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Dre for Miles


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DAMN! That lineup is tight to death! I can't believe it but Elgin Baylor has made two GREAT trades in the last two years. I know the Clips hated to give up Miles but they weren't going to get a guy like Miller for nothing. Miles may eventually be better than Odom but he's not right now. The Clips should be a playoff team this year if they can resign Olowokandi and Brand.

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He can put together a team...the question is, is he ready to shell out some dough to keep the team. He has so much talent right now, it is unfortante that they are all up for extensions around the same time. If he can keep them they are going to be a real force over the next couple of years. However, this is probably the worst team in professional sports and more known for developing players for other teams then keeping them for themselves. So I would not put it past them to really screw this up.

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Well I think that the Cavs got raped here, but thats why they are perennial losers. Miles and a scrub for Miller and a decent bench player in Stith.........the Clipps dont even need Miles anyway since they have 3 other PFs with major skills. The West just got much much better.

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Now that he has a SOLID PF in Brand and Odom to pass to... this guy is gonna be a DIME MACHINE...

He lead the league in APG last year and he'll do it again this year.

This Clippers team really look good on paper, i hope they can make the playoffs next year.

Wouldnt this be a GREAT HEADLINE?


- im really starting to like the clippers... (something i would have never said 2 years ago).

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Yeah and giving two 1rst rounders for average Lo we helped

build a team that has twice the talent we have.Babcock

should be GM of the year.he helped build the Clippers better

than he built this team.

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That's what the Clippers ended up getting from us in the deal. I'd say they did pretty well for themselves.

On the otherhand, we did end up using Lo as a significant part of the deal that landed us Reef so while the Clips did well, we didn't do so badly either. Besides, if we had kept those picks, who knows who Babs would have drafted!

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Yah, I think the Clipps made out like bandits. They got a great pg to add to the mix and it cost them one of the too many swingmen they had.

They basically killed two birds with one stone.

Another note, they actually did better then they would have if they made the trade during the draft where they would have lost one of their draft picks. Now they get Miller and still keep Wilcox and Ely, not bad in my book. Plus Harald Jamison??? Clevland must have been desparate to get rid of Dre.

Personal problems aside, I think Odom is better than Miles anyway.






Pretty devestating lineup if you ask me. They need Kandi to keep up the year he had last year, Magette to continue to improve and the rest of the guys to contribute as they always do and this will be a Western team contender. I think they have a stronger lineup than Minnesota who finished with 50 wins last year.

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It just tells you babcock shouldn't be here in the first


Babcock is like that sweet little innocent girl that allows

herself to get used.

Just like babcock will not use the 3 IR' slots.

As somebody says on here....pull the trigger and fire babcock.

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