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  1. this definitely makes me nervous. Deep down inside I’ve always believed Risacher is way more of a Synder guy than Sarr but drafting Risacher in my opinion doesn’t fix any glaring issues that we have. We need a center / big man more than anything and that shouldn’t be ignored. I’m not surprised. He’s predicted as a 3pt capable shooting Rudy Gobert. Per @Sothron source he’s Tony’s current favorite…as much as I despise some of the things Tony has done , I’m not made that he sees Clingan as a top notch prospect. This is why I want the hawks to double dip in this years draft! Get Sarr and get back into the top 10 to take Edey. I wouldn’t be shocked if this changes. If we draft Risacher who I like but not at number 1, man we are going to see a major breakdown around here. Risacher fits Trae better offensively but what do we do at center ??? I hope it happens where Lebron does go to PHX lol
  2. This is very risky but I know one of the picks for you at 4 or 8 is Edey which is likely at 8. As you and everyone else knows by now I’m good with Edey but who do you have at #4 ? The biggest risk in trading the #1 pick is missing out on Sarr or Clingan and then being surprised if a team does take Edey higher then his prediction which all could very well happen. im not worried about the media, I know Edey is high on some teams big board outside of Atlanta just like there are reports about a ton of lottery teams wanting Clingan aka the shooting Rudy Gobert. Anyways who’s the 4th pick? Edey clearly is your 8th pick in this scenario.
  3. Camp is saying he’s not a 5 today which is indeed a true statement. He may be able to play the 5 for certain matchups however. in the long run it’s going to be completely up to him if he’s a 4 or 5 for the longevity of his career.
  4. Gotcha! Yes I share similar concerns with him as a full time 5 .
  5. Edey is going to be doing the pushing around once he gets into the league. Like him or not he’s going to be a problem for opponents. if he gets with a Trae type we are literally talking automatic buckets
  6. May be true but camp…he’s going to have to put on more weight either way. He don’t have to get Giannis muscular but he need to be strong. i don’t think the extra weight he has now is playing too much of a heavy role on his lateral quickness but that’s just my opinion. He’s still on the smallish thin mint side to me.
  7. You’re entitled to your opinion. I wish I could see superstar but just can’t. I think it’s easy to say he’s going to be better than Sarr offensively overall (at least right now)…but if you can explain, what makes him a potential superstar in your eyes? Damn this is a very true fact however it’s also a very scary one because you don’t know what the hell you’re getting. i do think Sarr gives some guarantees in terms of defense impact the moment he steps in the league. I suppose Risachers shooting ability can give some guarantees…I have seen him more aggressive than sarr though he’s much lighter
  8. If we were to get Sarr + Clingan (somehow) we’d be relying heavily on Trae, Bogi, Jalen offense unit. That’s probably not enough to truly be elite in the playoffs. Clingan could still be worth it because like Lively he just looks to make the right offensive play unlike Gobert.
  9. I’m saying I’m nervous to trade Murray and not have another go to scorer now. We all know Sarrs offense is two or maybe even 3 years away but we need Sarrs defense. you can’t trade Murray for another defender. At first I was saying Sarr and Clingan would be great but we could have a tremendous amount of offensive issues doing that. Trae is great but that’s a lot to overcome. i want Sarr and Edey. If we can’t get that I would revisit trading Murray for Ingram and just being happy with Sarr and Ingram . We’d probably need to keep Capela in that scenario.
  10. This wolves defense got exposed badly. Got me thinking that we shouldn’t defense heavy if we get two picks in the top 10z if you take Sarr you must get an offense talent ..I prefer Edey. if you get Risacher you must get a defensive talent going heavy defense can backfire really bad.
  11. Watching this wolves vs mavs game…we really just need to get the best fit player .
  12. In certain roles a rookie can hold down a position. It’s all in what you ask of them. once we draft sarr, Synder and his staff should be telling him his primary focus this season will be defense. Not to say don’t work on the offensive skills (let’s not be silly)…but we don’t need to scheme around sarrs offense right now. defensively sarr can help us immediately. This is no different than lively for the mavs or Chet for okc…or mobleys rookie season for the Cavs,
  13. We already have two all star level point guards though. One with generational offensive talent. we can’t agree on this one @terrell I know how you feel about Trae but if the hawks get the right fitting pieces around him he will show why he’s worth that 40mil per season. In a way he’s already showing it with taking offenses to top 5 around him, even when the fit is off.
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