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W.W. Conspiracy


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Is Wayne Williams Guilty ? (of serial murder in Atlanta)

(from an AP story) "The evidence of Williams' commission of the two charged murders was sketchy. Fibers found on the victims' bodies were similar to fibers found on rugs and fabrics in the home and car of Williams' parents. The new police chief of Dekalb County thinks Williams is innocent.

"After Wayne Williams was arrested, there was this decision by some people to close the cases, and I have never been one to espouse that kind of investigation or paint that kind of broad brush," [Police Chief Louis] Graham told The Associated Press. "I have never believed that he did anything."


I was watching TV the other night and the Wayne Williams story came on one of the cable channels. I was amazed. Not living in Atlanta at the time all I knew was what got into the mainstream media. I thought it was a cut-and-dried conviction. After studying the details of the case (from what I can get from net searches), it appears that Williams was convicted on very weak evidence. Of course they matched some fibers - but since that time many of the crime labs have come under scrutiny for incompetance or outright faking evidence.

I was just curious what others thought about this case and whether others doubt the man's guilt?

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i was just reading about this last week. it is weak. he had solid alibis during many of the killings. also, the car was in the repair shop (with receipts to prove it) at the same time that the killings occured that had supposedly had the same fiber as the trunk of the car. it was a total set up. there have been other reports of various members of the klan taking part in the killings. they apparently started with kids, then began moving on to women, all in an attempt to slow their reproduction rates. absolutely disgusting. it is yet another example of the atl police deptartment botching a major murder investigation (like ray lewis & co. episode, and the dekalb sheriffs case - can't remember their names)

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I also read that the man WW was accused of killing and throwing from the bridge that particular night had actually been seen alive the following day by three witnesses. The prosecution suppressed that evidence and didn't share it with WW's (incompetant) defense team.

I just can't imagine a little guy like WW being able to kill all those people. Children? Possibly...but many of the victims were physically mature young men...and most died of strangulation. WW doesn't look like the type of person who could physically control those victims, surely some would have escaped and either turned him in or turned the tables and killed him for revenge (my guess).

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okay, i'm home now and can repeat what a book i was reading says (encyclopidia of serial murders--my wife checked it out from the library!)

"Specifically, Wayne Williams had no access to the vehicles in question at the times when three of the six "fiber (evidence)" victims were killed. Wayne's father took the Ford in for repairs at 9:00am on July 30, 1980, nearly five hours before Earl Terrell vanished that afternoon. Terrell was long dead before Williams got the car back on August 7, and it was returned to the shop next morning (August 8), still refusing to start. A new estimate on repair costs was so expensive that Wayne's father refused to pay, and the family never again had access to the car. Meanwhile, Clifford Jones was kidnapped on August 20 and Charles Stephens on October 9, 1980. The defendant's family did not purchase the 1970 Chevrolet in question until October 21, 12 days after Stephen's death.....

In November 1985 (almost four years after ww's conviction), a new team of lawyers uncovered once-classified documents from an investigation of the Ku Klux Klan, conducted during 1980 and '81 by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. A spy inside the Klan told GBI agents that Klansmen were "killing the children" in Atlanta, hoping to provoke a race war.....In early 1981, the same informant told GBI agents that "after twenty black-child killings, they, the Klan, were going to start killing black women.""

police records note the unsolved murders of numerous black women in Atlanta in 1980-82, with most of the victoms strangled.

that is all just a small portion of pro ww innocence/pro klan-gbi conspiracy. he's been repeatedly denied a retrial based on suppressed evidence, as recently as i know of in 2000. i know atl, ga, the south as a whole has a horrible history of racism, capitol crimes being covered up, particularly for kkk members and such, but it's nuts just how recent so much of it has gone on. i told my family and friends with pride while i was living there how the mayor was an african american woman (franklin) and the 2nd in command (city council president) was the nations highest raking elected official who was openly gay. that's a huge deal, and says a lot of the level of acceptance the citizens hold. i'm sure a lot of the "good ole boy" network behind the scenes conspiracies continue on to this day, though.

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