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Everything posted by FrankWhite

  1. FrankWhite


    That was fun to watch, wasn't it? I would've liked to see Collins lay out Derozan for that cheap foul on Al that should've been called flagrant, though. It was the least he could do.
  2. Good win. Nice to see them win by double digits with Joe not doing much.
  3. You're right. Marvin's not talented. He's just making millions of dollars playing basketball on an NBA playoff team to spite you.
  4. I think the guys know that Marvin is capable of filling it up on any given night and was going through a prolonged, but fortunately not detrimental, slump early in the season. Personally, I love that Horf and Smoove were jumping off the bench everytime Marv hit a shot. Team chemistry is a huge factor in sustaining a winning tradition, and whether certain posters on Hawksquawk care or not, these guys have grown with Marvin. They want Marv to succeed. And they know they'll be much more successful when he's doing what he can do night in, night out.
  5. If Marvin has turned the corner and keeps playing like he has the last two games, this team can be scary, scary good.
  6. Really? That's what you've never been so embarrassed about as a Hawks fan?
  7. We'd be a different team with Chris Paul. Obviously, we would have made different moves and decisions if we took Paul or D. Williams (who I actually prefer over Paul). All I care about is we're a much better team right now than New Orleans is. Can we get over this already? It's done.
  8. They're basically the same player. Roy's quicker, Joe's stronger. Other than that, it's apples and apples.
  9. You've gotta take the good with the bad with Crawford. That's the gamble you make when you bring him in. He's just going to have these nights, and you've got to accept that, because the scoring without a conscience thing sometimes means bricking without a conscience.
  10. The Hawks, who after 3 quarters had no good reason to think they could win this game, just went out and took it away from a very good Blazers team. Damn, that was impressive.
  11. This is the best regular season win this team has had since they became a playoff caliber team. They absolutely dominated Boston upfront. We're 4-2 on the road. Man, that feels good.
  12. Why does anyone here concern themselves with this guy's opinions?
  13. It's impressive. Just from body language, this is a different team from the last few years. I don't know if it's leadership or just generally maturity from our young guys, but when it's crunchtime, this team has the attitude and swagger that they are supposed to win the game. I haven't seen that from a Hawks team in forever.
  14. It is nice to see that the Hawks are good enough now to just turn it on like they did in the 3rd and overwhelm a team they should beat like the Knicks. It almost covers up that horribly played first half. But what in the world is Woody doing with Teague? And what was that lineup of Joe, Marv, Mo, Joe Smith and Zaza about?
  15. Great game from the Hawks. It's a good thing the game wasn't close, cause that officiating was dirty as hell.
  16. Yeah, way too often they choose to throw a hail mary down the court and it sure seems more often than not it gets picked off or goes out of bounds.
  17. It wasn't the most impressive win, and yeah, WAAAAAY too many turnovers, but when's the last time this team won back-to-back games on the west coast? That's a very good thing.
  18. Marvin played well tonight. He's an asset in the post and we should exploit that more often.
  19. SAC does have some goodlooking young guys, though. I'm impressed with Evans and Thompson.
  20. Despite scratching my head over this last night, I'm willing to cut Woody some slack on this since I think this was viewed as a must-win game by him and the team. They wanted this win as a statement that they can beat a good team on the road. I don't necessarily agree that we couldn't beat them with Teague getting some minutes, but whatever. It worked. Now if we don't see Teague early against SAC, I'll go back to scratching my head.
  21. Not trying to get on Woody because we beat a good team on the road just now, but Jeff Teague DNP Coach's Decision? WTF?
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