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Everything posted by deester11

  1. I agree JayBird, but it was nice seeing him play a part in getting the Hawks back into the game. The small nuggets of minutes that he gets are going to be important for him in order to be viable later on.
  2. I wouldn't say that he hasn't had any ups. I'd say he's experienced being a 19 year old with playing time early in the NBA and one swipe of the NADS had him shook. He did not look bad at all last night. I'd like to see him get spurt minutes to rebuild his confidence.
  3. Well, Tonya Harding is on TruTv, I'm sure she'll be interested in referring a good "knee" doctor!
  4. Gotta admit. It's fun to watch team basketball. Although devoid of a "superstar" (albeit perhaps Teague is getting there? Horford), the Hawks could have sustainable success within two years (and not that one and done nonsense that somehow gets identified as "winning"). Who woulda thunk it?
  5. Teague's play thus far shouldn't be an indictment of Dennis. The kid is a 19 y/o that played in Germany for crying out loud. If anything, I hope that it lit a fire under Teague and this summer when the contract was an issue, perhaps Jeff found himself. That and a coach that seems to be pulling the right trigger and reaching his PG makes all the difference in the world.
  6. Not good Dolf.....but I'll fall on the sword and say that even though I've despised Ireland as a Parcells underling, I thought the Philbin hire was going to be a homerun. Tanny has moments that make you think he'll get it. But he reminds me a lot of Jake Plummer..gasp! I don't understand the underutilization of Dion Jordan, the WR enigma's and LT. Other than that, the team has a decent core. It's just embarrassing year after year to get trashed by all of the pundits.
  7. Dolf, the way the media jumped on this... Man they were killing the phins. Shocked to see so much craziness with the team. Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
  8. I am thoroughly enjoying that thought of what we could be like in the next year or two.....If Ferry can duplicate a Falcon-esque turnaround for the franchise, I think we erect a statue of him!
  9. I don't think anyone is getting ahead of themselves, but Dennis is a top 5 in the summer league and that's without a consistent jumper, etc.....I think the realistic people know he'll bump his head a few times on his ascension, but it's good to know he has an elevator.
  10. Why does this feel so much better than the "promise" we gave Sheldon Williams (did we actually)?
  11. I cooled on Dieng for some reason, probably health, and I just didn't see the Schröder pick at all. But I liked him...I didn't think Ferry had a chance at him.
  12. Think about the people who shook their heads when we traded Larkin (Don't lie. I did). But watching the summit just let you know he had something about him. Watching his SL games, you gotta give Ferry and the scouts a lot of credit. This COULD be the foundation we needed to get the Hawks some relevance. And Lucas is gaining more fans as well. I've started playing 2K again! LOL
  13. Say what you will, even from game one to two, Schröder improved in all but the shooting area. His defense was very good on the ball and he didn't freelance too much. Dare I say...we have a PG (No disrespect to Teague).
  14. Yeah, Mack is blah. Of course if it weren't for shredder perhaps he wouldn't look so.....stank.
  15. I for one am outraged....that I don't care. It's all good for real.
  16. Wait...so we're not supposed to like Ferry? Or the players suck? And we hate each other on this board? Cool. I'm in. I don't know what for, but I'm down if y'all are.
  17. Worst post ever. The fans didn't make Josh hard headed and pout and get suspended and tell him that he's Reggie freakin Miller!
  18. I drive that bandwagon! I've been a fan since the Killer Bee's....they were my first peewee football team. And other the ATL sports teams, they're my team.
  19. True Dolfan. True! Btw...loving fins offseason!
  20. The problem is that many blogs offer as much or more insight to what's happening with ATLANTA sports. This should be the end.
  21. I may be insane, but I'm finding myself rooting for this even more than when the Falcons hired solid, but unspectacular Mike Smith. If they can get basketball to be relevant in Atlanta....we'll have three major teams that command attention. When have we said that about all three at once? NEVER!
  22. I look at it as the GM finally doing the right thing and not settling for "first to get the job is the one that'll take it cheaply". SVG won't be cheap. Neither will Messina. The best coach is who we should aspire to get, FA's be da**ed. They haven't shown up in droves anyway so I'm not holding my breath on that, I just want a coach that can inspire excellence. Either of the ones mentioned can do that.
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