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Everything posted by Dnice

  1. Gonna be a long off season... that's a long time between games just to get whooped.
  2. i'm not getting Philly putting a congrats to the Braves on the scoreboard. I wouldn't like that the other way around, road teams celebrate to advance, I wouldn't want the Falcons having that if their divisions clinching the south.
  3. I'm not the get the pitchforks and torches on commentators, but I see Tirico called the win an *. We'd have asterisk 7 or 8 times a week.
  4. Even though we know most of his stuff, but I thought it was cool for him to go on Vlad where they talk to a big range of folks.
  5. An honorable mention to the White Shadow, I didn't see much when it was on, but months ago, I had to go down the binging rabbit hole on youtube.
  6. oh boy... she's due at the Benz soon, too
  7. Yeah, i remember a poster with a custom Josh avatar, depicting him with a small brain.
  8. There's usually hip hop talk here and there, but a lot of polls and lists, due to hip hop at 50.
  9. Heard this promo on the radio, and was looking for a visual announcement.
  10. So is it time to move on from Mild P?
  11. He's been putting in work, congratulations.. i believe his son was born in the summer as well.
  12. Trying not to cheat and go to basketball reference for UGA.. lol
  13. Good finish in the 4th.
  14. I wonder what the Turner stan on Twitter thought of her dude.
  15. Y'all are getting me sucked in now, good grief.
  16. For a season, maybe... he should get a tenure of several years first.
  17. Sturt wasn't Karse on Twitter, was he? Lol Sounds like they had something in common.
  18. Just don't wind up like the Smith's with the Falcons.
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