we unload Chill. Regardless of whether we think we can get Jack/Aldridge, we have to alleviate the logjam. Chill makes the most sense as Marvin still showed flashes of immense talent. Getting him to consistently use that talent is our issue.
  25. I like Yi and Crit too. Wouldn't it just be best if we alleviate the logjam at forward, obtain a C through a trade and call it an offseason.
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