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Salim for 3's Full on Team Review Pre-Draft


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I screwed up the thread with a lot of ??????? and made it tough to read. Here it is. Good stuff.

My Full-On Team Review Pre-draft

#217958 - 05/24/07 09:20 AM Edit Reply Quote

I wanted to break the team down, player by player, assessing the overall value of what we currently have, could have, and will have post-draft, so here goes:

The Good:

-- Joe Johnson, when healthy, played like a man on fire with something to prove. I like seeing that out JJ. I know he isn't vocal and is sometimes seen as overtly passive but pencil him in for 25pts a night and prolly 40+ minutes

-- Josh Smith finally started to realize his potential. When JJ went down I was certain that if the team was to win another game that J-Smoove was going to have to step up/grow up in a big way. With the exception of the flare-up with Woodson at the end of the year I believe Josh really grew up last season.

The "Eh"

-- Marvin Williams showed some flashes of the "Potential" that got him drafted with the #2 pick; all the while the guys who went #3 & #4 have playoff leading/all-star type of seasons. Marvin either steps up big or gets shipped outta town with the bright red BUST logo on his forehead.

-- Zaza played about as well as we can expect him to do; which has me applauding his effort and resiliency, but also questioning if we've seen all we can out of him. Yes he is a bargain at $4mil a season, but he isn't our Center of the future, or a Center to be built around.

-- Josh Childress and this team are more that likely going to part ways, but with that being said J-Chill was playing very well for us before the foot injury. I never liked this pick years ago and I fell like J-Chill has been kind of floating in Purgatory; just waiting for the end of the rookie contract so he can head out west. If I am Billy Knight, which I am certainly happy NOT to be, I am on the phone with Golden State looking to move J-Chill and filler for Monta Ellis (your PG of the future, book it!)

-- Shelden Williams play after he took off the stupid looking shoulder sleeve wasn't all that bad. He wasn't worthy of the #5 overall pick, ALA ROOKIE OF THE YEAR BRANDON ROY (BILLY KNIGHT YOU F*@#$ING MORON!!!!), but he's a Hawk now and Woodson HAS TO FIND A WAY to get him into the rotation. Is he a 5 in the NBA? Hell No, but how many teams have true and legit dominant centers? Shelden needs to prove that he can stay healthy and put up double/doubles on a consistent basis. If he could be a consistent 14/8 type of player I would be ecstatic, but I also feel that to be at least another season or two away.

-- Solomon Jones, when he got to play, showed some decent potential but MAN is he skinny... I hope he has been in the workout facilities during the offseason because otherwise he's gonna be abused by most of the NBA big-bodies. Jones is a project with low risk-reward potential. I don't see him as our #5 of the future.

-- Tyronn Lue continued to do what he does, which is be an adequate yet easily rattled/injury prone little player. I wouldn't besurprised to se him packaged in a deal.


-- Speedy Claxton is an absolute DUD and the $6 million a year we brought him in for is just plain stupid. Then bernie mullin opens his uneducated mouth and says "Oh well we only expected him to play 55 or so games", and I'm forced to ask myself "How do Mentally Incompetent People get handed six-figure jobs doing something of which they have absolutely no clue how to do?" The ASG signed off on this garbage deal and Billy Knight proclaimed it as the solution to our PG problem; to which i exclaim "NO, CHRIS PAUL WAS THE ANSWER TO OUR POINT GUARD PROBLEM YOU F*$%ING MORON!!!"

-- Royal Ivey started 40 games this team. Think about it. Royal Ivey is an NBDL-Talent at best and was our starting PG for the first 1/2 of the season.

-- Salim Stoudamire continues to sit on the bench. I don't fault Salim as I believe him to be a spark-plug of a player, only with no real position. He isn't a PG and we have our SG in Joe Johnson. This is another situation where I believe Woodson has no clue how to develop young talent. True Stoudamire is a hothead and tweener, but there is no denying his value as a shooter and his abilities as a scorer.

-- Lorenzen Wright... What about the first time he was here made us want to bring him back for round #2? He is a waste of money and a waste of roster space. He doesn't play like a center and never has; i would dub him "Sir Softy"

-- Slava Medvedenko... Did we sign him for a reason?

-- Mike Woodson's coaching inability has shown up in so many games as we've all ripped his substitution patterns, use of Time outs, player rotation, team scouting, etc... WE need a real coach, not a bad player from bad teams that supposedly learned under Larry Brown. My question is "what exactly did he learn?" By watching this team i see Woodson as the Anti-Larry Brown. We are a team built to run and Woodson refuses to let them do so... I really can't stand him and see him as a detriment to this franchise.

-- The Ownership situation MUST be resolved. If David Stern has to step in and throw all of these freakin' bums to the curb then so be it. This nearly 5 year ownership ordeal has broken this once proud franchise and has made us the equivalent of a Free Agency Gobi Desert. I don't trust Belkin to be financially supportive and I dont trust the ASG to be competent in any way. This is a glaring BLACK EYE on the franchise day in and day out.

-- Billy Knight, as previously mentioned, is an arrogant, rude, blind eye turning, self promoting, incompetent F*#%ING MORON!!!

The Future

-- At #3 you HAVE to get a star... No more projects, not a need position, we need a superstar with marketing ability. My vote goes for YI!!!

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Why another SF when you don't even know Yi?

You have a better idea for a big man?

Are we going to land Tim Duncan?

We probably can't even land LaMarcus Aldridge because of how young he is and the positive signs he showed last year.

It's not as easy as you think to find someone.

It will probably have to be somebody not that young because people won't trade young talented big men.

Or it will be a defected big man like one that's a head case or can't play D. Like Randolph.

So just keep the pick and take the best big man in the draft.

As much as people are pitching about how we need a PG, we need someone who can play the 5 just as much.

Yi or Noah over Pachulia is the type of upgrade we need on this team.

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