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why we will win after Stern's ruling


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I found this in the following article:

"In court and in his written ruling, Suffolk County Superior Court Judge Allan van Gestel focused on a line in the contract the owners entered into with the NBA upon buying the team: " Removal [ of the govenor] shall require the prior approval of the NBA commissoner, which shall be granted if the proposed replacement govenor is any owner who ... [owns] a greater than 10 percent stake." Gearon owns about 17 percent."


With this in mind it only a matter of time before we win grin.gif

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This article tells me that the judge didn't make his decision based on the facts presented in the contract, seeing as he didn't address the action vs inaction part. This judge based his ruling upon the opinion that it wasn't the right economic move to do the trade for Joe Johnson. I believe that if this was investigated, you would find that this judge and Belkin are probably tight, and he simply made a decision to go with his friend.

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When Stern issues his verdit, and hopefully remove Belkin as governer, there is still some work that has to be done to restore what little respectability the team did have. Belkin will need to be removed from the ownership circle, someone needs to step up and buy him out. Hopefully this occurs soon so that Belkin does not do anything eles like this in the future. Belkin removal will do a lot to heal the perceptions that this franchise is poorly run. Much of the dirt will stick to belkin.

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