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Everything posted by sick_five

  1. His other superpower is being able to knock a standstill defensive player down and use Jedi mindtricks to get the officials call it a defensive foul.
  2. A formula is a formula. a+b+c=d. The formula (in this case we call it a plan) always remains the same with the result depending on what is plugged in. Building through the draft and exhibiting patience WAS Billy Knight's plan, so I disagree that he is reading it wrong. Plugging in better draft choices would have equaled better and probably sooner results/success. But Knight's pan has succeeded to a point where other teams may start to do what Atlanta did.
  3. Let's be glad the Hawks team is playing with we can beat anybody swagger... if not they would not be 11-2.
  4. Based on right now, how can you include Portland? Or Denver? How can you include Boston when 2 years ago a much inferior team took Boston to 7 winning every game in Phillips, and this team just beat them at home. I'll give you the unknown of Orlando and Cleveland and a healthy San Antonio. Bucks and Mavs, I doubt. Suns? I don't think so. We'd outrebound them by 2x. Remember, this is based on the way Atlanta is playing right now. The list of teams that would beat Atlanta with the Hawks having homecourt would be a lot shorter than what you have.
  5. I think Vhris Paul got hurt tonight... That would make the Hornets game a lot easier...
  6. If JJ wants to be a Little bit selfish with the ball sometimes, I'm ok with that... a little bit... but how can you possibly criticize your teammates for selfishness when you take on 3 guys and still shoot?
  7. True leadership is not being overly critical, especially publicly. True leadership is action. Putting in the work, not taking all the credit in a win, and accepting some of the blame in a loss. It's definitely not dogging out your 4-2 team (that went .500 on the road and just looked worn out) after every single loss. A true leader will correct and criticize in private and praise his teammates publicly, because at the end of the day it will make those teammates want to play harder for you. He keeps it up, by years end, they'll be kicking him out the door. You want to see a true leader... look at how Matt Ryan takes blame away from his players and puts it on himself. Then those guys go out and want to bust down walls for him. I'm gettin sick of his attitude, especially when he hasn't been consistent at all.
  8. They will never earn anything from you. You want to wait til midseason to give them any credit, but you only wait for one bad game to badmouth them and say the previous 7 games were not legit? Am I the only one missing something here? Fact is, you were waiting for a game like this so you could trash them. This thread is sheer hypocrisy at it's finest. If you don't want to call them conference contenders, I'm ok with that. But you can't deny this is the best they've played in a decade, and here you are a trashin'.
  9. You're not a coach, buddy. You "being hard" on them will make absolutely zero difference. You're "tired" of the Hawks playing this way and that way... Yet they are playing the best basketball they have played in a decade, are considered conference contenders, are playing without one of their best players, and you take a dump on them after 1 bad game at the end of a very tough road trip. Wake up dude and be a fan for once, if you really are one.
  10. You cry about folks overreacting after 6 games, yet you overreact after 1. Take a look in the mirror. This thread is ridiculous.
  11. I think he just needs some confidence...
  12. I'm expecting a loss and I suspect it will be easier to stay even keeled with a loss than with a win. If Atlanta loses to the defending champs on the road on the 2nd of a back to back, without JS, I don't think it would be reason to worry. But.......... If Atlanta wins... people are going to go NUTS.
  13. Loved reading that! Somebody understands the metrics of a young team.
  14. Way too nervous Missing layups....
  15. I think it is a perfect fit. And I'm one who likes Linkin Park. They have a lot of deep meaning within their songs, something not every band does.
  16. Chad Ford must be sick to his stomach. I love it!
  17. I really want to go, but not by myself. I'm from Warner Robins and don't travel to Atlanta alone. LOL
  18. How do you get rookie of the month for so many months and then not get ROY? I'm confused.
  19. I love Al Horford. Damn what a pick!
  20. How's everybody liking that trade now? lol
  21. Aren't the Hawks bringing him over next season?
  22. Any player that can hit the three and defend is a welcome addition to this team. If you can defend, you are not a liability and can get playing time. I'm rooting for this guy to stick. Who knows? A lot of teams like this guy, so he has some upside.
  23. Ever since the Orlando game, he has been a different man... And I think the Hawks should make sure Candace is at every game.
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