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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. That's on you buddy. I made my feelings on Bamba quite clear (I believe I slated him 8th on the board).
  2. I think the only real prospect I've been wrong about in the last 6 years is Luka (who I still don't like)
  3. You really wanna go down this road with me again after your JJ analysis?
  4. Comparing Clint to Edey. Edey is 6 inches taller with a 5.5 inch longer wingspan. That is almost a full extra foot of length for teams to have to shoot over, drive around, out jump. Edey is strong. He's deceptively strong/wirey. Clint has to work much harder to maintain good position in the post. Unlike most young bigs, Edey's strength is in his legs. This is something most players must work on after getting into the league. Part of why Edey looks plodding at times is because he's working off of such a strong lower body. He can muscle his way in with his lower body, not just try to out jump people. He's also adept at early box outs. He's committed to boxing his man out early, instead of just relying on his size. This is why you'll see a lot of late reaction snags on rebounds from him. He's giving up the ball for the body. It looks awkward but its the right way to play the post. Establish position before you ball hunt. You really need to do a reset and watch film on him again for the things I'm discussing. Purdue might not have even made the tourney without him.
  5. 90% of the time, you and I are lock step together in our evaluations. Back in the Trae draft, we had similar opinions, with me preferring Trae, you preferring JJJ but respectful blurred lines in our evaluations. I'm going to do now what I did back then and make my case for Edey. Few players force the defense to make bad choices. Trae Young is that kind of player. The only way to beat Trae is to sell out to double the ball high and play 3v4 against the rest of the team. Trae is so unique, he commands this type of sell out. Edey demands a sellout on offense. There are maybe 8 players in the entire NBA who can guard him 1v1 within 10 feet. There are again, maybe 5 players in the NBA who can challenge him in the rebounding game. The entire defense must adjust when he is on the floor and a double team of Trae Young early, will mean an easy scoring opportunity for Edey against all but a handful of players. Offensively, they are about as dangerous a pairing as you can find. Although Edey on the defensive end is going to be a problem at the perimeter, much like Gobert, he also has that same effect. Any team that relies on inside play (see Philly) to spark their outside play, will be severely gimped. Regardless of movement or recovery time, a near 8 foot wingspan on a 7'4" frame is very hard to shoot around. Like JJJ, he'll struggle to stay out of foul trouble year 1-2 but once he catches up to the speed of guard play, the lane will be shut down. Edey will change what other teams due offensively so much (based on size alone), it will free up our wings to actually play man up defense on the perimeter without having to chase every drive in the lane. Its unpopular, but I'll say it. Clint is not the answer. He's not even close to the answer. A "C" who lacks size like Clint has to be able to shoot from outside. Clint gets rebounds by working but he gives up 5 rebounds a game that size alone would offer him (see Bruno easy boards). Edey solves our problem with other team 2nd chances while being just as good as Clint in the rebounding department. Edey is an eventual upgrade over Clint while allowing us to move on from his and/or OO's salary and keep our guard play where it is. Edey's value isn't just in his stats but in how he forces opponents to play outside their normal game plan. With guards like Trae/DJM, teams will have to choose who to guard and who to Hunt. Edey allows the Hawks to dictate matchups, not react to them. He is the only choice, regardless of if he ends up the best player in the class.
  6. Sorry buddy, but if you have Edey available at 10 or 18, you take him. He's going to struggle to defend in space and will need a year+ to adapt to the pro game but he's a problem inside 12 feet that few people are. Right now, we don't have a center with Edey's potential and its our biggest weakness. You take Edey at 10 and hope he reaches his potential.
  7. I bow to your greatness! May all of your basketball fantasies come true.
  8. Trey Murphey III is a good looking player.
  9. Why do we keep throwing bounce passes at peoples' feet?.... especially at Clint?
  10. So probably mentioned but let me say it if it hasn't. The number 1 knock on Edey is he struggles to guard at the perimeter. In today's NBA of switching between bigs and guards at the 3 point line, this could make him a liability. If/when he comes in for a workout, I'd run switching drills till his ankles look like cantaloupes to see how he handles it.
  11. Reviving this thread. Since I needed a good chuckle this morning. I assumed all of you did too.
  12. Speaking of Nique, he hadn't traveled on a few road trips this year. Anyone know the details why?
  13. Best to preempt me keeping receipts!!!
  14. Kobe's been working on those biceps.
  15. Quickly setting the record for the quickest derailed topic in the history of the squawk. I should have known better. My apologies.
  16. Has anyone else noticed a much more lenient whistle the last 2 games? Has anyone else noticed a lot less complaining to the refs, a lot less looking for whistles? Has anyone else noticed the opposing teams whining more, looking for a whistle? Now some of this could be attributed to who is winning, who is losing but I've seen a much more fair whistle being called and I'm wondering how much of it is....."The Refs do not like Trae". Thoughts?
  17. Dude, Luka played like he was 350 and 2 sheets to the wind. He was moving so slow my wife asked what was up with him.
  18. God bless him. Trae nutmeg on KD. He is so not self aware.
  19. Current order is 18, full 2 games ahead of the 14 slot. Also remember additional draft capital may come our way pre-draft through trades.
  20. " https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10108174-2024-nba-mock-draft-full-2-round-predictions-post-trade-deadline Previous mock draft spot: No. 42 School/team: Purdue Nationality: Canadian Position: C Age: 21, Senior Size: 7'4", 300 lbs The scouting on Zach Edey feels mostly complete. Teams have to ask how valuable a 7'4" finisher and post scorer is in today's world for their respective lineups. Some may see a starter with physical tools, footwork and touch that are too advantageous to deem outdated. Others may question if there is any upside to a center who can't play the 4, handle, shoot or switch out defensively. Edey's draft range remains wide and dependent on specific teams looking to fill a need." IMHO, #35 overall is way too low for Edey but he's currently projecting low 1st, early 2nd due to an inability to play on the perimeter on defense, inability to switch. I get it but any coach worth his salt can game plan for that. If you can honestly get him with the Sac pick in the low 20's I think its a steal.
  21. Flagg is going to be very, very good....but you are right....he is not going to be great year 1 out of Duke. He's going to need to put some meat on his bones and he's got a few minor things to work on. He can't main handle the ball more than 10% of the time. He has unicornish skills and I'd love to have him but I wouldn't expect him to come in like Trae or Luka and lead day 1.
  22. See my thread on what I want to start seeing from JJ. Been noticing this for a while. It's just manifesting tonight.
  23. Hunter shooting looks so much more comfortable than Bey.
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