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Everything posted by bird_dirt

  1. Come on CC. Catch the ball
  2. Man, Trae has got to love having a guy who can actually catch a ball in mid air and dunk his lobs in a single motion.
  3. Didn’t he just stop Lebron and make him pass out after he passed by Bogi on the way to the rack?
  4. He’s trying to make a good impression on his future teammates.
  5. That Serbian looks a little slow to me.* He’s big though. * in my expert opinion of five minutes or less reviewing the player.
  6. At least 8 missed free throws didn’t help either.
  7. I don’t think Thibs would ever agree to trading for Bey. Worthless on D.
  8. If DJ wants to go to the Lakers and play with LeBron to get the ball more, then well, good luck with that one buddy.
  9. I’m going to look at the bright side here. FINALLY we got cooked by an actual star, and not some rando role player. That’s progress, right?
  10. I mean, they were trying to trade Collins recently….
  11. Do they really call Brian Oliver BO? That’s unfortunate.
  12. LP backlash was clearly warranted. Just look how well he’s done in the years since! So many coaching positions opening up and he could have his pick at any of them. Oh, wait. NM
  13. Bucks paying Doc $40m, PLUS Griffin, PLUS Bud! I had no idea there was that much money up in Wisconsin!
  14. I wish we could get BBrown.
  15. @JTB too. I personally don’t see it given his lack of handles or distribution, but maybe with JJ out there it wouldn’t matter so much. But I think that kind of looses some of the gains you get by having a third facilitator at a forward position. Would spending that much more time defending quicker guards destroy his knees even more?
  16. If this is the case (and I have no reason to doubt you), then that only reinforces @AHF assertion that DJ should draw more return than OG. If NYK are the only team in for OG and everyone knows it, then they wouldn’t need to offer any more than the bare minimum to make the trade work. When there is a talented player on a good contract with multiple suitors, that should drive the price up more than an expiring contract with only one team willing to trade for him.
  17. I would assume the best chance for him to make the team would be if he is traded to the Spurs first.
  18. That’s not a good deal. The 2029 pick (five years down the road) is the only real added asset. The swap has little to no added value, since we wouldn’t be gaining an additional pick. D Lo is a negative asset and the Lakers should attach 1rp or multiple 2rps for taking him.
  19. Publix fried chicken and sushi was my favorite lunch when I lived in Atlanta. I still think fondly of it after all these years. I Thought DJ Always Wrote His Messages With Every Word Capitalized Like This?
  20. Wish I didn’t see this just before going to get some lunch. Guess I know what I’m having.
  21. What people have forgotten is that free speech has nothing to do with someone having to freedom to say any damn thing without repercussions. The freedom you get with your speech is freedom from the government locking you up because you said something they don’t like. It has nothing to do with preventing you from getting cancelled, fired from your job, or getting the taste slapped out of your mouth.
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