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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. A lot of people do work harder mentally and physically than professional athletes. Most of us don't, though. I will say that it is really asinine to think that fatigue should be playing a role 2 weeks into a season when we have one of the youngest core groups in NBA history. Claiming fatigue is totally nonsense. That sounds like a RNC style talking point. Sounds good, but it has no basis in reality.
  2. Excellent thought. Truthfully, we should have never let him go. As John Thompson used to say "Dikembe can score!". The man demands a double team in the post, no matter how ugly his footwork, and he can still board and changes offenses. Combine that with the pr story and it's just an out of the park move. Ok, it's at least a solid double to the wall!
  3. I totally disagree abot Brent. He's nothing special defensively and completely without talent with a bat. If we trade Escobar, we will need to get someone else. As far as the expectations go... They have to be high. We're the Braves and we need to get our pride back. The holes aren't that daunting. We need a corner outfielder, we need Frenchie to hit the ball, and we need 2 starting pitchers. If we do that, we could be fine. I personally think we need a change of PC but in lieu of that, Peavy would do wonders. Peavy and Lowe would be a dream. Still, we've got a Hall of Famer at third, a perennial All-Star behind the dish, a Right Fielder who still has a lot of potential, and should they stay healthy, one really good pen and I'm not ready to write that off just yet. Especially with Bobby.
  4. I hope to god it won't be Lillibridge.
  5. TroyMcClure


    He's a little different, though. Remember, he left the winning Suns to go back to a losing Denver. He's a country guy from Alabama. Those teams would surely be interesting, but you never really know what someone may be thinking. I would be in favor of the Hawks getting him if possible.
  6. I agree he should shoot from closer in. However, if he could ever become a true threat out there, he would have some tremendous opportunities on the pump fake. About Price, one of my very good friends is the best shooter I've ever been around. His stroke is absolutely pure. He used to go to the Mark Price shooting camp and attributes much of his ability to Price. He could pay serious dividends. Especially with Smoove. You know I've always thought his shot was ok. Just the rhythm and selection that's been a problem for me. Any guidance from someone like Price will surely be positive.
  7. I hope I'm not this right about the Hawks this year.
  8. Not even close. White all day long and then again tomorrow.
  9. I love Jeff Shultz. He's funny and he knows a thing or two.
  10. He has no credibility with me. I think you need to know a little about stuff before you try to be funny. Funny gets a lot funnier when there is truth behind it. When you don't even understand what's going on, how do you know what is really funny? Same for Colin Cowherd. What a moron. I will give him this. He knows a little about the NBA. And he made a great comparrison between the Dallas Cowboys and Lamar Odon. He said the were the Odoms of the NFL. I thought it was apt. Generally though, I find him to be a 5'8'' 150lb blowhard. He probably never played anything and has never been hit in his life. People like that should shy away from making fun of a guys toughness or saying that someone sucks or whatever. People like that try to be funny because they don't have anything else. Seriously, how anyone could think that the Falcons would be terrible is beyond me and shows an absolute lack of understanding. But he's funny, right?
  11. Bill Simmons couldn't coach a team of 10 yr olds. He doesn't know a damn thing... and he's not even close to funny.
  12. Excellent call, teke. If I were betting, I would not have touched this game. Neither team inspires confidence for me. I did however, decide to look at the spreads and pick all of the games before I went to work for a while. I took maybe 10 minutes to pick them and so far I'm 8-2 today with 3 games left to finish. I excluded the Falcons. That's another game I would not have touched... and for good reason. The end of the game was a bettor's nightmare. I've always believed in volume betting if you know your stuff. But if you've got a really good feeling on one thing as you did, that is the way you should go.
  13. I don't wish him the best. You may want to wish his daughter well. She needs it with a father like that. He just keeps finding new ways to be a scumbag.
  14. I forgot about Gruden, too. The Raiders have collapsed after he left. There are many factors involved there, but it says something. He's won a Super Bowl. He should be in any discussion about this. My favorite guy is Billick. He's like Holmgren in the cerebral are but a little more exciteable and loose. My guess is he will be back soon. The Walsh tree is really amazing.
  15. Dude, Seattle has had the longest recent streak of making the playoffs. And Green wasn't even in the NFL when the Packers went to back to back Super Bowls. Local great Dorsey Levens was the go to back... Aside from Favre and Reggie, the Packers were not an overly talented squad in the mid to late 90's. Holmgren had a lot to do with it. He was the first to successfully install the San Fran offense somewhere else. He's probably the most Walsh-like of any coach in the NFL today. Very cerebral.
  16. Good question. I've got to get some work done, and I'll get into this thread later, but where is Mike Holmgren? That just jumped out at me. Also, Andy Reid? Ok, I've got to go.
  17. I think the Phillies will win in 5 or 6 games. They have a quality lineup, some good starting pitching and a really good closer. The Rays remind me a lot of the '91 Braves. It should be a good series.
  18. I used to when it was quasi-legal. I used NASA or betonsports.com as it was later known. I think you're wrong, teke. Flacco is a rookie and could definitely be beaten by a solid defensive effort from the Raiders. And the Raiders just won a game. I think there will be better lines. 7 is tough. That would probably mean another fg would be needed. Baltimore may not score a lot and a 7 pt spread might as well be a 9 pt spread. You could always buy a half point though. Still not the line of the year, imo. I could be wrong, though. That's the appeal of the bet.
  19. I agree, CBA. I would even deal Escobar. I would have a hard time dealing Gonzales, though. Aside from his injury, the guy has been very good for us. He keeps it down and throws strikes. I'm afraid Soriano will never really put it together. What about Derek Lowe? I've heard his name a little and the price is definitely lower. He's the type of ground ball guy the Braves have traditionally liked.
  20. Come on, peoria! Yeah, Diesel is not really a Hawks fan. ??? Really? Aren't we past this? This is a message board, not a Marvin support staff. Lighten up.
  21. Again, this is one of the things that illustrate why Woody is the dumbest coach I've ever seen. Same with Jon Barry. He worked out fine for the Rockets. Couldn't get on the court here. There is a huge list of guys that for whatever reason, were not wanted here, and had playoff success elsewhere. I disagree with Atlas. It is a big deal when you don't play the most competent players. It's that "going in another direction" crap. You never know that you don't have a chance until you don't. Unless if Woody is your coach. Maybe that's what he meant. It really doesn't matter if we play people that are worse than the people on the bench. Until we get a team of All-Stars, Woody can never win. He has absolutely no idea of role dynamics. Atlas, you can't make the argument for youth and development when there is not a clear leader with a vision. It's obvious that we don't have any kind of master plan, from the top down. The best plan, to me at least, is to win games. Youth development is totally overrated. Play the guys that win games. I think a young guy learns more from watching a good vet in a winning environment than playing every day in a losing environment. You grow from winning, not from playing time. Does playing time teach you what's best in a given situation? No, but it allows you the opportunity to screw up because you don't know any better. Can watching a more competent player produce on the court hurt the team? No, but it does let the young guy watch someone who is clearly better perform in the correct way. Then, when he gets the chance, he knows right from wrong. Just my opinion, but when does all of this "development stop? It's been a decade, for god's sake.
  22. First off, my type is unlike anything you know, I guess. I find your response in this area idiotic. It implies racism by me and is totally untrue. A thug is a thug regardless of color. UGA has had quite a few white players with run ins with the law. But I guess you didn't know that. So who's being racist? What ?"type" should I throw you into? Absolutely pathetic, jhay610. Secondly, I just want to point out that a football game is a football game, no matter the level. By mentioning Tressel I was trying to illustrate that coaches at that level coach the same game and can be very successful at the highest level of college coaching. Thirdly, this isn't about Jim Donnan. I just said I didn't see how they were really any better. To me, they are not. They always lose a game or two that they shouldn't have and still hurt themselves more than other teams do. That is basically the same thing as under Donnan. I was hating a little as a fan, but the SEC titles the Dawgs have recently should be appreciated. Fourthly, the loss to Louisiana - Monroe was totally unacceptable. That game was an important lesson that they have learned. Fifthly, to act like Richt has no control over who he recruits and how they behave is just completely ridiculous. And lastly, I do agree Georgia has improved... but not really that much.
  23. How am I one in a million? He won a national title, atlas? Against Jim Tressel. Going undefeated is very hard. You know what isn't hard? Not getting penalized or arrested repeatedly. Georgia has no discipline and a lot of talent. There is a void of coaching in Athens. Again, you don't want to talk about how Georgia really isn't any better than before. Florida is just worse. So is Tennessee. And no... a one game difference, especially when given an extra game in the schedule is not a big difference. I'm not criticizing brecause Bama won. I'm criticizing because so many seem to have no clue what football coaches do or don't show any respect for what Jim Donnan did. He got no support from above at Georgia. To act like he's not even in the conversation of comparrison to Richt is just naive, to say the least. And to point out that Odell Thurman was disciplined is just silly. The Bengals have had numerous problems with him. One more thing... That was not a big game. At least not to Alabama. They have a scary game against Rich Brooks this week and still have to play Tennessee, LSU, and Auburn. Those are big games. Losing a single game is unacceptable to Saban. Richt seems to be just fine doing this every year.
  24. I think you are speaking to me. Let me say that yes, I do feel you have the same old dawgs here. No one wants to admit that Florida and Tennessee are waay down from when Donnan was the coach. That's a big difference. Maybe Richt is responsible for that by better recruiting. That would be the only way he is better than Donnan. Purely as a coach during the week and on saturdays, I'll take national title winning coach Jim Donnan any day. Again perception is often at odds with reality. I don't really care where Georgia is ranked. I do know they are basically the same team they were years ago. The only thing that's changed is Spurrier is gone. Georgia still averages 2.5 losses a year under Richt. How is that really different from say the 3.5 that Donnan had? Check the record on Jim Donnan. He's a very good coach. And unlike Mark Richt, he has beaten Jim Tressel in a National Title game. You guys that think he can't coach must have never played football or didn't pay attention. To show the lack of respect that many of you do is quite simply amazing. It's not like they don't coach at that level. Ask Michigan. Talent is usually the only difference. He got a raw deal at UGA. And it's not like Richt runs a monastery here. But I guess most GA fans are willing to have a team full of undisciplined thugs on and off the field if that means 2.5 losses instead of 3.5. Not a big difference to me.
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