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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. I´m more shocked at how much Horford sucked in the playoffs. The dude was supposed to be a leader, and I mean he has shown it in the past... but this was PATHETIC. I hope the injury rumors are true and that this years performance was an aberration.
  2. Dude, Al Horford strength is his outside shooting. He was the best shooter from 15 feet in the entire NBA this season. He had that shot all playoffs long and just couldn't make it. Hard to understand but oh well. He was making that shot at close to 60% during the regular season and he looked as bad as Josh Smith when it counted. Horrible playoff performance. I hope it was due to some undisclosed ailment.
  3. I don't know man... maybe give it one more year? We have a developing Teague, an al Horford who until halfway through the second half of the season was the second best center in the NBA. I'm all for improving the roster, but if we can't get clear cut upgrades, no reason to blow this up just yet.
  4. They were hitting on all cylinders and nothing was going in for us. Got beat by a better team tonight. Horford and Crawford were the goats this series. Both beyond dreadful
  5. It's not a conspiracy. It's favoritism and bias: Hence - Questionable call against rose - Every front page of every media outlet displays it (including the AJC) Rose grabs Teague by his waist and throws him out of the way - No mention of it anywhere. I don't know if you've noticed this but every media outlet pretty much just worries about regurgitating the same s*** every other media outlet regurgitates. Not to mention in sports journalism (the nadir of all media...and that's saying a lot). All they are worried about is building hype hence their fixation on marketable stars and their FAVORITISM in their coverage. The majority of these "experts" seriously don't even watch the games, they just repeat whatever it is they feel is the popular opinion. Rose is the MVP, he is the future of this league, yada yada yada. Maybe they'll watch 10 minutes of the game and formulate an opinion around that. Sacramento got freaking robbed in 2002 and anyone who saw game 6 can tell you that. Did the media hark on the obviously biased officiating? No, the media has no interest in people becoming disenchanted with the league, because the NBA's and the other pro league's ratings are THEIR ratings also. Same s*** with the roids era. Every freaking sports journalist worth his freaking salt knew what was going on, hell, most fans knew what was going on... but everyone turns a blind eye. Pro basketball officaiting sucks and favors the superstars and their teams,anyone who ignores crap media and thinks for themselves can see that, and ex referees have admitted it. Last game was a prime example of it.
  6. Atlantaholic

    Let's go!

    Time to knock these pretenders back to Chicago. :boxing:
  7. A three guard rotation would be optimal... one that would allow Teague and Hinrich to both see 30+ minutes. I'd love to keep Jamal, but only at a reduced price and at a reduced role.
  8. I'll be so pissed if we lose.... Damn this team for making me care again :banghead:
  9. Josh Smith definitely has All NBA talent. I figured we would be seeing it on a nightly basis by now. If he ever figures it out completely, we will be legit contenders year in year out.
  10. I think this is the way to go. Joe Johnson is just going to continue to get slower as he gets older, and he already is having a hard time guarding the perimeter especially on Pick and Rolls, so I definitely think his future is going to be at the SF position (he is bigger than the vast majority of players at that position). If Teague plays like he has been playing this lineup would be better and more well rounded than any we have had so far.
  11. The home team crew keeps tab of the stats, as far as I know.
  12. I disagree with this whole heartedly. If you are a coach of the team, what good will it do to focus on the bad calls? Complaining is not going to give us the calls, the mainstream media won't ever acknowledge that there is preferential treatment, they benefit as much as the league from it. Our players need to focus on the game, and getting back on defense after the blown calls. We don't need players complaining because that's not gonna stop Rose from driving into the chest of our players at the other end.
  13. He has played like crap all playoffs long. Last game he took 13 shots and scored 12 points. He has shot over 50% only twice in 11 games. He has a per of 14.4 (lower than Smith's). I understand you have a man crush on the guy, but he is playing no where near the level we need him to.
  14. That's just Crawfrod. We couldn't count on the guy to play like Allen Iverson on steroids for two series in a row. The guy is the very definition of feast or famine and the truth is that there will be nights like last night where the guy is just going to be liability. Hopefully he can get in a groove again, but we can't be counting on it.
  15. He was the main man tonight. No doubt about it. It's amazing what confidence can do for a young PG. Imagine if our "Coaches" had actually developed the guy the last two years?
  16. The Bulls were playing like it was game 7 of the NBA finals throughout the entire second half of the season. The Hawks were out clubbing every night. This Hawks team is filled with immature idiots, but it is more talented than freaking Taj Gibson, Ronnie Brewer, Kyle Korver, Omar Asskiss, and Kieth Bogans. Carlos Boozer is one of the NBA most heartless posers, and Joakhim Noah is nothing more than a glorified hustle guy. Other than Deng and Rose that Chicago team is worthless. If this wasn't the year the NBA decided it had to market the s*** out of Derick Rose, and the games were called fairly this Bulls team would have gotten took by the 30 win Pacers.
  17. They had what, 2 more rebounds?, and I said we were the more aggressive team through the first three quarters. Before the refs decided to stop calling the game according to NBA rules. We outscored Chicago 34 to 26 in the paint during those quarters. Why were THEY the ones that could start mauling us and getting away with it in the fourth? That fourth quarter was bull s***. And the Hawks WERE the more aggressive, tougher, better team until the refs freaking culled us.
  18. Eh. This was the game we needed to win, and we came out with the attitude and intensity we needed to get it done until we were taken out at the knees by the refs. I don't even usually complain about calls, usually the missed calls are not enough to sway the outcome of the game, but this tonight was ridiculous. You have one team with a whole different set of rules playing against another for the entire deciding quarter of a basketball game. This loss wouldn't hurt so much if we actually lost against a good ball club, but this Chicago team f***ing sucks man. If they had to play honest defense people would be smoking them just like we did in games 1 and 4.
  19. What a load of s***. Easy as hell to be aggressive when you get calls, truth is the Hawks WERE the more aggressive team up to the fourth damn quarter when the refs stopped blowing the whistle on one end of the court. You're Bull's team is hot trash, and everyone in your arena knew it in that third quarter were getting outplayed in every facet of basketball by a 44 win fifth seed. Can't wait for you guys to get embarrassed by whoever it is you play in the next round after you steal this series away from us.
  20. dude's no MVP. Even if they beat us this Chicago team isn't winning a championship. The guy is getting toasted by Jeff Teague on defense and needs 30 shots and 15 free throw attempts + to get his points. He is a higher volume version of Tony Parker. All Star, but not in the same league as a Kobe (in his prime), Lebron, Wade, Durant, or even Howard who are all infinitely better defenders and with the exception of Howard better offensive players.
  21. We had taken control of all of the momentum before the refs started allowing the bulls to put TWO damn hands on Joe Johnson the entire game. Your not supposed to be allowed to bear hug a player without the ball, you're not supposed to put even one damn hand on a player that is facing up and I challenge anyone to show me ONE fourth quarter possession where Joe Johnson was not fouled according to NBA rules. The beginning of the fourth quarter was freaking ridiculous. Anybody who wants to re-watch it will verify it. Joe Johnson and Jeff Teague were fouled HARD in their drives and no calls, Joe Johnson is facing up Deng, and Deng has his entire freaking body on Joe Johnson, and they call it a Turnover. The refs killed our momentum, we had the mojo, the Chicago fans were crapping in their pants, the Chicago team didn't even seem like they knew what to do out there, and then the refs allow them to start playing Hockey rules on defense. This is reminiscent of the games against Cleveland where Lebron would have completely different rules for playing defense than everyone else, except it's the likes of scrubs like Bogans and Deng that are getting the MVP treatment. It's freaking sickening. I don't buy the argument that the aggressive team should get away with the calls, it's freaking horse s***. If Teague played defense like Deng and Bogans do on Joe he would foul out by the first quarter.
  22. Joe Johnson should have gone to the line 20 times tonight. You aren't supposed to be allowed to put your hands (much less your entire body) unto a player that is facing up, but that's what the Bulls did all 4th quarter with nary a call. Hard not to look stagnant when the opposing team is grabbing your players all possession long.
  23. If both teams bring their A game we would see a game like the Memphis game. I think that's true for all three remaining series.
  24. I was playing Super Metroid and Mortal Kombat 2 on my SNES...
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