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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Any lineup that does not include Marvin Williams is the right lineup.
  2. Whether we win or lose this series, Teague's play will be the silver lining. This may be the start of us finally having a legit franchise PG for the next decade.
  3. Atlantaholic


    Josh and Horf are the key. We caught a brake with Joe Johnson playing like Micheal Jordan in game 1, but if we are to win this series they need to play with the level of energy they played with tonight. If those two guys show up, we are taking this thing. The bulls are a one man team.
  4. And to think we were giving Bibby 30 minutes a game the last two seasons :banghead:
  5. Dallas should have won it the year the Heat won. They were easily the best team that season (well, them and the Spurs), and they messed up that season in those last few games of that series. To me they were the real championship team that season, and they were a very intelligent club for most of that season. And so, to answer your question, no, it is extremely unlikely for a team that makes as many dumb mistakes as we do to win in the playoffs. Every possession takes up more and more importance as the games go on, and having guys like Marvin who can't convert on 1 on 1 fastbreaks, and guys like Smoove who take the same terrible shot countless times at crucial times, it is just too much to overcome. And yes, yes... it doesn't help that Horford has been sucking tremendously all playoffs.. (don't want the Josh Smith fan club to pop a vein) Oh what I would give for the Hawks to be that team just once in my lifetime. :Praying:
  6. I loved JT. Great players, he wasn't a pure PG, but so what? The likes of what we have seen since he left haven't been much better at the position since he left, and non have had the scoring touch. Can't believe we traded him for Antoine Walker. The day that trade was made was the darkest time during all of my years as a Hawks fan. When he blew up his second season I used to picture him leading us to the playoffs and eventually to a championship. It hurts a little to see the guy thrive in Dallas, but I will always be pulling for him to get that ring as long as it doesn't come at our expense.
  7. Smoove for Cp3? There is nothing on our team we could trade for CP3, and Smoove is most definitely not getting it done. We could offer both Horford and Smith, and it still wouldn't be enough.
  8. If Horford and Smith show up we take this game. Can't blame Drew for our TWO BEST players going 7 - 40 or whatever it was. The guy has been coaching well, and we are doing better than anyone thought so far in the playoffs. Iet's at least wait to see what he does in the next few games before we trash the guy.
  9. we should have been giving the guy starter's minutes all season long. We had a 55 year old Bibby killing us on both ends of the floor and couldn't squeeze Teague in there at some point? Not like we were actually winning games at a decent clip this season either.
  10. One thing I'll say about Drew is he has shown he isn't stubborn like Woodson was. After the game 2 head scratcher of sitting a player with 2 fouls the entire half, we haven't seen it since. Hopefully we don't see this defensive lineup ever again, and we'll go back to what we did in game 1 that actually was working great.
  11. Why does Marvin play like he is Kurt Thomas' age. Wasn't this guy picked number two overall as a freshmen just a few damn seasons ago? And people trying to say he wasn't one of the biggest draft busts. I'd trade his *ss for Darko in a heartbeat.
  12. Josh and Horf BOTH need to get their s*** together for us to have a shot at this series, and it needs to start next game.
  13. Can Horford and Josh please show up this freaking series??? If they just bring their B game, I don't see how the Bulls beat us in what will undoubtedly be an out of control Philips Arenas.
  14. Aside from that head scratching move in game 2 Larry Drew has done his job admirably. That play to free up Horf under the basket with under 3 minutes left was a brilliant call. The type of call the Phil Jackson's and Greg Popiviches of the world pull out of their hats when the game is on the line. I have been a critic of Larry Drew, but I hope he continues to make me eat my crow.
  15. Teague WAS Hinrich tonight. If he continues this, we have a legit shot at taking this series.
  16. My prediction for this series is that Zaza and Noah are eventually going to start a scuffle... Hopefully it will be at Philips :stirthepot:
  17. Well, yeah. No matter what happens here on out the guy has has already surpassed his mentor. CASE CLOSED
  18. If Joe had "Rose" or "Lebron" on the back of his jersey the dude would have scored 50. If Teague played the type of defense Deng and Bogans were on Joe he would have fould out in the first. No matter, we still schooled the Bulls.
  19. So, we basically witnessed the best victory by a Hawks team in at least 15 seasons. Everyone's been riding Derrick Roses nuts since pretty much the first month of the series, and everyone's pretty much been mocking us for giving Joe 160 million. Whatever happens this series, at least we can all enjoy the fact that at least for one night this season, all of us fans, Mr. Sund, Larry Drew, Joe Johnson and the rest of the team can look at all these useless insanely overpaid sports pundits and say, in the immortal words of Josh Smith. IN. YOUR. FACE. :super:
  20. It sucks Kirk is injured. It definitely looked serious, and I'd be surprised if he has no ligament damage. But I'm hoping.
  21. So will he still get props if we are one of five six teams in NBA history to give up a 3-1 series lead? Especially since we basically gave away game 2 of the series by sitting Horford the entire first half for no reason whatsoever.
  22. I consider myself a pretty hardcore fan of this team... but I saw this dudes name on the boxscore and was dumbfounded lol
  23. If we lose we are done for. That much is certain. Josh Shot 12 free throws and 18 shots. He finished with 22 points... That's terrible. But his game was way worse than the numbers. Do we really need Josh taking multiple fade aways in a game. Those shots barely draw iron.
  24. 7 games? Really? Btw... Orlando is 10-5 this year when Howard scores thirty or more. That's way better than their overall winning percentage.
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