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Everything posted by FrankWhite

  1. If there was an All-Bench team, Flip should be on it, but his streakiness and his 1:1 assist-to-turnover ratio will probably keep him from getting any serious 6th man of the year consideration. I mean, tonight not withstanding, JT is averaging 20 ppg off the bench.
  2. JT (Atlanta): John, you've seen enough Hawks games. Are they really this much better with Marvin Williams out? Does Mo Evans change the dynamic of the team that much? I just don't get it. They are playing some good ball right now. John Hollinger: Playing at home really helps. Also, Joe Johnson finally snapped out of his two-and-a-half-month long slump that nobody outside Atlanta ever talked about, and that's allowed them to overcome a torrent of three-point, one-rebound efforts from Evans.
  3. His confidence is soaring. He's tough as hell and just plays with an energy and a swagger that's infectious. He may never be a superstar but the bottom line is he's a winner. He gets it. He's just the type of guy you want on your team, on the floor, in the locker room. Hopefully, management does the smart thing (wishful thinking) and locks him up long term as soon as possible.
  4. Granger is a cancer on and off the court, just like Marvin Williams!
  5. You'd think Hawks fans would be proud of their team for stepping up with one of their key players down for the stretch run, but instead it just fuels all this anti-Marvin nonsense when the guy got hurt playing the best basketball of his career. This is pretty sad.
  6. That putback dunk was sick. If dude could just develop some kind of outside shot, he'd be a keeper for some team.
  7. Don't worry, guys! The dynamic of Marvin not playing makes the Hawks virtually unbeatable! We're headed to the Finals!
  8. +1 I'll never understand the mentality of Hawks fans who actively root against their own players.
  9. If Dwight had brought out the 12 ft dunk for his last dunk, he would've won. Not that I care.
  10. I think he's fine as a commentator. Steve Smith was better, but Nique is okay.
  11. Simmons has been garbage for a long time. Remember, he had that ridiculous theory that Josh would dog it for several months in order to get Woody fired. Now that that hasn't panned out, he'll go after Smith for the 3s thing, which is legit, but he's never said this before and it isn't a new phenomenon. The JJ thing is full of backhanded compliments. He picked us to miss the playoffs preseason. Hey, maybe instead of saying, "Joe Johnson, you've worked miracles in making your team a legitimate playoff team," he should say, "You know what? I was wrong and the Hawks are better overall than I predicted." Douche.
  12. Of all the arguments for why we lost that game, "Marvin should have been benched" has to be the dumbest.
  13. Great effort from start to finish. So nice to see them put a team away early and keep their foot on the neck of an opponent finally.
  14. Some of those rainbows he was hitting were ridiculous!
  15. This is the type of game that can trigger a losing streak. Wouldn't be surprised at all to see the Hawks get routed tomorrow. We can't beat the Nets. Pathetic.
  16. Seriously, how can people be bitching when they've won 9 of their last 10? Unreal.
  17. Yeah, I laughed when I saw that on the replay, but there's no way Josh intentionally did that.
  18. You're right. He missed one early and one late and I got that thought in my head because of his off night last night. My bad.
  19. Marvin played a good game. Hit a clutch 3 late, followed by a bad turnover, then hit some clinching free throws, though he's going through a little slump at the line. B+ game.
  20. Remember when Josh worked with Hakeem Olajuwon in the offseason a couple of years ago? What the hell did they actually work on? His 3 point shooting?
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