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Let's talk about Jason Terry.


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Where do we stand on possibly our most controversial player issue right now? I'm hearing some people are disgusted with him, a few people think he's a true talent, and some are in between - but just don't want to deal him for nothing. Are we truly handicapped by his size and inability to run the point (effectively)? Does his speed and his shot make him worth keeping? Can he learn to be a productive PG?

Do we go forward with or without Jason Terry?

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A lot of this decision depends upon how we plan to rebuild, what else we do this off season and ultimatesly what we could get back in trade.

If we in fact find the tall pg to run with JT, then what's the motivation to get rid of him. (Livingston, Harris) I am not one to hang my hat on Sura due to his history of health issues. (Rebuilding by draft?) We would still need a big (17th pick or Blount/Swift/Foyle).

One reason mentioned here to keep JT would be to better our chances of signing Jax. I'd say this is a consideration, but I think Jax has more to gain by staying. He could be a bigger part of the Hawks than of other established teams. If he goes, we need to make sure we can replace him either by draft or FA. (Crawford? M. Daniels?) Diaw's not ready yet (hansen?). Re-signing Jax might be a good signal to other FAs though. (Rebuilding by FA?) I'd want Howard for this scenario.

A reason to get rid of JT might be as a sign of departure from the "bad ol' days". I can see this argument, but I think that marketing can do this another way without the Hawks giving up a player that has some valuable skills and could contribute to the success of the team. He just is not a franchise player.

But I could still accept moving JT depending on what we get back in trade. With his positional limitations, JT is replaceable.

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But I don't want to give him up for nothing. I think that JT is a great shooter, that he's very quick, and that he could learn (eventually) to play the point effectively. But I think it's taking too much out of us in our search to find his perfect compliment...so in effect, you have two players that define one position; and if you don't have that complimentary player, then you don't have that position.

It's a liability.

I'm not so down on JT's turnovers or his defense. For one, I know he can defend, but we haven't had a decent defensive scheme in place since Lenny left. No one has been preaching any kind of defense to this team (another reason I'm hoping we'll pick up the Czar) - so I wouldn't put it all on JT that he's a poor defender. I'd say he's been allowed to be lazy. And playing in front of a clean up player like Theo only encouraged it.

I like that JT can shoot and that he can get his shot off. I believe that with a PG by committee type team his weaknesses would be covered up. But I would rather this team not spend years trying to find the right players to put around JT - in effect, building a team around him.

If we can get equal value out of him, I'm all for a trade. If not, we can't just let him go for nothing. I don't feel it's a get rid of him at all costs type of scenario.

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But thinking about it, even the small guys have been poor that JT has been paired with, even though they haven't been able to find that tall PG for him. Bob Sura is the best compliment JT has had and that isn't saying much - his competition is Email, young AJ, JR Rider, young DJ....come on...pair him with a decent guard, please!

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Deng is over rated. When you are picking 3rd you want a player with a high ceiling. Deng will be a solid player but not one you can build your team around. He is not athletic, has average handles and an inconsistent outside shot. Devin Harris is more of a sure thing than Deng.

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The search would have ended long ago. And what if Sura goes down (if he decide to resign him) as he has been known to do? We're back to square one - a team without an on the floor leader, no one that can get the rest of the team involved. If we could get a decent return on JT, I'd do it. I would sever the link between our 1 and 2 that has been handicapping us.

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You can't get by as a "tweener" guard when you're that small obviously, unless you're AI. Billups is a tweener but he's tall and strong so he can get by....you're right if we have tweeners we at least need size. I love JT's speed I think if we keep JT it has to be with him off the bench to provide that Bobby Jackson type spark off the bench. but I don't think we have the personnel...

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credit for. He moves very well for his size and his hops aren't bad either. He's a better athlete than Shane Battier that's for sure. I'd put his athleticism along the same lines as Jamaal Mashburn and I think he has the potential to develop into a Mash-like player. He might not be great at any one aspect of the game but he is good in EVERY aspect and who says he won't get better. If he develops more consistency on his J, he will be a terrfic player.

Deng is a legit 6'8" and he has a HUGE wingspan so he plays like he is 6'9". I think he is going to be a tough matchup for a lot of SFs because when he matures, he will be too big and strong for smaller SFs and too quick for the bigger ones.

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