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Espn-John Hollinger-NBA Chat


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Chat with John Hollinger

Welcome to The Show! On Monday, NBA columnist John Hollinger will stop by to give you a preview of this week's NBA draft.

Send your questions now and join John in The Show Monday at 2 p.m. ET.

Hollinger archives: Columns | Chats

John Hollinger: (2:03 PM ET ) Greetings all. Three days away from the draft and free agency is just around the corner. Let's get rolling ...


Bill (NJ): Chauncey is officially a free-agent now? Where will he land? Phoenix?

John Hollinger: (2:04 PM ET ) Yes, the Suns really need help at the point .... No, the smart money is on Billups re-upping with Detroit. Unless he feels like spending the last couple years of his prime with the Bobcats, which I kind of doubt. I suppose Orlando could get involved too, but only if they renounced Darko, which is risky.


Andy (Denver): What offseason moves do you expect the Nuggets to make this year?

John Hollinger: (2:06 PM ET ) I think they'll be busy. If I'm correct that they're going to go ahead, pay the tax, and let the chips fall where they may, that means the biggest move is in the backcourt -- Blake is a free agent and they could use another shooter even if Blake stays, which is doubtful given that a) Blake loves Portland, and b) Portland is about to draft a guy who will make any point guard's life immensely easier. Nuggies also have a trade exception worth close to $3 mil and a few other goodies they can put toward a trade.


Ryan (Lehi, UT): Why is it risky to say goodbye to darko? They gave him a perfect opportunity to get away from the Detroit situation adn show his skills. But even when he was in a contract year, he sat on his thumbs. If $30 million doesn't motivate him, nothing will.

John Hollinger: (2:08 PM ET ) I don't know if you looked at Orlando's roster lately, but they're not exactly awash in big men at the moment and they don't have a first-rounder to replenish their stocks. So that alone makes letting Darko walk a risk. But you're right, paying him is a risk too -- does he strike you as the type who will go full bore every night once he's got $50 million in the bank? Me neither.


Jay(Toronto): do u think raptors will be making any big offseason moves? mo pete stays or goes?

John Hollinger: (2:09 PM ET ) Nothing major, no, Colangelo might raid Europe for another player or two and there will be some low-level moves, but this team is likely to be mostly intact next year. Only exception is if a quality 5 man becomes available, then he's jumping in with both feet. As for Mo Pete, I'd bet against his returning.


Oz, DC: Any idea on what direction the Wizards will go at #16? I'm hoping for a two guard to relieve some of the pressure off of Arenas. Any chance one of the Young's is there?

John Hollinger: (2:10 PM ET ) I think that'd be a great pickup for Washington at that spot, either one of the Youngs or Stuckey.... though they could also use another body in the frontcourt and a backup point guard, so it's not like they should get too hung up on that one position.


zack (san antoniton, tx): what offseason moves do you think the spurs need to make to repeat as nba champions next year?

John Hollinger: (2:12 PM ET ) You've got it backwards -- the correct question is "what offseason moves does (Team X) need to make in order to beat the Spurs?" San Antonio should be mostly intact next year, though Finley and Oberto have opt-outs. My one concern for the Spurs is age on the wings -- it would help if they could get a Bowen successor in his 20s.


Ian, NYC: What is the best the Pacers can realistically expect to get for O'Neal, and from whom?

John Hollinger: (2:14 PM ET ) Interesting question. Seems like most of the deals being discussed are 75-cents-on-the-dollar type swaps, and Indiana is correct to turn them down. You know what deal I'd love to see? O'Neal for Vince Carter. Will never happen, but would address both team's biggest shortcomings in an instant.


Super Mike (Chicago, IL): If your John Paxson, do you pay full price for one of these supposedly "available" superstars. Or do you stand pat, draft no. 9, and wait for a better spot to make a move? I mean, it's not like the future isn't bright for the Bulls.

John Hollinger: (2:15 PM ET ) I'm worried Paxson is going to keep waiting and waiting and the moment is going to pass him by. Chicago is one player away, and players like Garnett don't come available every day.


Jeremy (Memphis): What moves do you see the Grizzlies making? Do you think they will trade Gasol and get some draft picks?

John Hollinger: (2:16 PM ET ) I'm hoping they don't trade Gasol, because he's young enough that he can still be their go-to guy once they've rebuilt. And between the cap space, the high draft pick and the young bigs, they might be able to rebuild quicker than you think.


Charlie (Behind The Corporate Desk): I know you can't go all day without mentioning the Lakers? What is the latest with Kobe trade rumors, other possible moves, etc.?

John Hollinger: (2:18 PM ET ) Unfortunately, there's not much new info for us to digest on the Kobe front. The big question now is how far Kobe is willing to go with the trade demand -- would he be willing to sit out the start of the season and forfeit some paychecks?


mike (dc): Do you think any teams are interested in trading for any of the Knicks young players?

John Hollinger: (2:19 PM ET ) Yes, but not if it involves them giving up Kevin Garnett or Jermaine O'Neal. But players like David Lee, Channing Frye, and Renaldo Balkman all are intriguing to other teams.


Joe (Clifton, N.J.): Wouldn't Billups to the Grizzlies as a UFA make some sense? Playing in the West would be more of a challenge, no doubt. But put him with Gasol, Miller, Gay, and Hakim/Swift, and look to draft either Horford or Wright.. that's a playoff team in 2 years and a legitmate threat in 3 to 4

John Hollinger: (2:20 PM ET ) Billups is already on the wrong side of 30, I don't think he has the stomach to wait three or four years to contend. Griz would be better off using that dough on the wings anyway, that's where they need the most help.


Tim (Springfield, VA): Do you think the Wizards will make a run a Jermaine O'Neill?

John Hollinger: (2:21 PM ET ) With what? Problem here is a lack of assets. Wash would have to build the deal around Jamison's expiring contract but have few sweeteners; I don't think Indy's gonna bite on that.


Marshall(OKC): What do you see the Cavs doing this offseason? They need a PG...

John Hollinger: (2:23 PM ET ) Cavs best PG next year might be Boobie. They're hemmed in by luxury tax concerns and the need to resign Varejao and Sasha. I'm not sure what else they can do unless they find a taker for Larry Hughes or Damon Jones ... not likely. So it might be a frustrating summer for Cavs fans.


Kris (Tempe, AZ): You're the numbers man, would you trade Amare for KG if you were Phoenix?

John Hollinger: (2:25 PM ET ) The numbers that matter in that dea aren't the ones on the court -- Suns would take a massive tax hit by swapping Amare's deal for KG's, which is why they want to do a deal with Marion. As far as on the court stuff goes, I'd expect KG to be better next year, Amare in the following seasons, so I'm not sure I'd pull the trigger if I were Kerr.


George (CT): Am I crazy to not want to put Jefferson in a Garnett deal? He's much younger and much cheaper, and getting more dominant by the day.

John Hollinger: (2:27 PM ET ) Chad Ford and I were talking about this on his podcast this week. There's a big difference between "I like Al Jefferson" and "I like Al Jefferson so much that I wouldn't trade him for Kevin Garnett." He's not that caliber of player yet, and he might not ever be. But the reason I wouldn't do that deal is because KG+ Pierce+scraps still isn't enough to get them out of the East, I don't think.


Jason (Calgary, Alberta): I didnt get to see many Cavs games during the year but in the playoffs, Sasha seemed like he turned it over/missed a shot every time he touched it (and not just in the Finals). Cavs should pull a sign and trade with him

John Hollinger: (2:29 PM ET ) You didn't see the guys he replaced. You want Eric Snow back out there? How about David Wesley? Ira Newble? Damon Jones? Shannon Brown? I didn't think so. They can keep Sasha cheap and he does some helpful things, they just need to encourage him to dribble as little as possible.


Matt (Lincoln, NE): So is there anybody out there that would be smart to trade for Garnett? Phoenix and Boston have just been shot down...

John Hollinger: (2:30 PM ET ) Phoenix works if they put Marion in the deal instead of Amare. I'd also love to see the Bulls get involved.


BK, Boston: If the C's aren't gonna get Garnett, shoulden't they be looking to go the other way and trade pierce and free up for next years free agents? Thanks!

John Hollinger: (2:31 PM ET ) Yes, they need to go in one direction or the other. Ainge's biggest problem the past two years is that he's been slow to pick which one.


Steve - Indianapolis: Why wouldn't a JO for Carter trade happen? What about JO for KG?

John Hollinger: (2:32 PM ET ) Carter would have to accept a sign-and-trade to Indiana. No chance. JO for KG makes little sense from Minnesota's end -- they're trying to rebuild out of this, not downgrade at power forward.


RM, LA CA: Garnett to Lakers? Is there any possibilities that can happen?

John Hollinger: (2:34 PM ET ) Good news is that Garnett would likely greenlight the deal. Bad news is that Lakers have few assets. It would probably take Odom, Bynum, and a first-rounder or two just to get their foot in the door, and even that is kind of a lame offer.


Jack (Atlanta): Are the Hawks crazy if they pass on Al Horford? All I hear are good things.

John Hollinger: (2:35 PM ET ) I was in awe of Horford when I was at the Final Four, because it seemed he had no weaknesses. He did everything well, and I think he's going to be a beast in the pros. So yes, I'm hoping Atlanta takes him at No. 3.


Ben (Maine): Why don't you see PP&KG getting out of the East? I know it's an awesome conference and everything but those are two pretty great players.

John Hollinger: (2:36 PM ET ) How close did Carter and Kidd come to getting out of the East this year? How about Arenas and Butler? In this league it takes more than two to tango, my friend.


Tim (Milwaukee): Hey John- Milwaukee question. What and who do the Bucks have to offer to get their hands on Al Horford?

John Hollinger: (2:38 PM ET ) Good luck ... making a trade with the Hawks is virtually impossible because of the ownership problems and Billy Knight's general reluctance to make deals, and that's who they'd have to deal with.


Craig (New Orleans): Where do you see Glen (Big Baby) Davis getting drafted? Will he be taken in the 1st round or is he more of a 2nd rounder at this point?

John Hollinger: (2:39 PM ET ) Late first round. He's an NBA player if he keeps the weight off, but everybody is fairly suspicious of his ability to do so. When a guy loses 50 pounds and, after that, STILL weighs 290, it kind of makes you wonder.


Kris (Tempe, AZ): With the Suns working out prospective top 10 players this week before the draft what rumors are going around about them getting into a place to draft one of those guys?

John Hollinger: (2:42 PM ET ) Sure seems to me that No. 5 would be the most likely destination -- lots of talk that the Celtics are looking to trade the pick, and maybe it becomes part of a larger deal .... such as the 3-way Garnett trade rumors.


Eric (Los Angeles): What are the chances Aaron Afflalo from UCLA gets into the first round? Don't teams like the Spurs or Jazz need defensive stoppers?

John Hollinger: (2:43 PM ET ) Aflallo strikes me as more "good" than "stopper" defensively, so that's why he's probably going to slip into the second round. His block/steal/rebound numbers from college were all very low, which is usually a negative indicator of pro success.


kit mpls: Please tell me how your calcualtions came up in comparing KG+PP to the likes of Arenas and Butler and Kidd and Carter?

John Hollinger: (2:46 PM ET ) Just trying to point out that having big stars with little surrounding them isn't necessarily effective. Obviously the KG+PP combo is better than those other two I mentioned. On the other hand, both those guys had a much better third wheel, and still fell short.


Bob (Atlanta) : Does Horford start right away for the Hawks? Everyone is knocking them for (probably) taking another forward, but he's as big as Pachulia, right?

John Hollinger: (2:47 PM ET ) Horford wouldn't start at the 5, if that's what you mean. I'd imagine Atlanta would have to (finally) look at trading one of their forwards at that point, perhaps Marvin Williams since so many other teams still seem to like him.


Cole(UT): Will Andrei Kirilenko will be in a Jazz uniform next year? If not what do you think the Jazz will get in return?

John Hollinger: (2:49 PM ET ) If I had to bet I'd say yes, just because Utah has been pretty conservative about making trades. I'd think they'd let it run half a season then move him at the deadline if things still weren't working out.


Ben ( Chicago ): So if it takes more than two superstars to make the Finals, how do you explain LeBron and the Cavs getting there?

John Hollinger: (2:51 PM ET ) My point is that it takes good players around the superstars. Cleveland had a heck of a frontcourt rotation, but because none of them were All-Stars people look at the team as Lebron + garbage. Whereas teams like the Nets and Wizards had precious little beyond their "big three".


Dan (San Antonio): Hey John, just read that Oberto has declined his option and has become a restricted FA. What should the Spurs pay to retain him or should they even do so given that Jackie Butler and the Red Rocket are waiting in the wings?

John Hollinger: (2:53 PM ET ) If so I don't think they need to spend extravagantly -- Oberto likes it there and isn't about to ditch the Spurs for some godforsaken place like Memphis or Milwaukee. Probably something like 3 years, $12 mil makes everyone happy.


Jerry (TX): Do you still think the Bulls can revisit a Gasol trade this summer?

John Hollinger: (2:54 PM ET ) They can, but either PJ brown or Andres Nocioni has to agree to a sign-and-trade to make it feasible. Not sure either would go to Memphis no matter how much they were offered. That's why I've been so critical of them missing the opening last year.

John Hollinger: (2:55 PM ET ) Folks, that's all the time I have but thanks again for all the grat questions. Stay tuned tomorrow -- I'll have a stat-based look at this year's draft candidates.

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Jack (Atlanta): Are the Hawks crazy if they pass on Al Horford? All I hear are good things.

John Hollinger: (2:35 PM ET ) I was in awe of Horford when I was at the Final Four, because it seemed he had no weaknesses. He did everything well, and I think he's going to be a beast in the pros. So yes, I'm hoping Atlanta takes him at No. 3.


Bob (Atlanta) : Does Horford start right away for the Hawks? Everyone is knocking them for (probably) taking another forward, but he's as big as Pachulia, right?

John Hollinger: (2:47 PM ET ) Horford wouldn't start at the 5, if that's what you mean. I'd imagine Atlanta would have to (finally) look at trading one of their forwards at that point, perhaps Marvin Williams since so many other teams still seem to like him.


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Horford stock is at a alltime high. Quite honestly I have to think there is very little teams below that can offer us. Teams below us are very high on Horford. Hawks should as well be very high on him. I really think we got a blue chip prospect in Horford. We would have to be crazy at this point to pass on him.

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This guy also said that Boobie might be the best pg option for the cavs. Has this guy ever seen him play at Texas or in the NBA(Gibsons 1 assist per game average)?

There is a reason he slipped in the draft. He doesn't play point well. Dont read too much into this guys info.

That has more to do with Cleveland's other options at the point. Hughes obviously can't play there fulltime and after that it is...what...Eric Snow?

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