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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Are you serious? Why don't you read posts from older than a month ago. Some of us have lives. If You don't know about the way KB has subjected us all to the company line for forever, then you shouldn't be commenting. And yes, I'm serious about the NBDL players. Our GM and owners have been horrible at building this team. Having said that, if you knew anything about me, which you obviously don't, you'd know that I am the biggest Woodson hater on this board. The players aren't my cup of tea, but they could surely win more than 37 games with another coach. At least look at the post count and read a little before you go with the clueless in the future, heh?
  2. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> I've been listening to a lot of The Who lately. This is a great song. Baba O'Riley
  3. I dont hate him, but he plays no d, turns it over and the whole "team dime" thing is just too much. I'd rather have a grown up running the point. He's way down the list of problems around here, though.
  4. I don't know what you mean by "dime out". I'm in the dark here. But regardless, it's not his team. That's the whole deal. He may have it one day. If that is the case, I'm sure the NBA would reward his attention to the greater good of the league if he informed them of Hawk misdoings. Those picks would surely be restored if Belkin gained control of the team. Again though, Im in the dark about the "diming out".
  5. KB, I know you are the official spokesman for the Hawks organization here at Hawksquawk, but if you can predict the future like that, you should get in another line of business doc. By the way, our roster is full of NBDL players. Has been for some time. Hopefully Belkin would sell the team to make a handsome profit, right? Right? Since he's just in it to make dough, right? Right? The ASG will never win. If you want an eternal loser with no clue, then they are the owners you obviously want.
  6. Eddie has been around long enough to know where DJ, myself and others stand on this issue. We've both written quite a lot about the failures of the ASG and why Belkin is a favorable choice. Just do a little search and you can find volumes of info. I'm just too bored with it to care. If Belkin wins, we may have a chance someday. So long as the ASG owns the Hawks, we will never be fully relevant or competent.
  7. A lot of people are very resentful of Gene Upshaw for those very things. But let's remember how he was one of the best offensive lineman to ever play. He and Art Shell were dominant.
  8. No nuggets of any kind. Anyone else find Sekou's disdain for Doug Collins hard to stomach. Doug Collins is a smart guy. He's a good tv guy, he knows what he's talking about and he was a very good NBA player and solid coach. He undoubtedly has forgotten more about the NBA than Sekou will ever learn. This guy needs to start writing for one of those cheesy grocery store basketball rags. I just pray that some other paper sees in him what the ASG sees in Mike Woodson and takes him away from us.
  9. Actually ,we knew Horn pretty well. He's a first class jerk. He was most definitely a cancer. Just look at how he "mentored" Roddy White last year. The "free mike vick" shirt under his pads was beyond stupid. Joe Horn should know better. He should also come to camp. We are not waaaay to negative. Where do you live anyway, Jersey or something? The Falcons have never had two winning seasons in a row. Chew on that positivity pal. And the Hawks, well the ASG owns them, so... It is a dead issue, but when some moron says "Vick didn't do anything bad except fight dogs" it has to be addressed. And again, if he didn't know the facts, he shouldn't be talking about them. Same goes for Joe Horn. I guess you are not a Falcon "fan" though, so it doesn't really matter.
  10. That is just stupid. I'm sure MV has many, many more negative attributes. Let's see your attributes: 1. High school star - Who cares? What was he doing for the community then? Keep in mind there are thousands of high school kids that do tangible, positive services for their communities. 2. Successful business owner? Are you serious? Sadly, I think you are. MV has a mountain of debt. Are you seriously trying to say that he had a successful dog kennel? You are, right? 3. Super entreprenuer? How exactly? Especially considering he is in foreclosure on many things and has no ability to pay his own bills. I think you need to look in the mirror.
  11. I've seen worse defenders considered better by some. I like what Dirk brings to the table. His game is in many ways more aesthetically pleasing than Joe's. I can only watch Joe go one on one so many times.
  12. But it is apparently hard to understand that the Hawks will never have a "championship window" so long as the ASG owns the team. We will not have a "winning record window" as long as Mike Woodson is the "coach". Understanding the dynamic of the Hawks is frustrating, but ... it's really not that hard.
  13. I feel sorry for zmajod or whatever his handle is. He clearly doesn't have any idea of what it takes to be a respectful, responsible member of society. Or he is just completely ignorant about the facts involving Mike Vick's bad judgement. But if that's the case, he really shouldn't be commenting on it.
  14. Eazy, It's not worth any of our time to explain to you in detail why Woodson is an incompetent coach. It's been done and then some. I suggest you actually watch Hawks games. Our defense is terrible, just as our offense is. This isn't football. Basketball is a free flowing game with offense and defense being closely intertwined. He is garbage. If you don't know it by now, your knowledge has to seriously be questioned. Also, your hypothetical question is silly. Especially since you didn't even mention Jerry Sloan or maybe a Phil Jackson or a Riley.
  15. I needed a good chuckle! Seriously, if we ever get any rhythm in our offense, he may turn the corner one day. His stroke is not terrible, he just seems to think too much.
  16. How exactly does Shockley have any upside, let alone more than someone who has started in the NFL? Shockley is terrible. Someone mentioned that he has the better arm. Says who? His mechanics are awful. He spreads his feet, drops his elbow and is just in general a slinger. Not a Favre like gunslinger, but a slinger. He has zero touch or anticipation. He's just not an NFL qb. To suggest that he has any upside is comical at best. Sadly, Harrington gives us the best chance to win, I feel.
  17. Joe needs to find a time machine and not support Woody coming back. Otherwise, he needs to draw up some plays and find a way to get open. Maybe more than 5 dunks this year could help a little, too. Seriously though, Joe needs to be a true floor leader. Be more demanding of himself and teammates on the floor and in the locker room as well as the coaching and management. I would also like to see more of a post up game and less reliance on isolation, no flow drives.
  18. Trace, I don't know what coach you've been watching, but the one we have is definitely that bad. No question. Everything against him has already been said and then some, no need to badger you now. The ASG deserves Mike Woodson. I'll leave it at that.
  19. You are right about Joe. Terry as well. Mookie was my favorite. He is 17th all time in NBA history in 3's made. He did have a shorter line to shoot from for a few years. So did the rest of the league, though. Oh, Jon Barry was screwed over by the Hawks a few times but he was a career 39% shooter from distance. He shot 45% for Houston after the trade a few years ago.
  20. No, it isn't odd. I know how to read and discern information. Sekou does nothing for me. I hate to tell you, but "beat writers" of good teams are a little more critical. They also understand the mechanisms in place to continue winning. I'm a Braves fan. I know a good beat writer when I read it. Sekou never talks about critical issues. He just name drops or talks about how so and so is just so silly(i.e. doug collins), who by the way, has forgotten more about basketball than Sekou could ever learn. Duff Man and I don't normally agree, but he's dead on about Sekou. Smug is the word. It should be Sekou's job to understand the game, be pertinent with his information, and yes, when there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest the ASG is incompetent, he should be critical... of the ASG... not Doug Collins, get it? Again, Sekou and the Hawks deserve each other.
  21. Can we talk about a "winning record window" first?
  22. Did you read what you typed? Getting to the Finals is about as close as a human being can come to the Championship without actually winning it. "not even close" is not even close.
  23. That's what Sekou does. He always has to remind everyone that he's an insider and he has info that others don't. "his spies"? come on. Seriously, a whole article? Sekou is a name dropper of the worst kind. He's just another thing that makes it tough to be a Hawks fan. Why does this matter? Oh, that's right... it doesn't. Why this article instead of one blasting the Hawks for their lack of any kind of concrete plan for success? And what about this? Why is it just too much for Joe and the Hawks and not LeBron and the Cavs? He doesn't even get into it. I've always been of the opinion that Joe could play that way if we had some shooters. Sekou doesn't even attempt to think about how it could work. And how do you have those notes on Deron and Paul from BK and Woody and not call for their heads every day? He's as poor an excuse for a journalist as they come. Thank God they have professionals for the other two teams. Truth told though, the Hawks and Sekou deserve each other.
  24. Thank you, Exodus. Anyone else think this is the kind of thing Sekou should be saying? He is so soft on the ASG. There is no excuse for what has happened. If his skills were good enough, the paper would find a way to keep paying him even if the Hawks people stopped talking to him. He shouldn't be afraid to be more critical. I just get so sick of his articles or blogs. His fence sitting on almost every issue is laughable. Oh, so are the Hawks for not signing Smoove and a gazillion other things.
  25. Mike McCarthy is totally full of it. So is Ted Thompson and Mark Murphy. They are getting destroyed by the press right now. They are dancing and back peddling, not answering. Favre is an honest man and one of the best football players to ever play the game. These guys actually trumped the ASG in ignorance. Could anyone see Bobby talking about Smoltzie this way? The Packers are classless and I hope that stadium is half empty in about 10 years.
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