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We May Be Looking At Some Divas On This Team

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

I can understand that many here not only see DH and to some extent JS as divas AND that their talent does not justify the extent to which they are divas. But let me say this, if Danny Ferry can turn his interview into and interview of the ASG, seemingly cause them to completely change their ownership style, and have them buy into a relatively radical rebuilding tactic, then Danny Ferry is the type of GM you want to stand up to such superstars and stars when needed while convincing them that what they need is consistent with what is best for the Hawks. It would seem that Ferry is both very persuasive, knowledgeable, and when needed, fearless in the face of change (or divas)If ever there was a chance for Howard to improve his image, which he has successfully ruined with childishness and indecision, coming home, building with his friend, and recruiting another star here would seem the best way to do it. After the first few weeks here I can't think of a better GM than Ferry to handle the difficult to handle but by far (and this is most important) most talented player remotely available to the Hawks. I don't ever see Ferry relinquishing decisions to Howard or any other player, I see him making that very clear to every player that should come here, he instills enough confidence that most players would not questions his decision-making, and for those that did he seems capable of being very convincing when possible and resolute when not. W

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I am hoping that you are right. Dan Ferry is young enough to care about his career (in the long term) and experienced enough to know how to carry out his plans. I am sure that a smart guy like Ferry learned valuable lessons in Cleveland and San Antonio.

He has made the necessary bold moves to clear cap space. As recently as four weeks ago, the thought of moving Marvin and JJ seemed far-fetched. In clearing space, he has given the organization the potential to build a championship caliber team. If Ferry can make a deal with Orlando and convince DH and JS to stay, he will have done what no other Hawk GM has been able to do in many years......make the Hawks relevent.

If Ferry can not pull off the grand scheme, he will need to have plans B and C ready to go in an instant. After July 11, there will be a flurry of moves made across the NBA. Ferry can not afford to get bogged down with the DH deal. If the deal is not already done, he would be wise to walk away and look elsewhere.....quickly. As I mentioned before, this team has the potential to build a contender. The real question is whether Ferry has his next three moves charted.

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People just make up shit on Josh Smith on here. How is Smith a diva? smh

"Anonymously" requesting trades, doing what he WANTS on the courts, calling out teammates when you're not putting "A" effort forward, continually pouting... those are just to start.
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"Anonymously" requesting trades, doing what he WANTS on the courts, calling out teammates when you're not putting "A" effort forward, continually pouting... those are just to start.

Biggest gripe would have to of been publicly bitching that the team didn't promote him enough and he wasn't selected for an exhibition game because of "politics". It's why I chuckle when people say he's only mad about not winning.....then why was he so angry about not getting a personal achievement?
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