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Everything posted by GST

  1. Martin has averaged 50 games a season for his career.
  2. I don't know how relevant this example is, but the 95-96 Spurs went 59-23. The next season, David Robinson went out with a back injury (IIRC), and they went 20-62.
  3. I don't believe Joe is willing to take less money. This should be the biggest contract in his career, and he won't get another chance at a contract like this 3 or 4 years down the road. If anything, it would be LBJ who would take the pay cut because he could easily regain the money with bigger endorsement offers from playing in NY.
  4. There was something else interesting on that list: This is why Jamal is questionable as a starter. Salmons may not be what we need when JJ leaves.
  5. What if we are planning a trade where we need to keep those three roster spots open?
  6. I don't know what to think here. Assuming we don't resign our UFAs, we have three roster spots to fill. I am assuming that a 2nd round pick would be cheaper than any veteran. This move doesn't make sense.
  7. Sorry, I haven't thought about the draft lottery in 2 years.
  8. Looks like LBJ isn't going to the Nets.
  9. AHF, the bottom line is that acquiring JJ did NOT make us a championship caliber team. Since I am not omniscient, I can't say who we would have picked, or where we would have picked. I do know the worse your record, the greater your chances in the lottery. Is there a reason you left 4 and 5 (Russell Westbrook and Kevin Love) off your list? I thought the three worst teams were guaranteed the top three spots, but all the other lottery picks were up for grabs.
  10. AHF, I said better chance. IIRC, the Lopez pick was #15, and it was based on our record. If we would have been a little worse, that would have been a lottery pick, our lottery pick. Take a look at the 2008 draft, picks 4-14, and see if you can find anyone who could help us: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_NBA_Draft There are no guarantees, but to hit the jackpot, you have got to be in the game.
  11. For the above reason, I think Crawford may need to go if JJ goes. Give one of our young guys the opportunity to take the lead, and see if they have what it takes. If Crawford becomes our leading scorer, we are headed toward mediocrity.
  12. I stand corrected on the Rondo, but I am still right on the concept. Without JJ, we would have sucked a little longer and had a better chance at higher picks.
  13. Assuming JJ walks, this is the big danger. Who LD designates as the go to guy next season is going to be huge. Do we have or can we get anyone worthy of this roll?
  14. If we hadn't traded for JJ, the Rondo and Lopez picks likely would have been higher. JJ got us to the playoffs faster, but he also caused young talent acquisition through the draft to stall faster.
  15. The time is right for Billy Knight to come out of hiding and tell everyone what went on behind the scenes while he was GM.
  16. Here's the problem: I don't think we have the ability to match an offer like that without decimating our roster, and CP3 isn't going to win anything by himself. NJ pulls the trigger on this, then goes after LBJ. CP3, LBJ, and Lopez makes for a championship caliber team. It must be nice to have Daddy Warbucks as an owner.
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-obit-bol
  18. Woodson remained a head coach 3 years longer than he should have. How can you call an overachiever a failure?
  19. I think Fisher is a system PG. If he isn't playing in a disciplined offensive scheme, he not going to be nearly as effective. I guess it comes down to who is going to be the head coach.
  20. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=dribble+drive+motion+celtics&btnG=Google+Search
  21. I would keep Horford. Josh has tons of potential, but I think Josh has gotten too comfortable with his situation as a Hawk. I don't think he will change until the ride gets rough. For Josh's sake alone, Woodson needed to be fired after 3 years. This would have given Josh a totally different head coach for the last year of his rookie contract. Too late now.
  22. I firmly believe that BK's odd behavior during the Shelden draft was his way of telegraphing "This is not my doing".
  23. If this is the case, it really doesn't matter who we hire as head coach.
  24. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100521/ap_on_sp_bk_ne/bkn76ers_collins
  25. I was reading an article on the triangle offense: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/14/sports/basketball/14triangle.html ...and I noticed something George Karl said: "“You’ve got to spend a lot of time on it, on its reads,” Denver Nuggets Coach George Karl said. “Most coaches are too impatient to sacrifice time teaching at the defensive end of the court for an offensive system.” Kind of helps explain the actions (or lack there of) of Woodson.
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