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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Not just Dennis, but the entire bench I would say is a huge part of why we have struggled in the playoffs. Dennis obviously is a huge part of that, considering he is our sixth man.
  2. +- does not tell the whole story. Look at the team defensive and offensive efficiency during their time on the court, look at their PER, look at their win shares, look at their shooting, their turnover rates etc. Literally pick any statistic and Schro has been a negative on this team during the playoffs, and specifically during the Cavs series. You say Schröder hasn't played but he played this series which isn't true at all. He played significant minutes in the second and third quarters of both games we got crushed in. The one who hasn't gotten minutes is Mack, who played significant time for the first time in the entire playoffs last game against the Cavs. (His minutes in game 2 of the series came when the game was already out of hand in the fourth quarter and we were playing mostly our bench.) Anyone with two eyeballs (and without DSFanboy in their screename) can see that our team offense and defense completely falls apart with Schro in the game. There has been a couple of exceptions but for the most part in the playoffs that has been the case. Any statistic you want to reference will back this up.
  3. Horford did the right thing, just wish he had been a little more subtle with his elbow. To eject a guy on that play is complete BS though. Every basketball player not on the Cavs agrees per twitter.
  4. Obviously it's close to impossible at this point, but if any season was gonna be the season impossible happens, the one where four Atlanta Hawks make the All Star team and the team goes for the best month in basketball history seems fitting.
  5. Dennis routinely overplays his man, picks up fouls and his blocked lay ups leads to fast break opportunities. He has the worst defensive rating on the team during the Playoffs along with Mike Muscala per basketball reference.
  6. Reggie and Webber both wanted to call him out on it too, but they no doubt got a call from upstairs telling them to backtrack.
  7. Unfortunetaly if Tristan was a Hawk a lot of his rebounds would suddenly become loose ball fouls.
  8. Dude, benching Schro is one of the few smart things Bud has done rotation wise in the playoffs. Schro has MURDERED us on offense and defense all series long. It's no coincidence that the best game of the series that the Hawks played was the same game Schro was riding pine.
  9. The lack of another epic third quarter collapse was largely due to Schro getting no playing time for once. As long as Scrho continues to ride the pine, we should have a chance during all our other games against Cleveland (please let there be more than one!)
  10. Would have been up at least three if Teague would have gotten the OBVIOUS calls on his last two drives. Or if they called traveling on Lebron, or fouls on their push offs during rebounds, or given us the possession on two out of bounds plays where Cleveland players clearly were the last to touch, or if Al had played, etc. etc. etc. But I agree though, despite it all it was still our game to lose and we just didn't play smart. I understand trying to take advantage of the 4 on 5 while lebron cries like a little girl on the other end, but it wasn't the smart decision at that point in time. Set up the offense and run something with Teague as the clock runs down. On the other hand even if we had done that however, there is no guarantee the outcome would have been different as it was only a 1 point lead.
  11. Delly clearly doing this on purpose IMO. He's just smart enough not to make it look obvious. When you see a pattern of the same type of situation occurring over, and over again though, it becomse clear that the guy is purposefully rolling his back into players' legs. You can say it's just him scrapping, but how come every other notorious scrapper like Tony Allen, Reggie Evans, Iguodala etc never end up with their backs on players legs and this guy does? I don't buy it's just a coincidence.
  12. It's just a shame we couldn't see the Hawks at their peak during the playoffs. If we had been at our peak right now we would have murdered the Cavs even with the refs being in their hip pocket, oh well.
  13. If we took out Lebron the NBA would move us to Seattle lol
  14. Because he hasn't been scoring, or assisting or running the offense well, and has either been last or second to last in +- every single game because the defense of the opposing team can clog the lane when he is out there because he has shot 24% from three point range during the playoffs and 14% during this series. He kills our spacing, and his drives that end in blocks i.e. the vast majority of them, lead to transition opportunities for the Cavs. Mack can at least knock down an open shot every now and again, and doesn't carelesly drive and get his shot blocked. That makes him a clear improvement at this point. Schröder right now is like a WORSE shooting version of Rondo, and without defense. (his defense has been pretty bad for most of the year, and it has been terrible in the playoffs)
  15. Sorry DS17 fanboy, but your boy Schro is one of the bigger reasons we are down this series. One of Buds biggest mistakes has been not giving Mack his minutes earlier on in the series.
  16. Muskala was -10 in like 3 minutes of playing time
  17. This team reached its ceiling in January, and we were the best team in all of Basketball during that time. If we were healthy we would be steamrolling through the conference like GS is doing in the West. We haven't had much luck in the playoffs and have been playing vs the refs' whistles in every game and we still made it all the way to the Conference finals. We need to add more depth and fix our rebounding problems, but the team is good enough to beat anyone when healthy.
  18. Mike Scott and Pero need to upgraded next year.
  19. Or just read the NBA published report of all the call in the last two minutes of any of our playoff games lol
  20. It should be obvious to anyone who watched the games that Wall definitely did NOT have a fracture. It amazed me and my bro while watching the game that no one was questioning it. The dude was falling on his hand, batting balls down that were going at full speed, and finishing with his "broken" hand, and not even flinching. If you've ever had any broken bones in your hand you know this is impossible. With any sort of brake in your hand or wrist, the slightest touch leads to intense agonizing pain; not crying out like a little girl would be manly, not even flinching? That's completely impossible.
  21. We just need one game from Scott like the one he had Indiana
  22. We all knew the refs were gonna screw us in the Cavs series, but we have already been getting screwed pretty badly since the Brooklyn series. Positive? The team is used to playing and winning games while getting shafted with the calls. Here's hoping that the terrible officiating doesn't reach a whole other level this series.
  23. When was the last time Lebron was in the conference finals with such little talent beside him? Basketball Is a TEAM game bro
  24. Teague AND Schröder are gonna feast, is my hope. If that happens then Hawks take the series in 5-6 games.
  25. If flights weren't priced at an insane 1k to Atlanta from Mexico for next weekend, I would have absolutely taken those ticks :-(
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