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How can we have more energy for the 4th quarter?


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Officiating, home crowd support, bball IQ aside, I think the real reason why we were so weak in the fourth quarter was just that we were more tired than they were. We were a step slow on defense and seemed too tired to want to set screens and cut for passes (the real reason why there were so many iso plays down the stretch). It was like Joe would dribble the clock away and everyone else would be like whew, good, now I can get a breather.

Looking at our 4 main starters plus Craw, minutes were 42, 40, 40, 38, 26

Bulls starters : 45, 42, 29, 26, 24

So basically we played 4 starters more than 38 mins, and they played only 2 more than 30 ... and if it weren't for the last :77 of garbage time, we would have only used 8 players in the whole game.

I don't have the answers but certainly playing Damien and Zaza more is a good option. Bottom line, it looks like we need to somehow give the top 5 players more rest so that their legs are fresher in the 4th.

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We dug ourselves a hole in the first quarter and used all of our energy in the second and third quarters. We expended most of it in the third quarter when we finally took the lead for the first time. Chicago was cruising along and we had the accelerated pinned to the floor. Zzza was primarily the only reason why this game wasn't a complete blowout. He provided instant offense and it's a shame he didn't get more minutes. Crawford was God awful out there tonight. He provides no defense or rebounding and when his shot is off (see games two, three, four, and five) he is worthless. Once Chicago started to pull away midway in the fourth Jamal needed to be on the bench. I have no clue when LD kept Zaza out so much.

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ENERGY=TOTAL EFFORT However, the genesis of energy comes from the ability and willingness to DEFEND... So Marvin and Jamal Crawford should be benched.

The Bulls are Derrick Rose and DEFENSE...

Coach Drew has to sit Jamal and Marvin, and play guys who can and want to DEFEND...

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by passing the ball, and not starting the qtr with and iso joe or jamal play?

I get your point but in return, that means the rest of the team was busy conserving energy. I wanted to see the non ball-handlers actually move around to get those passes and disrupt the defense, but they seemed to not have it in them. Josh Smith wide open for a three for a full shot clock on the other side of the court = joe or jamal is not going to want to pass it to him. Al wasn't keen on moving without the ball either.

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I get your point but in return, that means the rest of the team was busy conserving energy. I wanted to see the non ball-handlers actually move around to get those passes and disrupt the defense, but they seemed to not have it in them. Josh Smith wide open for a three for a full shot clock on the other side of the court = joe or jamal is not going to want to pass it to him. Al wasn't keen on moving without the ball either.

We just have to play better, we can't afford any lapses because we won't be getting any help from the refs obviously.

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First off we dug ourselves a hole again . The game was there for the taking by the starters and they couldnt do it and just like game two allowed Deng to establish himself to start the game mainly because we looked totally unfocused

This game was lost on Drews refusal to play the bench .

We finished the 3rd quarter strong with the ball in jamals hands and him passing for 3 straight assists on 3 straight possessions

In the 4th he put back in Joe and Teague instead of going with a Jamal.Wilkins,Marvin,Al ,Zaza lineup .

we went iso teague and iso joe to start the 4th and they were tired while jamal who usually actually does have the ball to start the 4th spent most of the time relegated to standing in the corner

we then took out Zaza and put back in Josh who also needed a longer rest

even the announcers in the 3rd were talking about how tired Joe looked and Teague spent a ton of energy in the 3rd .

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