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Everything posted by deester11

  1. Great sarcasm.. We need more of it!
  2. Dennis deserves this run. He's growing and I'm happy. I'm a fan for sure. That's not bad no matter how many people dismiss it.
  3. Thought we didn't do a great job in the draft and Payne is....meh. Not judging him yet, but perhaps a full offseason like Muscala has had may benefit him next offseason.
  4. Yeah....Turrible call. But I like what Dennis is doing...translate it to the regular season consistently and even his detractors will have to give him some rope...
  5. I wonder if people realize this is essentially pick up games for showcasing talent. As much as Dennis can be maddening with his carelessness, should we not flame the butter fingered, missing layup azz players too? Not too high or low thus far. Other than Ham couldn't coach my 8th grade girls. Phew.
  6. Totally agree with this. I hate the turnovers but the dynamic potential of Dennis is great. Loved his game from the beginning. He will do well with continuity.
  7. Spectator? Funny...
  8. Having watched Grimes as a Falcon... We knew he was that good. Unbelievable talent from an unknown when he came into the league. I've met him and Miko.. She don't play... But he is cool as they come. I've even got pix with him. Great deal. Something good for us dolfans.. Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
  9. The funny thing is that before we really got to see DMC, I was on the "why" train. Having been able to watch him closely all year, he is exactly the kind of player that the team values probably more than fans. I like and have always liked Jeff Green enough...but not enough to merit giving up DMC. (UNLESS: Lou becomes an ex-Hawk along with him).
  10. How you grade drafts within a year or even two is a waste of time. Dennis has clearly gotten it together and Bud has said so. Bebe may or may not be much, but he has good potential. Scott...Yes...a hit. So Jenkins has been well chronicled about his one dimension (shooting..although that's been MIA possibly due to his back). I'd say Danny hasn't done bad at all. B+ if I had to grade. Definitely not an "F." And if you're really paying attention, you can see Dennis getting his confidence back. It was even mentioned on several telecasts that after ballgate he returned tentative. He's going to be fine.
  11. Love Lou, but doesn't it seem like he's fouling someone on a three point shot in every game? Trade time. Free Dennis....lol
  12. I must admit....watching this team is just a joy. No 'so-called' superstar, but a team that's willing to do what it takes to win. They execute the offense as they understand it and it makes for better team basketball. It seems that they all understand what they do best and don't try to be "the guy." That is Spurs basketball through and through. Bud deserves so much credit and IF this team has just one superstar or player of high elevation that wants to be a part of this....we will see the foundation of a championship team in a few years.
  13. I know I'm not the founding member of his fan club, but I helped build the foundation! He's going to make mistakes, but I would love more PT for him. Trade Lou?
  14. deester11


    Yeah... I thought that Dennis created some match up problems and abused Fisher... He deserved more run Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
  15. As long as Lou is around, he'll cut into productive playtime for Dennis. And as Sothron pointed out, he could have have at least four more assists had they converted some good passes he dished.
  16. While I agree with a lot of this, a team that loses not one, but four contributors who are keys to the team and play major minutes and who by coincidence kept you competitive in games all year go down.... You're bound to look useless against one of the leagues best teams. IMHO, they didn't lay down they relied on a not ready for prime time cast. Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
  17. deester11

    Espn insider

    Good thought Dolfan. That is what the article states and what most level-headed observers see. Ferry has not operated short-sightedly (yet). I think it's critical for the Hawks to get it right and Asik will not get us to where we want to be with the few assets that we have. To put a little more into this from the article (Paraphrase): Asik's salary owed will exceed his cap hit ($15 million although his cap hit is $8.4 Mil). The Rockets want to clear cap space so that they are positioned to make another free agent splash. We only do it because of the defensive presence. It may/may not be enough to get a solid third seed. But no way we win it all.
  18. deester11

    Espn insider

    Can you tell us what you really feel JTB? LMAO.
  19. Lmbo! The PS4 has me broke! I've got all the initial launch games. And yes...Dennis is nice!
  20. deester11

    Espn insider

    The article does mention a short term win. I'm not a fan of giving up Bebe. He may not reach what we want but I finally like a gamble such as Bebe. I also think we need to eye longevity with youth. We're not winning a title as constructed.
  21. deester11

    Espn insider

    They do say that. Defense would be the calling card and they propose a trade:The tradeAtlanta trades: Elton Brand, Jared Cunningham, Pero Antić, and either the rights to Lucas Nogueira OR a 2015 first round pick (lottery protected).Atlanta receives: Omer Asik, Isaiah Canaan.I don't know what won't get me in trouble, but it makes sense.
  22. I'm a Dennis fan, but Jeff's inconsistencies aren't enough to warrant garbage time for Dennis yet. I feel like he can be exactly what we need, but that time is two years off. It would surprise me if he's starting before then.
  23. I guess I'm no where near the trade Dennis scenario at all. I'm not as down on Dennis either because I do think he has plenty of growth from an NBA standpoint and physical standpoint left. The good thing is that he can gain plenty of knowledge thanks to the two PGS playing in front of him. I didn't expect rookie of the year but I did think he'd get significant minutes. No one thought Mack would be doing what he's doing...At least I didn't! Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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