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We probably will rid ourselves of Hendu!?!??!?!!


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In all reality, Hendu has to go.

We have to get rid of some salary and bY God he's it.

I'm thinking about the numbers next yr.

Big Dog ~11 million.

Shareef ~13 million.

Theo ~10 million +.

Together that's about 34 million. The Cap is at 40 now. That means that in order to resign Terry at about 6 million, we are probably looking to trade another one of our big Contracts?! Hendu.

The question is to who?

I know some of you will hate this suggestion but I say to PHilly. For DC. Now in order for this to go, we have to give them something they need too. They have an abundance of Gaurds and Forwards... However, C is always a question.

What if we sent:

Hendu/Nazr to Philly to get back DC/Bryant/Williams?

Atlanta trades: C Nazr Mohammed (9.7 ppg, 7.9 rpg, 0.4 apg in 26.4 minutes)

PF Alan Henderson (5.5 ppg, 3.7 rpg, 0.4 apg in 16.2 minutes)

Atlanta receives: SF Monty Williams (7.1 ppg, 3.5 rpg, 1.4 apg in 18.9 minutes)

PF Mark Bryant (1.9 ppg, 1.5 rpg, 0.3 apg in 6.9 minutes)

PF Derrick Coleman (15.1 ppg, 8.8 rpg, 1.7 apg in 35.9 minutes)

Change in team outlook: +8.9 ppg, +2.2 rpg, and +2.6 apg.

Philadelphia trades: SF Monty Williams (7.1 ppg, 3.5 rpg, 1.4 apg in 18.9 minutes)

PF Mark Bryant (1.9 ppg, 1.5 rpg, 0.3 apg in 6.9 minutes)

PF Derrick Coleman (15.1 ppg, 8.8 rpg, 1.7 apg in 35.9 minutes)

Philadelphia receives: C Nazr Mohammed (9.7 ppg, 7.9 rpg, 0.4 apg in 82 games)

PF Alan Henderson (5.5 ppg, 3.7 rpg, 0.4 apg in 26 games)

Change in team outlook: -8.9 ppg, -2.2 rpg, and -2.6 apg.


The purpose of the trade would be to give us a salary that would be gone next season. (DC's mammoth 9.8 million dollars). It also gives them a Real PF who can play behind Van Horn. Plus they get Nazr who is Better than both McCollough and Jones and Dalembert (right now).

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I think that a Nazr/Hendu trade makes a lot of sense for the exact reason you mentioned but it can wait until next year to get done. I'd wait on that deal for several reasons:

The first reason is because it will be easier to make a deal next year because Hendu will only have 2 years left on his contract instead of 3. In addition, hopefully Nazr can continue to play well (I think he'll look even better this year as a backup) and increase his value even more.

The second reason is because I still don't have 100% confidence in Theo to remain healthy for an entire season. If we make that deal and Theo goes down, we will have to start DC at Center. That would leave us with CC as the primary backup at PF. That would REALLY suck. Mark Bryant is okay at Center in VERY short spurts but he wasn't very good way back when Lenny was here, he damn sure isn't worth much now.

The third reason is because of the tremendous distraction that DC would cause if he had to come off the bench. You saw what happened in Charlotte 2 years ago. If DC were backing up Reef and Theo, he still would likely be able to get 25-30 mpg but if he weren't starting, he would probably cry just like he did in Charlotte. This team has VERY good chemistry right now, I don't want to see that destroyed by DC.

The fourth reason I wouldn't make that deal is because of DC's alcohol problems off the court. The last thing we need is someone like him coming in and being an off the court distraction/bad influence on Big Dog. Big Dog likes to get his drink on and having a running buddy around like DC is a recipe for disaster.

I hope the Hawks have a lot of success this year so that if they have to pay a little luxury tax next year, it won't be quite so hard for the team to swallow. That being said, I do realize however that they may have to trim some salary to sign JT to an extension. Actually, the team's problems with signing JT to an extension will likely pale in comparison to the problems they will have before the 05/06 season when Reef, Theo, Big Dog and DJ will all be looking for big money. Good grief!

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someone suggested greg ostertag whose contract ends at the same time as JT and glover. also, tom googs' contract also ends at the same time. do you think we can get rid of hendu for one of these player. i mean, hendu is more productive than they are. maybe we can send them a second round pick to sweeten the deal.

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Can someone explain the exact rules of the a player's Bird Rights. We will have Terry's which means that we can over the cap to resign him (right?). Plus, because of them, if another team offers him a contract, we have the right to go over the cap to match that offer.

To my surprise, ownership has already put us luxury tax danger this year (if it does indeed come into effect this year, something that we won't know until after the season but that is probably given that the new tv contract is backloaded on salary). I think their showing that commitment to having a winning team illustrates their possible willingness to remain in such a predicament to resign Terry assuming he has a solid year this year at PG.

Fingers crossed.

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Yes we can go over both the salary and luxury tax to sign JT... ANd Just like Miami, if we have overspent, we can beg the league so that we can spend a little more....

However, I don't think that AOL/TW will spend any more than they have to on the Hawks if we do not put up a strong winning season. Therefore, Lon might get Fired by Dec if we don't start off strong. Because if we finish the season out of the playoffs, I can imagine some heads have to roll. Starting with Babcock's.

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I think you have AOL/TW wrong. I don't really think much about them, but that AOL is in the right business with the wrong product. Thank goodness for them that they acquired TW when the market was up.


AOL approved this trade that fundamentally sends us into the luxary land for possibly this year and definately next year. No tight fisted owner would do that!!!!

Pete said in an interview on 680 in Atlanta the day of the trade that he wanted to make a basketball decision even though the business side would take a hit and AOL approved it.

Today in the press conference he was asked if he thought this trade would mean JT or DJ would get traded when his deal must be extended and he pretty soundly said NO! He talked about the fact that he was now managing a luxary tax team. He said that he understood that this trade cost a lot more than just Big Dog's salary, but also the dollar for dollar tax as well. He then talked about wanting to keep this team together for a long time.

Sure winning is the thing, but he kept the payroll high in many seasons when we were playoff (not championship) quality. Why do you think he couldn't do it again?

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Ownership just changed recently. Before it was Ted Turner. Ted Ran the team like an absentee Congressman. He didn't care what happened. So Babcock and Kasten were given a whole lot of levity when it came to deals. That's why you see the Hawks eating bad contracts like Ken Norman and Blair Rassmussen. Turner really didn't care. The other thing is that we maintained our quota. About 40 wins and a playoff appearance. I can only count a few times that we didn't make the playoffs during the Fratello and Lenny yrs. The time inbetween Sucked however, we don't have to mention old Bob.

But when AOL took over, we got a boss who is only interested in the bottomline. And in this case, the Bottomline isn't will you win 40. The bottomline is how deep into the playoffs can you go. AOL would be thrilled to death if we can get to the finals. Have AOL/TW posted on the Hawks Jersey and everything... However, Babcock and Kasten really has to do something now. They have gone out and spent the money. If this plan doesn't at the least get us to the playoffs, then:

1. Heads will roll.

2. Trades will happen.

3. Extensions will be hard to come by.

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