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Everything posted by uga2006

  1. For once I agree with you. Too many meltdowns on this board over nothing. It's a long season and the last pre-season game isn't the most motivating thing in the world. Most players are just ready to get it over and get the season started.
  2. Let me guess you left Marvin out by mistake? :rolleyes:
  3. Your infatuation with Marvin Williams is not only pathetic but it's officially on the creepy side.
  4. Are you serious? While Josh is a great blocker due to his athletic abilty he is only a factor when it comes to weakside help. His perimeter defense is still a work in progress. Joe's defense or lack there of is widely overrated. He gets drove on constantly. Marvin is by far our best perimeter defender. Rarely does his guy drive past him and if he does it's only becuase he knows he has help. Ypur hatred of Marvin is so bad that it's making you blind Diesel. Marvin doesn't have any real weakness to his game something many players can not say.
  5. It's so funny how we got guys like Juan Dixon, Mike Wilks, Jason Collins and etc. fighting to make the team when a few years ago all of these guys would have easily made the team and probably got alot of PT. Man have things changed alot in the past 5 years.
  6. If they don't get Lebron,Wade or Bosh I could deffinately see them signing JJ. I think JJ is thinking the same thing I am. Some team will try to throw big money to the big three and if they don't sign I could see some team (especially the Knicks) giving JJ close to max money. We as Hawks fans know JJ is a great player just not a superstar that he sees himself at.
  7. Bruce Bowen 5 years ago yes but have you watched Bowen lately? He's not half the defensive player he used to be.
  8. Picking up Joe Smith and adding Petro as depth would be huge. Suprised Joe Smith didn't wind back up in Clevland.
  9. Glad to see it's over and he's finally signed. Now we need to focus on bigman to fill in for depth.
  10. This sums it up. We know how much you dislike Marvin. 90% of your posts (maybe more) are about Marvin. It's pretty sad.
  11. From what I've seen, I think were going to like what we see from Jeff Teague. Korolev really impressed me. The guy has a real quick release and seems to be a solid player. Siler is alot bigger than Randolph and seems to have a better post game but he doesn't seem to be that great of a defender though it is just very small sample so I can't really judge that nor his rebounding but the guy is huge and seems to have alot more intensity than Randolph.
  12. uga2006

    Matt Barnes

    I like Barnes better than Mo but I don't see enough room to add him.
  13. Sorry buddy but your wrong. Most movies increase revenues on a saturday not Fridays. They made half the money they did the second day of it's release. When I went to see it after it's 4th day of release there was only 1 other person in the theatre. On the flip side "The Hangover" seems to always be full or half full even on it's second week of release. Sorry I'm not a fan of homosexual porn. I guess I'm in the minority on this board.
  14. I agree Wallace has done nothing since he left the Pistons and could barely get off the bench with Clevland and if you saw him play you would know why. I'd much rather have a Brian Skinner type then have a 6'7 guy who relied on quickness and athletiscm that is no longer there.
  15. Not to the extent that he went to. I didn't know that he was gonna have homo porn throught the movie. I just know I'll never watch anything that has that Sasha dude in it. He's actually quite lame Borat wasn't that good and this one has no words to explain it. Obviously most felt the way I do because on it's second day of screening(this past saturday) they made half as much as they did on Friday(It's first day of release) which should've been a sign to me that this movie was trash. I should've just went and seen Transformers 2.
  16. They just got rid of one cancer in Zach Randolph why get another headcase? I don't see many teams having intrest in A.I. the guy just kills teams and players around him.
  17. The best guy available IMO is Wilcox. He would fit this team really well.
  18. No plot just a bunch of homo activities.
  19. The hangover is a real movie and one of the funniest I've seen in quite sometime. I enjoy crude humor as much as the next 21 year old but there was nothing funny about this movie. It was pure trash,IMO and to be honest with you half this board could come up with a funnier movie than that trash.
  20. On Tuesday and Wednesday Spotlight Movie theatre(Greensboro,GA) has $5 movie's all day long so I've seen "The hangover" twice and only spent $10. It's a damn good deal.
  21. The Magic have really deep team now. Don't forget Ryan Anderson who was a "throw in" on the VC trade. Everything that I've heard about him is very positive and he's killing it in the SL. I really find it hard to find a better team than the Magic in the EC ...on paper anyway.
  22. uga2006

    TV Shows

    True Blood The Office My name is Earl South Park Family Guy
  23. I can't believe I wasted $5 to see this crap. I thought since Borat was some what funny that this might be also. This movie is quite possibly the worst movie I have seen that I can think of. If you have thought about seeing this movie trust me DO NOT! I don't see how anyone thought this was remotely funny. It made me sick watching the type of stuff that was in the movie. This is the type of movie that is a career killer and I wouldn't be suprised if this is the last of Sasha Barron Cohn(SP?).
  24. I agree. All we need is a guy who can come in and get 15+ min. a game and be effective. I think he could do well for us.
  25. I don't like the trade but it seemed as though he pushed to go to the Rockets for whatever reason and I don't think it all has to do with minutes. He looks like a bonafide scorer and I think he could be a decent player. We still need a decent backup PF so hopefully we sign Diougu.
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