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Why Don't We Start Crawford?


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We all know Jamal is a great ball handler and passer. Why don't we leave that position for Bibby, JC and Teague to earn? Bibby is getting older. Teague may not be ready. Let's see if Crawford could start in Drew's system.

We would have Teague/Bibby, JC2/Mo Evans, Josh Powell can also play some small forward in Drew's system( I played rec ball and went to high school with him, believe me I know). Hopefully Sy is here and could help the PG-SF positions. Then we have Etan Thomas and Zaza Pachulia making up the rest of our bench.

With 4/5 Allstar capable starters and the new offense we should be able to sub without skipping a beat. The bench can blend in with some of the starters as rest and mismatches become factors. By having and using a deep bench we can stay on attack mode with different combinations and keep opponents on their toes.

If Crawford proves he can't/won't work with in the system and prove he is the best man for the position then moves should be considered. Drew does not seem to be as stubborn or strict with his rotation as Woody and should consider the best option available. I think both sides should consider the situation and both have a lot to gain.

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