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Doing the math


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Thanks for posting this, you can tell who has a basic understanding of salary cap and resigning own free agents. If I see one more complaint or question about how Cleveland can sign Love and Thompson and Shumpert but the Hawks can't I think I'll have a stroke.

On one hand they complain about that then complain about resigning Sap.

Makes you wonder if Orlando put an offer in to Sap just to tie the Hawks hands. Now their division opponent is hit the cap line, rather than signing any other decent player first, then going over the cap to sign Sap.

I wonder what they would've done had the Hawks put an offer on the table for Harris immediately after the Blooms gave Sap an offer.

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Makes you wonder if Orlando put an offer in to Sap just to tie the Hawks hands. Now their division opponent is hit the cap line, rather than signing any other decent player first, then going over the cap to sign Sap.

I wonder what they would've done had the Hawks put an offer on the table for Harris immediately after the Blooms gave Sap an offer.

Thing is if Sap took the Orl offer and we offered Harris a deal, orlando could still exceed the cap and match the offer for Harris since he was a RFA. Then we'd be shit outta luck. No Millsap and no Harris.

I think Dallas did something similar to Orlando a few years ago, or maybe the other way around.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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Do we not have the MLE? We didn't pay any luxury tax last year and the MLE this year is 5 million. We should be able to bring in a quality bench player for 5 a year, drop Mack and Scott and have 6 million or so to fill a wing spot. Also, the cap isn't set. It wouldn't shock me to see the cap go up to 73-75 so the jump isn't so significant going into the next off season. Guys in the front office are paid 6 figures (at least) to figure this stuff out. They'll get it done. Also like someone else mentioned, we might just say screw it, and pay the tax for a quality wing that Bud likes.

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In Coon's FAQ, review Question 26... essentially, we'd have to be over the cap at midnight last night, and continue to be over the cap to get the larger Non-Taxpayer MLE ... so, it's plausible next summer, but we're already out of that game... kudos to fanatic for clearing that up for me a day or two ago... in the meantime, what we have available is only the Room MLE, which this year translates to $2.8m.

Edited by sturt
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In Coon's FAQ, review Question 26... essentially, we'd have to be over the cap at midnight last night, and continue to be over the cap to get the larger Non-Taxpayer MLE ... so, it's plausible next summer, but we're already out of that game... kudos to fanatic for clearing that up for me a day or two ago... in the meantime, what we have available is only the Room MLE, which this year translates to $2.8m.

I really really really don't like how Coon's FAQ words this. I also do not like how the CBA words this at all. It is a bunch of lawyers who don't know their ass from a hole int he ground.

The way that I am 100% positive you should think about this is as follows:

The Non-Taxpayer Mid-Level Exception (NTMLE) carries a cap hold. It's ~$5 million and is included in your cap sheet *just like a free agent*.

The Bi-Annual Exception (BAE) also carries a cap hold. It's about ~$2.5 million and is included in your cap sheet *just like a free agent*.

You cannot aggregate exceptions. (i.e. you cannot put NTMLE and BAE together to sign someone for $7.5 million)

So when you account for "cap space" you account for these. Now think for yourself a bit, suppose you want to sign a player for $7 million. Suppose you are *right at the cap* the NTMLE and BAE accounted for. CAN YOU SIGN SAID PLAYER????

Yes. You can if you renounce the NTMLE and BAE. All the sudden, you clear up $7.5 million in cap space and can sign them. If you do not renounce them, you cannot sign said player.

And this is really how you should think it through for the rest. If you account for the NTMLE and BAE but the team is also $20 million below the cap....uhhhh why the f*** are you even keeping those two exceptions? They eat away from your cap space. So you should renounce them under any logical scenario to make yourself $27.5 million under the cap.

All this talk about "if under cap by X you shall receive NTMLE blah blah blah" is just a bunch of f***ing lawyer speak. And as much as the LSAT may be full of logic questions, this is a completely illogical solution to the "problem" involved in trying to solve the loophole of giving a team the MLE after reaching the cap (which is another f***ing stupid idea to begin with).

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