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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. I think it has more to do with the overrated Derrick Rose. And yes, he was overrated even when he was pulling in that MVP award IMO. Got a lot of credit for that team's success that should have gone straight to the defense. Never was as valuable as his raw stats indicated, and is certainly now one of the worst PGs starting in the NBA.
  2. Splitter has done fine fitting into a new team when he has played. Problem has been injuries. Did you predict that?
  3. Huh? Then why do we rank ninth in blocks if we don't have any rim protection. Why do we rank second in points scored of off turnovers, third in steals, tied for seventh in opponent FG%? Good grief, it's like some of you don't watch any teams but the Hawks. OMG we gave up points three or four times in January, guess what, it happens to every team. Toronto just gave up 120 points to the Wolves, Boston is giving up 130(!) points tonight against the Clips. Picking out one or two games does not mean anything, this is an offensive league we are playing in right now, teams score over 100 points on a daily basis. Facts are: we rank top ten in any single defensive category you can name, and fifth in points given up per 100 posessions... meanwhile we are 20th in three point shooting and 18th in points per 100 posessions. And you'll are telling me our problem is the defense? It's ridiculous. Obviously what this team needs is wing players that can make shots, it's as clear as day.
  4. Unfortunate time to be sellers if you are the Hawks. The players they want to move are at their lowest value that they have been in recent history. With Horford expiring and not playing lights his value is probably at an all time low.
  5. And he plays it worse than Millsap currently is doing IMO.
  6. These "advanced" metrics are just adjusting for pace by calculating the amount of points given up per 100 possessions. There is nothing advanced about it. Looking at net points scored or given up tells you nothing. The Warriors give up a bunch of points, routinely over 100, but they are a fantastic defensive team. Giving up 100 points means nothing if you are playing at a fast pace. When you play at a fast pace and score around 85 points as we have, then THAT'S the issue. We held the Clippers to their lowest point total in the entire season, and lost. Held Sacramento who is one of the best offensive teams in the league to one of their lowest totals, and also lost. Miami looking like Golden State is a ridiculous statement, they scored 105 points in a game where they had well over 100 possessions: 81 FGA, 26 free throws (around 13 possession) and 18 turnovers... we scored 87 points. The defensive performance that game was at around average for an NBA team (probs above average) while the offensive performance was putrid, under 1 point per possession for the Hawks. If we had been just at around league average on offense we would have had two-three losses max in January.
  7. We are fifth in defensive rating dude, Fifth. Better than last season btw. We are 16th in offensive rating. But ok, go ahead and pick out random games instead of looking at the entire sample size to prove your "point". Regardless, do you understand that 101 points per game isn't very many when you are playing at the 9th fastest pace in the league? You can't just look at net points as proving effectiveness, anyone who watched the Charlotte, Milwaukee (OT game btw) or Indiana (both offenses were doing nothing all game until Indiana pulled away very late in the fourth and we put in our subs) would understand that it was our offense that couldn't do squat, same with the Sacramento, and Phoenix games and LAC games where anything other than an absolutely terrible performance on offense would have gotten us a sweep. The Chicago game where we allowed 105 points was a blowout win where we allowed something like 29 points in the fourth quarter after putting in our third string the last 5 minutes. Only really game we struggled flat out on defense were the Knick games, or maybe the Miami game though I didn't watch it so I won't comment on it. Like someone else posted: we are number 1 in defense rating in January, meaning, there is no team in the NBA that has been giving up less points than us when adjusting to our pace per 100 possessions. Meaning: We are the best defensive team statistically this month. During the same month we dropped from something like 6th in offensive rating to 16th. So yea, CLEARLY, as clear as a 50 foot neon billboard, the problem has been our offense.
  8. Hawks lose because they can't score NOT because they can't defend. How many points did San Antonio's #1 defense do against GS and Cleveland, again??? Try watching the games every now and then before commenting.
  9. Yes, let's evaluate a GM after less than one full season. This sounds fair.
  10. Demarre isn't injured because he played 37 minutes a game for three weeks, his injuries are due to the wear and tear of several seasons, so assuming he would be the same DMC with us this year as last year is a bit of a stretch IMO. Regardless, even if we did have the DMC of last season he does not add more than 2-3 wins at the very, very most to this squad. Baze has not been a huge downgrade from what DMC did most of last season. We are basically the same or better in every statistical category this year as last season in everything except in 3pt shooting, and Baze has been our best shooter this year. The problem is with Korver, Millsap, Schro and Thabo are ALL shooting worse than last year from three.
  11. If Teague was playing lights out we would be challenging the Cavs in the standings... sooo nope.
  12. Burks has size to play the Korver role I think. Rodney is a bit thinner I believe. However, I'm guessing such a move would also serve as Bazemore insurance in case he gets just an unmatchable deal, which the way things have gone lately in free agency for SG/SFs is not out of the question.
  13. Whatever move we make with Jeff it should be thinking past this season though IMO. If we like Burks it shouldn't matter too much how he plays this year. I doubt very much that there is a Teague move out there to be made that would make us significantly better this year. If we are looking to compete against the Cavs this season instead of starting to look forward to next year and beyond then keeping Jeff will probably be the best bet. No player out there is going to give us the potentially All-star caliber level of play that a healthy Teague is capable of.
  14. Getting anything short of a potential All Star for Dennis is a bust. Probably why they have stopped shopping him, since no doubt that's what they were looking for.
  15. Too damn wild is actually what you want from a young PG. Aggressiveness matures infinitely greater than passiveness. They came out with an ESPN article 6-7 years ago where they showed correlation between high aggressive stats in young players compared to low usage low turnover young players and it was a comparison of all stars vs bench warmers. I think the article was centered around projecting Westbrook as a future star after his rookie season where he got a lot of flack for his "wild" play, and well we all know how Westbrook has matured.
  16. Why would we want Hood over the Burk(e)s bros??? Just Alec Burks himself is almost equal value to Hood, and on top of that we get back at PG almost the same production Teague has been giving us lately. That type of move is basically almost best case scenario for a Teague trade IMO.
  17. Al's been playing right around the level he played last year in basically every category. Korver and Teague on the other hand....
  18. It's probably a good time to move on from Teague seeing as keeping both him and Schro past the end of next season is absolutely not going to happen. It's a shame Teague's trade value could hardly be any lower with as bad as he's played recently. It makes sense that they are shopping Teague but I doubt we get what we need short term or even long term from a move right now. Wouldn't mind being wrong though.
  19. Stephen Curry is having the best statistical season of any player in the history of the game, including Jordan. And it's not even that close.
  20. Cleveland has mortgaged their entire franchise's future in order to win a championship within the next couple of years while Lebron is still near peak form, and hell, if they fail to make it back to the finals this year (which seems like a legitimate possibility), I'm pretty sure they are at least somewhat worried Lebron might tuck tail and run a second time. For this reason every decision they make, whether they want to admit it or not, revolves around Lebron James, and the obvious reality that every year they don't win a championship their odds at doing so keep plummeting. Hence their laughable moves following their failure to win last season. The Hawks on the other hand have no reason whatsoever to be desperate, the core of Millsap, Shcroder and Horford will only get better as Schröder continues to break out. Both Millsap's and Horfords game should age perfectly fine, and both of them are very far away from the 1000 game mark which usually signals big men's declines. (Lebron will reach 1000 games by the end of this season, Millsap won't reach that mark until 3 years from now, and Horford won't reach it until 5-6 years from now). The Hawks are doing fine and are a franchise on the upswing. teams are not built overnight, Golden State wasn't birthed from one moment to the next, even San Antonio spent 8 years between championships. Even with the incredibly inconsistent performance so far we are not far away from the level of the Cavs, and that's without selling out our entire franchise to a single aging egomaniac player who is treated as the king of the NBA but is blatantly no longer deserving of the title. If you guys are so enamored with the Cavs go root for them instead. Personally I prefer to have faith in one of the best coaching and player development staffs in the league than to pine over a front office that is held hostage by the whims of a single star athlete. I have no doubt that in the next few seasons this team will continue to grow and improve. This isn't our peak and we are not "treadmilling" as so many claimed before the start of last season, before our franchises best season, and a stretch that included some of the best basketball played by anyone ever. We are building a foundation for future success that is based off of the blueprint of the most consistently successful team of our generation. Armchair GMs need to get a freaking clue.
  21. Funny thing is as "bad" as our defense has been our Defensive rating on the year is virtually exactly the same as last season. It's our offensive rating that has taken a noticeable dip, and that is solely due to outside shooting as we are actually better at scoring inside this year then last. So basically, the only single difference between us this year and last, outside of greatly improved competition across the conference, has been Kyle not hitting his shot.
  22. I wouldn't assume Teague's value is particularily high right now. It's a deep PG league, and Teague is not playing well plus his contract is up in one season.
  23. The main problem with Teague is that he clearly has not been close to 100% healthy for most of the season IMO. He is not moving the way he can out there.
  24. Yes let's ignore the last 150 game sample size wherein Horford has averaged a PER of around 21 a win shares per 48 mins of around .160 with 18 points and 8.5 boards 3.5 assists 1.5 blocks and 1.6 turnovers per 36 mins, virtually the only center in the NBA to put up that all around production, and focus on a two game slump, when evaluating a three time (soon to be 4 time) All Star center. THIS IS SMART!
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