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LOL Sorry about the Duh remark but one reason we should match on Smoove is because he is an ASSET. He is what 22 years old? Even if G.S. gives him an offer starting at 14.5 mill we should match. Is Smoove worth that? NOT NOW BUT..... If we match because there are no good trades for him now because of the BYC rule or if GS doesnt want to give value for him all we have to do is wait till after next year if we want to move him for a star or a center. The BYC will be gone by then. Smoove will only be 23 so its not like he will lose value. Even if he keeps doing what he did last year the league will see him as still having HUGE potential. Potential is a big thing in this league. Its why 90% of the gm's would have taken Marv over Paul.

This is the reason by the way that Phoenix would have matched on JJ. Even though they didnt want to pay up they could have just waited a year and traded him for the same value they got from us or more.

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Trading maxed out players is not very easy. Especially if he is being traded for lack of value (production relative to salary). Sure, we could wait until the year before his contract expires, but that would be in 4 years. I am amazed that people think we should seriously consider giving him the same contract that D. Howard and LeBron received in the past 2 off-seasons, or the one that CP# will likely receive sometime this summer.

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LOL Sorry about the Duh remark but one reason we should match on Smoove is because he is an ASSET. He is what 22 years old? Even if G.S. gives him an offer starting at 14.5 mill we should match. Is Smoove worth that? NOT NOW BUT..... If we match because there are no good trades for him now because of the BYC rule or if GS doesnt want to give value for him all we have to do is wait till after next year if we want to move him for a star or a center. The BYC will be gone by then. Smoove will only be 23 so its not like he will lose value. Even if he keeps doing what he did last year the league will see him as still having HUGE potential. Potential is a big thing in this league. Its why 90% of the gm's would have taken Marv over Paul.

This is the reason by the way that Phoenix would have matched on JJ. Even though they didnt want to pay up they could have just waited a year and traded him for the same value they got from us or more.

I agree! Dennis Scott, a guy who watches a lot of Josh Smith said the same thing on 790 the zone on yesterday. His point was, because of his youth (and the league has shown as much in his view) he'll still be tradable 3-4 years into his contract. Therefore, being afraid of his large contract, by virtue of his age and potential, shouldn't be an issue. "3D" was adament about this.

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Trading maxed out players is not very easy.

This is true. The only way we would be able to trade him and get value back would be if he kept improving (in which case we wouldn't trade him...).

Look at Redd or JO, although JO's contract is bigger.

That being said, Gasol had the same value-salary question and was traded for expirings so as long as Smith doesn't regress, we could hypothetically find a team with expirings that was trying to make a big push and swap Smith that way.

Still, we should all hope that he doesn't get offered 14.5 for many reasons.

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The only way Smoove will lose trade value at 23 or 24 years of age is if he has some kind of horrible injury. He is not a guy who goes out and gets in trouble. Even if he has the same kind of year he had this season he will still have a shyyt load of value. Its the BYC this year that makes it tough to get equal value for him.

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That's not the only way. He could get his big contract and get lazy (e.g. Eddy Curry) or he could become a cancer (e.g. Zach Randolph) and those would be VERY difficult scenarios to move a guy making 14-19 million per year with multiple years left on his deal. I think it's unlikely that he becomes lazy and I doubt he will become a cancer (although he does have a bit of an attitude) so we should be okay on those accounts, but they are real possibilities in addition to the injury possibility.

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That's not the only way. He could get his big contract and get lazy (e.g. Eddy Curry) or he could become a cancer (e.g. Zach Randolph) and those would be VERY difficult scenarios to move a guy making 14-19 million per year with multiple years left on his deal. I think it's unlikely that he becomes lazy and I doubt he will become a cancer (although he does have a bit of an attitude) so we should be okay on those accounts, but they are real possibilities in addition to the injury possibility.

To be fair, Eddy Curry was always lazy and Zach Randolph has had numerous run-ins with the law in his life, something that Josh hasn't had (now DRose has though...).

... but yeah, nothing is certain in the NBA. He could just end up not getting any better.

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