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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Let's try this one more time......2018 new coach, 2018 draft lottery, 2018 draft and 2018 Summer League. GO HAWKS!!!
  2. That made me give a sensible chuckle.
  3. Like I said...2018 new coach, 2018 draft lottery, 2018 draft and 2018 Summer League. GO HAWKS!!!
  4. The 2017-18 Tank is over, like it or not...IT'S OVER!! Time to look forward to a new coach, draft lottery, draft and Summer League. GO HAWKS!!!
  5. He'll have no choice but to be patient.
  6. The whole 'Schlenk doesn't like Dennis' is just that made up. Now, if he says he doesn't fit timeline based on salary and 4 draft picks, or his peturbed by the off court stuff - that's a different story. I have no interest in trading Dennis just to trade him especially since his perceived value around the league is low. He's 24 and on a good deal, so unless it's an incredible offer I'd keep him and try to up his value.
  7. Hire Bud. If he can't get the ISO outta this team there is no hope for them.
  8. Toronto just rolled over and took it, smh.
  9. All these assistant coaches have varying degrees of skills, expertise etc....until they actually get a head coaching gig of their own it's all speculation as to what they'll be, what system they'll run, how they'll develop players etc. As long as it's not a re-tread coach I'm good.
  10. LOL, reading and comprehension fundametals required....ascending head coaching CANDIDATE!!!!! Simply meaning, he's outpacing the other candidates perhaps. You are so quick to be negative you missed the quote in its entirety.
  11. GMs are in 4 categories: 1. Tanking/rebuilding (like the Magic and Kings) 2. Trying desperately to make the playoffs (like Denver and Minny) 3. Trying to be better in the playoffs or just stay in the playoffs (like the Hawks the last 10 and the Bucks now ) 4. Those legitimately competing for champions Most GMs want a coach who want what they want - Bud fits in categories 2-4. I don't think most GMs care. If they are interested in seeing their players develop and want to win games they should have no issue hiring Bud.
  12. I get the inference but football isn't basketball, besides you know what the Falcons had that the Hawks don't - a stable owner in Blank, an experienced GM in Dimitroff and most importantly a franchise leader on and off the court in Matt Ryan - Hawks have NONE of those things. The way all this was handled by both sides was very 'Hawksy' and it just doesn't leave me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  13. I would be more confident in that assesment if Coach Bud was still on board. I know what he brings. You are hoping that a new coach will be as effective as Bud, and he could be but there is an unknown attached to a new coach and a young team. Schlenk has said he'll be leveraging capspace for 1st round picks meaning no viable free agents. Will he sign quality vets to supplement the team of young players? I'm excited for the offseason to see where we are headed.
  14. I don't know what Silas is or isn't, but expecting him to be a miracle worker with that team..... Clifford won 9 of his 1st 22 games Silas won 8 of the 21 games Clifford missed. Clifford came back and finished the season winning 19 of 39 games. I would say that team was exactly who they were - Not a good team.
  15. Just varying degrees of losing.
  16. Thing is, Bud can sit out the year AND still get paid ALL his money from the Hawks. Pathetic.
  17. Whats the point of being in the playoffs if we're just cannon fodda for 1st round exits. I want to at least be in the conversation for having a fighting chance to get at minimum to the ECF annually.
  18. Sometimes I think he was 'experimenting' with lineups and the offensive sets. Some lineups were real head scratchers. At the end of the season, no Baze and Denis and limited minutes for Dedmon. I think it was the Suns or Magic game he had Moose at SF so you know he wasn't trying to win that game. The game where Prince went nuts and won the game, I think Bud just couldn't help himself, when the competitive juices start going you want your young players who you hope will be on the team to get their win and put up numbers. Blame the Wiz and Selts for taking the Hawks likely.
  19. I don't see that as idiotic at all. We won 24 games trying to lose games - some more blatant than others. Dedmon missed 20 games which also overlapped with John Collins missing games also overlapping with Muscala missing games all BEFORE the Allstar game. I will surmise if all were healthy our record would have been better before the AS break. Add in the season ending 'injuries' to Bazemore and Dennis, the trade of Illy and Beli this team would have easily hit 30 wins. You asked why Babbit played over Illyasova.
  20. Illyasova missed 10 of the 14 games to start the season.
  21. I'm talking specifically about getting value for players. Hawks won 60 games, had the best undefeted month ever and not one of our players got voted in by fans to the Allstar game (yes I know popularity contest) nobody gave us a fighting chance against Cleveland even with winning 60. No one.
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