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Everything posted by FrankWhite

  1. C'mon, man. I am not a Josh Smith hater, but he was BAD tonight, like first year in the league out of high school bad. My god, if Marvin had strung together that many boneheaded plays, this board would explode.
  2. You've got to be kidding me. He singlehandedly sparked a 20-2 drive for the Rockets with his play.
  3. Let's see: If you go away from something that's working (Horford in the post) and instead let a poor shooter brick long jumpshot after long jumpshot, you're going to lose. Woodson is an absolute idiot and this team is quickly heading back to joke status.
  4. You should probably calm down a little bit. The team is 10-6.
  5. Zaza gets 17 rebounds one night, then doesn't play the next, coach's decision. What is going on?
  6. I'm not saying fire Woody. I just think Jordan is a better coach.
  7. Eddie Jordan is a good coach and would be an upgrade.
  8. I don't think we have to worry about success going to Ryan's head.
  9. Woodson's been thoroughly outcoached by Frank these last two nights.
  10. From limited tape, I think Solo matches up better with Lopez. I hope Woodson throws a curveball out there tonight and starts him.
  11. As long as he keeps playing hard defensively, making shots when we need them, grabbing key rebounds and the team keeps winning, I don't care what his stats look like, and I'm sure Marvin agrees.
  12. Didn't Diaw admit he didn't really put any effort in here at all?
  13. He was just awful against Chicago. I can't say last night was a surprise, considering how superior Flip is playing.
  14. As much as I wanted to win this one, there's nothing you can do when a guy a makes a shot that tough. This Hawks team has no quit in it, though, which is great to see.
  15. If you lose your best defender, you're bound to suffer somewhat. The fact that they're still finding ways to win is impressive.
  16. I like Nique as an analyst. He's not as good as Smith, but dude's a HOFer, so I give him a grain of salt.
  17. Toronto fans are pretty out there, so I wouldn't put too much stock in what they say. They're good, passionate fans, but the homerism is fairly off the charts.
  18. Yeah, I'll take that back. It's not the best thing for the team, but it could end up being a good thing for them.
  19. This is probably wishful thinking, but this could be the best thing for the team. It will force them to run more plays through Al and Marvin and also get Solo and Morris into the action. If these guys all step up and show they can contribute, man, we'll be dangerous when Josh gets back.
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