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Everything posted by deester11

  1. Boy do we have split factions on this board. I'm in the "WE-never-should-have-drafted" Shelden camp. I just don't like where we got him. I don't care what he does in Summer Leagues or otherwise, we played the draft worst than everyone save Isiah Thomas and even he may have gotten a steal!
  2. Well, I'm pledging allegiance to the flag....one nation..under...OH almost forgot the topic. I'm in the "We shouldn't have picked Shelden" fan club. I'd love to be the original member. So if Diesel can make a million Marvin trade threads...TexasPete can! (I think Marvin will be the man by the way!).
  3. Marvin said himself he needed to work on his aggressiveness which is what he's doing in the Summer League. He is a good shooter and will improve that too with more work. I think his game is well rounded in all facets. I can't really say right now who I'd compare him too, but I've heard Antwawn Jamison. Don't know if I like that one.
  4. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Yeti. I do think that Summer Leagues or not, Shelden should look better than he has albeit two games or not. To the point, Marvin was 19 and one year removed from college not four. I'll give Shelden the benefit of the doubt, but he still should be showing better against his competition level. If nothing else, the rebounding should show. I don't care about what he scores, I do care about what we brought him in to do. And to most people he was the most ready to play. I don't like the pick and Roy/Foye still would have been the better choice, but I'll deal with it.
  5. Well, I wouldn't go to the exact extreme that TexasPete is, but I was in the wagon that hated Shelden - PERIOD! The pick was awful and that's just my opinion. I'm not basing anything on his play in college...He dominated blah, blah blah, he was outplayed by blah, blah, blah. What I'm trying to do is find a ray of hope in him because I do feel like he'll be a role player his career. I think he'll improve, but I don't like his stat line, Summer League or not. When you don't like a player that doesn't mean you're not a fan. I bleed the Hawks so I support Shelden, but I am objective unlike some people!
  6. Can't tell that to some of us...(He's my second favorite player behind Smoove and Johnson.) - That would make three? Oh well, It won't matter to some people until the games matter.
  7. I don't wanna beat the kid to death. It's the Summer Leagues but if his forte' per se is rebounding, enforcement, picture me unimpressed! He exhibits the same foul tendacies he had at Duke. I think he'll improve though.
  8. WOW, I don't care if it's summer league games or not, that line is good in any league. Great point about what the coaches expect of him NOW and what they wanted him to do before. We were talking about a 19 year old who showed these flashes, but wasn't consistent with it! I'm so excited and happy for him. If we get the right kind of rotation and comfort zone for him in the regular season, it's going to be fun watching him, Smoove, Johnson, Salim...WOW. I'm excited!
  9. Yep, it's only Summer League, but it's good to hear other fans know talent when they see it!
  10. Although I hate the Shelden pick and I've been downing Pepto-Bismol ever since Stern announced the obvious pick, I'm ready to support him as a Hawk. That being said, I do not focus on Summer League games all that much, but it still is a vehicle for many signs. Last year my almost favorite player - Marvin, looked lost as hell. And he did throughout the first quarter of the season. As time went on, he showed the talent and this year it's a matter of maturing just like Josh Smith did. Shelden, probably will look like crap on several occasions. It's just disconcerting that he's supposed to be ready - PERIOD. It's just the summer leagues, I know...I'm willing to bet he has better games leading up to preseason and the season. I honestly think Roy and Foye are going to be what I envisioned....but Shelden can be what BK and Hawksquawkers think he can be!
  11. The only concern that I have is that it seems that both teams have left compensation options to BK. We couldn't say what that is, but with BK being in the drivers seat, I would think that he knows the other teams won't have many great options out there other than AL. I wouldn't want some unbeknownst GM to get the idea he could give either team a better option than AL. I trust BK on this...fan anticipation sucks though!
  12. At least BK's more up in the air with this than telegraphing his draft pick!
  13. deester11


    Smart post...SL doesn't mean squat. When the bell rings Marvin will be in the lineup. Woody's going to juggle his lineup anyway for the first 25 games or so.
  14. deester11


    I agree Swole...Woody basically said that Marvin is going to be given the autonomy to do 'his thing.' I don't know if it means Shelden will/won't start, but I'm betting that Marvin is in the starting line-up at least at first.
  15. Don't worry....where there's a half chance of negative to find from this directly-from-the-coaches mouth take the shackles off Marvin article, Diesel is lurking..and he's coming.......
  16. This is why I didn't understand the stupidity of trade talk involving Marvin. Can someone tell me what game it was when he exploded for like 20 points in the quarter and all the scouts and NBA people were like...did you just see that? They were simply in awe! He has the ability and I'm glad Mike recognizes it! Makes it hard on the haters....LOL! Diesel...give us a trade proposal!
  17. The gas cans are at the ready Dr......
  18. Busboy...seriously, did you see the way Portland maneuvered to get Roy? If you don't telegraph the pick or give a guarantee your options are plentiful. Hindsight is twenty-twenty, but i would think that we would have solved PG problems and maybe something else given that there were more teams interested in the five position to get a Roy or Foye than to get Shelden Williams. Some say it wasn't BK's fault, we don't know what he was offered, but for every single mock, GM and couch GM...it was no secret we wanted Shelden. Even if you did, why not deny the rumors or position yourself to POSSIBLY reap the benefits of the world not knowing who you want?
  19. Great points. To that end, I see what BK's vision is. I love the matchup problems, but inevitably we create our own problems on the other end. For as much advantage as we would have offensively, we'd be eaten alive on the defensive end. Shelden may help (although I'm not a big fan), but again in limited minutes, we'd create nightmares for most teams with the size advantage and skill set that we have.
  20. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Chill basically take over at point/distributor at Stanford? It's not a crazy idea, but the problem would be that again, the smaller guard combos might put a strain our defense. It's not a crazy idea, but one in which I don't see happening for long periods of time.
  21. I don't hate Shelden, I hated him at 5, I wanted Foye. I'm hoping Shelden proves me wrong like I hope Marvin proves Diesel wrong!
  22. I just sprung a leak! It's not April 1 is it?
  23. Well, I would figure as lawyers and businessmen, they would be able to discern the exact spelling of the limitations. I understand they can't be in contempt, but saying we can do this according to what the judge says...is not contempt! Look it up.
  24. Good interview? He offered the same drivel that he did all week on 680 and 790. They killed him during interviews during the week. He doesn't know, nor does the Spirit know the limitations placed on them by the judge. You aim to tell me they couldn't get that before they left the courtroom. That smells of ineptitude right there! Gearon..may love the franchises..but they have been turned into the Clampetts by the EVIL GENIUS...Belkin!
  25. Marvin gets killed by a people here who won't let Chris Paul rest. It's too late. I wanted Marvin last year and I saw the same gradual improvement Smoove showed his rookie year. I'm in the corner that thinks that Marvin will prove many of the haters/doubters here wrong.
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