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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. I am definately up for playing if we do this again. Shug did a great job last year. Everything ran smoothly and most "teams" actually made their picks (and if not, Shug would choose for them in a timely manner). Oh, and how are we deciding on who gets what team? If it is by first dibbs............ then I got us!!!!!!!! Hey, I'm joking.....but seriously...... I do want to be the Hawks GM! Even if it is for only a couple of days. PS -- whoever guesses what quote I stole, and from where I stole it, gets a star
  2. That was definately one of the best movies I saw last year. A great movie!
  3. I would not do the Chill for JR trade either......but a Salim for JR trade would definately be something that I would consider. While I do not necessarily agree with all of the points of this plan, the overall idea is very realistic and would benefit our team. Great job!
  4. My favorite ESPN commercial has to be the one where Stuart Scott and a couple of other anchors are playing basketball with a bunch of kids. They proceed to block the kid's shots, hurt them, and talk smack. It is hilarious!!!
  5. I am not sure that I would want AI either. But with that said, I wonder if Philly would do a trade of AI + Daly for Al (SNT) + Lue + filler Of course the trade would depend on what else Philly wanted. And if the Hawks want to take on these contracts. But thinking of the possible lineup we could put on the floor makes me consider this. AI JJ JSmoove Marvin Daly
  6. No, I am not rooting against the Hawks. The point I was making is that there IS a DEFINATE difference in the talent that is available where you pick. You said that it doesn't really matter where we draft. I said it does. That has nothing to do with rooting against the Hawks. I want the Hawks to win every game. I also want them to get the top pick in the draft. There is nothing wrong with asking for both IMO. Since we are in the lottery no matter what, why not root for the team to win AND hope that we get the #1 pick. I also believe that 2>3>4>5>6>7.......and so on throughout the draft. How teams draft is a different story, but the pick itself is worth more when it is a better pick.
  7. That is fine if you Quote: dont think it really matters in this draft But I am of the opinion that every single spot matters. With the way guys are not entering the draft this year (i.e. Noah), we need to be as close to the first pick as possible. Having a better pick ALWAYS provides a team with more options.
  8. Quote: Dropping one place in the lottery standing is no big deal. I have to disagree here. In the Dwight Howard draft, the Hawks ended up winning just enough that they tied the Clippers. The Hawks then proceeded to lose a coin flip with the Clipps and ended up picking sixth in that draft rather than second. Plain and simple; we got screwed. There is absolutely no way the Clippers deserved that second pick more than we did. That one extra win ended up costing us a shot at Dwight. One extra win by a bunch of guys playing for contracts (and a coin flip) made the difference between a Hawks team with JChill instead of one anchored by either Dwight Howard or Okafor.
  9. I agree with you on all points. I wasn't making my post in reference to your retort; the entire reason for my post was just for people to ignore BHD from now on since he obviously has no leg to stand on with his arguments (and again, I want to point out that BHD's BASKETBALL knowledge is usually sound and his BASKETBALL opinions are often interesting...these posts are worth responding to). The reasoning that you gave in defense of your points (I also appreciate the comments from AHF and Chillzatl) in the "discussion" BHD had with you was impressive in my opinion. And your thoughts about the worth of individuals in this previous post were, too. I am also of the opinion that God gives us our worth. He is our Creator and made all of us unique and perfect in His eyes. Because of this belief, I have a very difficult time listening to people who claim discrimination and then in the next post discriminate against others. It doesn't matter what how you do it, it is the same thing.
  10. Thank you for the "BRAVO"! I am very excited about this next step.
  11. That is a good point, too. This thread has turned out differently than I hoped, though. The reason I was using myself as an example was to get the point across that a good education is how that particular person views it (i.e. does it get them where THEY want to go). It was getting annoying to read the same posts about racism; and the person who was claiming this was then stereotyping people who are not "Ivy League". I just think that is hypocritical. Mostly, I just want this board not to get bogged down with everyone getting riled up over issues that should be discussed elsewhere. This board should be for the Hawks. Not a place to pick a fight because someone has a chip on their shoulder. And it is especially annoying when the same person does it multiple times over the course of a couple of years (and possibly as many bannings).
  12. I don't think that you are doubting my ability to get an education. And I also understand what you are saying about which school you go to being important in our society. I guess my main point is that just because our society AS A WHOLE thinks that, that sentiment is not true for everyone. There are a lot of people that are happy where they are. Not everyone wants power or position or whatever. That does not define everyone (and please understand that I am not saying you should not want your son to go to Johns Hopkins or wherever else). I just don't think what school we go to should define a person (much like skin color should not define a person).
  13. I guess it is a good thing that being around the "right people" and going to the "right places" is not a concern of mine then. Dealing with that attitude is something that something I have a really hard time with. IMO, people should be judged on how they treat other people (i.e. their character). But I am still young, so being around this will probably get worse as I move to a bigger city and deal with the "important" people of the world. Oh well.
  14. Hey, its not a problem. I just got fed up with reading all of that again. I was hoping that stuff would be done last time BHD got banned. Maybe it will be soon.
  15. I feel the need to finally speak up on all of these posts since the return of BHD. First, I go to a very small private undergraduate school and am about to get my BS in Biology. I will then be leaving for Med school in the fall at Mercer University. I am aware that these two schools are not "top" schools, but I feel like I have definately received a great education thus far and will continue to do so. Just because someone gets high test scores or goes to the "best" schools does not make anyone better than someone else. Some of the smartest people I know didn't even go to college (and most of the others just got their BS or associates degree). Second, having common sense is also important. Very important. And so is treating other people with respect and being kind and reasonable. Since BHD came back to this site, there has been way too much "discussion" going on here that does not need to happen. BHD, I want you to know that I have absolutely no problem with you when you come here to post about basketball. You seem to be knowledgable about the sport. But all of this other stuff needs to stop. I remember when you last got banned. You were posting the same nonsense that you started this time around (and for one of your first posts no less). If you feel the need to continue posting from a seemingly "racial soapbox", please do not continue to do it on this site. I, for one, come here to read posts about the Hawks (or just post about leisure topics like movies) and I am sure most others do as well. Finally, I am asking that everyone here please not get caught up in the controvery that BHD likes to create with many of his posts. This has happened multiple times in the 3-4 years that I have posted here. I almost left the board once because of the bickering and lack of legitimate posts that persisted for a time. This board provides a lot of enjoyment for many Hawks fans. It does not need to be ruined because of issues that should be discussed elsewhere. I am sorry that this was long. And I know my voice probably does not mean much to most here because I post little; but the amount of time I spend reading this board (especially the length of time) probably is up there with at least half of the current posters. I just want to see this board continue to get better and not regress. The good people that run this site put a lot of hard work into it I am sure. Screwing that up for absolutely no good reason just does not make sense in my eyes.
  16. I feel the need to finally speak up on all of these posts since the return of BHD. First, I go to a very small private undergraduate school and am about to get my BS in Biology. I will then be leaving for Med school in the fall at Mercer University. I am aware that these two schools are not "top" schools, but I feel like I have definately received a great education thus far and will continue to do so. Just because someone gets high test scores or goes to the "best" schools does not make anyone better than someone else. Some of the smartest people I know didn't even go to college (and most of the others just got their BS or associates degree). Second, having common sense is also important. Very important. And so is treating other people with respect and being kind and reasonable. Since BHD came back to this site, there has been way too much "discussion" going on here that does not need to happen. BHD, I want you to know that I have absolutely no problem with you when you come here to post about basketball. You seem to be knowledgable about the sport. But all of this other stuff needs to stop. I remember when you last got banned. You were posting the same nonsense that you started this time around (and for one of your first posts no less). If you feel the need to continue posting from a seemingly "racial soapbox", please do not continue to do it on this site. I, for one, come here to read posts about the Hawks (or just post about leisure topics like movies) and I am sure most others do as well. Finally, I am asking that everyone here please not get caught up in the controvery that BHD likes to create with many of his posts. This has happened multiple times in the 3-4 years that I have posted here. I almost left the board once because of the bickering and lack of legitimate posts that persisted for a time. This board provides a lot of enjoyment for many Hawks fans. It does not need to be ruined because of issues that should be discussed elsewhere. I am sorry that this was long. And I know my voice probably does not mean much to most here because I post little; but the amount of time I spend reading this board (especially the length of time) probably is up there with at least half of the current posters. I just want to see this board continue to get better and not regress. The good people that run this site put a lot of hard work into it I am sure. Screwing that up for absolutely no good reason just does not make sense in my eyes.
  17. Jdawgflow


    "IDIOTS" Get off Napoleon, just make yourself a dang quesadilla! Sorry, I just couldn't resist! I made a funny. HAHAHA
  18. The zone the Hawks used a lot tonight worked great! I didn't get a chance to watch the game until this morning; it sure was a great way to start the day. They played like a TEAM. Everyone was having fun and helping each other out on defense. This makes me excited about next year. Go Hawks!!!
  19. I was very annoyed at first, too. But then the game got out of hand and the Hawks continued to suck it up on the court. Listening to him and hearing everyone jaw with him gave me at least a little enjoyment after the third quarter was over. I told my stepdad that he was probably some guy who goes to all of the Hawks games just to get a rise out of the fans by always pulling for the other team. He might even be a season ticket holder. People can do some crazy things when their team loses for so long. He seemed to be a nice guy overall, though. But he did kind of remind me of Hotlanta j/k
  20. My stepdad and I were sitting two rows behind him to his left at the end of the row. I was wearing my red Hawks T-shirt. Were you sitting very close to me then?
  21. Was the guy whooping it up wearing a Jordan North Carolina jersey? And very rotund?
  22. The thought provoking aspect of this movie is what I think sets it apart from most others. Many new movies have excellent special effects and the like, but this script is one of few that REALLY make you think about major issues IMO.
  23. Yeah, I think that the acting was wonderful in this movie. The characters were all very unique. And it was interesting how many of these characters were portrayed (i.e. seemingly inherently evil). The mask on V was something else that made the movie much different than most. I have not watched many movies where the main character has only one facial "expression". Whoever did the voice acting for V was great (my girlfriend especially loved it because of his word choice and style....particularly the alliteration when he first meets Eve).
  24. I couldn't get any info because the game was not on TV and I did not have the chance to find a radio that picks up the game where I am at.
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