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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Are you related or something? Seriously. Lillibridge has no thump at all. Yunel has a whole lot more upside. Yunel is the top rated defensive ss in baseball this year, btw. And how can you say he's reached his peak? If you want to talk reaching peaks, let's talk Frenchy. There's someone who's reached his peak it seems.
  2. Exactly, Vol4ever. People are delusional around here sometimes. Shoot the messenger, not the message? yeah, that's really bright. I am in no way a fan of Chad Ford, but it doesn't take an insider to know that the ASG is as bad as a modern professional sports organization has ever been.
  3. He never had one blocked because he's too afraid to take a jumper unless there's a Wal-Mart of space. He's afraid to take jumpers because he is physically unable to shoot them with a defender even remotely near. That is far worse than Marvin being unable to drive without being fouled. Marvin can actually shoot a basketball. Not from the distance I would like, but stilll miles away from Childress. And isn't Marvin deciding to shoot a j, knowing it can go in, a better "creation" of a basket than anything Childress does. Seriously Walt, Marvin is far down the list of problems for this team. They start with ownership, coaching, PG and C. Then maybe Marvin.
  4. That's what happens when your stroke is so absurdly broken. I've been skimming this thread and it seems like most people are taking shots at D just because he hates Marvin, giving no credence to a very telling stat. If Marvin was like Glen Rice, I wouldn't give a damn. But sadly, he isn't. The fact that he has zero range and zero buckets driving by himself is something to take note of. Marvin is like so far down on the list of problems, though.
  5. That's not funny. But he is one hell of a banjo player. I'll give him that. Sorry, no offense. I'm kinda' like The Dude about Steve Martin. Especially in that one.
  6. I just listened to that. Everyone should read Mark Bradley's article. It's a fine piece. And yes, I shed a few.
  7. Exactly. Anyone who has played football knows, that unlike almost any other sport, once you quit, that's it. You never get to play real football again. No matter if you're 18, 22, 32 or whatever. Brett still wants to play. It seems to me like he has felt a little disrespected by the Packers plan for a few seasons and felt pressured to retire. I'm glad he's back. It seems they are going to have an open camp. Seriously, how could he not win the job? And what was the value of the Packers when Favre came to town? They used to sell games to Milwaukee. (Kinda like the Hawks with New Orleans) They still owe Brett Favre. To treat him this way just because he's waffled a little about playing is wrong. And if they thought Rodgers was sooo good, then they wouldn't have drafted two more qbs. You don't have rookie backups if you are trying to win. You have experienced, old ones. It sounds like the Packers were ready to take a step back if it happened. Thompson comes off as an ego maniac to me.
  8. Totally sucks. I am stunned. I really don't know what to say. He held such a big spot in my world for so long. How many nights did we spend with Skip and Don and Ernie and Pete and then Joe? Skip was a salty guy and I'm glad he was ours. I guess it really is over. All good things shall pass, right? R.I.P. Skip.
  9. And I'll second DJ. I've been pro Belkin since the start. From a basketball standpoint, these guys are absolutely incompetent and Belkin was right from the start. They couldn't work with him, possibly because they thought they knew more than him. Both sides think the other just doesn't get it. We all know that the ASG doesn't get it. I'm ready to see if he does. I know I don't think Joe Johnson is worth the price we paid. And that's what this is all about, right? Please, no one dillute the issue by saying the squabble has kept us from competing. Rubbish! We sucked then, we suck now. While not having a perfect roster, we have gotten far less out of these players than we could have. The ASG doesn't care or doesn't understand. I know for one thing, Belkin would have canned BK and Woody long ago. As is, we still have Woody. We're on a fast train to nowhere people. As long as the ASG is here, A competent, winning Hawks team won't be.
  10. Yeah, because we were sooo good last year, right? We won 37 games and got blown out of the gym in 4 losses to Boston. We had a horrible season, and I'm not excited for this year just because of last year. In fact, quite the opposite. We only won 37 games and that is bad by any measurement. We did not compete for one minute in Boston. We were destroyed and that shows they were just kind of sleepwalking in Atlanta. Oh, and we've still got Woody! SI sucks, but... so do the Hawks.
  11. Quote: Quote: Sturt, it's naive to say that europe was an "unknown variable". Name the last NBA player offered $11 mil per year for any player much less a lsightly better than MLE player. You can't. You never conceived of this possibility until it was a reality. THAT is an unknown variable. The most important part is even if we had known about it this offseason we shouldn't have done anything differently. We offered a reasonable deal, the most JC could expect to get in the NBA. It was still vastly lower than the overseas one. What would YOU have done differently even if you had foreseen this (which you didn't). W Walt, you know how I feel about the ASG. And do I have to explain how I'm really not sad to see that 8 yr old j leave town? I'm saying this is a small world now. They should be aware of everything that is a threat to their business. Also, we've benefited vrtually nothing from the euros in the league the last decade or so. You can't act like scouting there is unimportant. Or who the scouts are. To answer your question - I would have dumped Childress on someone many moons ago. I certainly would not have counted on the few things he does bring to the table and then be left without those.
  12. Quote: Quote: My problem is that we have done absolutely NOTHING this entire offseason while watching other teams sign key role players and making small or big trades and upgrading their rosters. We have done NOTHING. And why have they done nothing, AtLaS? a) Because they're stupid and lazy b) Because their hands were tied until they could conclude a deal (or not) with the Joshes C'mon. How were there hands tied? Oh, I see. You think low balling someone is the only way to go. So, in essence your hands are tied mentally, not actually. If the valued him so little, they should have been moving on someone else and forgotten about Childress. Now, they've low balled and lost time and a player. Clearly, the answer is A. For more reasons than this one, obviously.
  13. Quote: If Bradley considers Smith to be our 3rd best player, than I really don't give a damn what he says. Stop with the fatalistic, line in the sand decision making. Like Bradley is wrong about these tools being incompetent. Geez. He actually knows a few of them. So we've got Joe, Smoove, and Horf. So Childress is tied with Marvin for 4th. Or was.
  14. Quote: It's massive respect when you bolt a team leaving them with nothing in return. Very respectful. Lol! Anyone who thinks Childress left on good terms is lying to themself.
  15. Sturt, it's naive to say that europe was an "unknown variable". It's also a little cheap and position supporting. You state it as fact. When, in actual fact, it's just your opinion. How do you know what variables they are aware of or not? What's embarrassing is offering these guys one bit of quarter. They deserve none. Seriously, there's only like a mountain range of evidence against them. What is your point, exactly? Are you saying we are on the right track, run by competent individuals who can overcome unforseen obstacles?
  16. Quote: It's all they could say. Fall on your sword and move on. Quote: we will now move forward with the options we have to improve our roster.” – Hawks GM Rick Sund. Something a little more positive and aggressive would be pertinent right now. "the options we have" doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
  17. Graymule, this isn't about a broader topic. This is about the Hawks being an incompetent organization. I've never been a Childress fan, but this is ridiculous.
  18. Quote: I'm noticing that Posters are quick to call the ASG morons and I don't know why. I know you didn't just say that, right?
  19. Quote: what a JOKE of a post,u could have kept that garbage to yourself. If you enjoy his writing and the "information" he has given us, I don't know what to tell you. I actually miss Jeffrey Denberg. But you probably don't know who that is, do you?
  20. Quote: Quote: Unless he is on vaca or somewhere he cannot be reached this stuff about wanting out could be true. I mean all it would take was one call to Sekou OR EVEN ESPN with a quote saying this is all bogus. I know his dad called but his dad could just be covering the bases in case he HAS to come back to ATL. I know JAy Walker speculted his agent was using this tactic to get the Clips to give him an offer sheet but thats out the window now. Unless Smoove is in real, real quiet talks with the Grizzlies him not coming out and denying this is not helping his cause UNLESS he really wants Woody gone or else. Stretching. Josh Smith cares about his contract right now, not about public perception of his relationship with his coach. His time and brain are tied up in what kind of contract he will end up with... which makes it especially low on the list of priorities to call ESPN or anyone else. What's more, you would suggest that he would rather endure another 3-4 year rebuilding project than to play with his hometown team with whom he just completed his first playoff run??? This isn't speculation you've offered... it's paranoia. I really don't care if he stays or goes. He'd be better off somewhere else. We can't win with Woody and that's just another year wasted in careers that don't last much more than a decade.
  21. He wants to be "part of the NBA" so bad it hurts him. I doubt he could hit 10 jumpers in 10 minutes. The man is a hack with no understanding of the game. Seriously, does he ever, and i mean ever write about any x's and o's or philosophy? No, it's just this sort of "showbiz tonight" kind of news. Who cares if some of the Hawks want to strangle us? They suck now. The have sucked for the better part of a decade. I want to strangle almost all of them. And i don't care if they act like everything is cool at practice. I know Woody is an idiot. i know Smith is often times, visibly disturbed by this stupidity. We will not win with woody. Anyone who knows a little basketball can tell you that. So WTF cares if they "get along" at practice? Oh, Sekou does. So he can remind us that he's with them everyday. What a joke. Enjoy your sack riding, Sekou.
  22. Quote: he just has to be open due to his low release point, Very, very open. He still can't hit from the wing. I think it would be a marriage that leads to a 1st or 2nd round loss for them. He just doesn't stretch the defense. He's also not much of a team defender.
  23. Quote: Billy Packer is finally out at CBS! Good to see Clark Kellogg is taking over. link I've been waiting for this news for some time! Thank god we won't ever have to hear about how some dude from the 1948 Army team could have handled Shaq or whatever. If only Fox and Tim McCarver could come to the same kind of agreement.
  24. There are a lot of possibilities. All I know is we had the worst coach I've ever seen. He made Woody look somewhat competent. Without him, the sky is the limit. We won 4 with him. This team isn't as bad as some think. Bu we do still have Keith Brooking, AKA the softest LB ever, extending drives. So, my sky is 6 for this year.
  25. This would be a terrible move for the Spurs. They have to have outside shooting to pair with Duncan. Parker isn't exactly Del Curry out there, and they just lost Barry. And Bowen can only hit from the corner. I know Childress is a good role player, but he needs to be on a team with at least one outside threat.
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