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Everything posted by turnermx

  1. In this respect, much like Marvin, but unlike Marvin, he has more natural talent to go along with the physique and better body control, if he can become more aggressive while playing in control he will become a major force. He is steadily improving this year and excited to see how he will be after the all star break. Schlenk needs to get this team help before the deadline though. A lot of deadweight on this team is hindering the development of the rookies by forcing them to TRY to do more than they should have to do outside of given roles. Hunter has hit a wall due to sheer volume of minutes he is being played like a 3-4 year veteran.
  2. Yes a lot of $$$$ available but who to spend it on? I hope that factors in to Schlenk's thinking maybe on a Dedmon trade, yeah he is older player but a good fit a shorter term deal not taking too much that is available in 2020 and we wouldn't have to give up as much to make. Keep in mind we will have to save some for John too.
  3. Again GM, like most polemics like this, the truth is in the middle 95% of the time. I forgot the definition of this from statistics 101. Cam Reddish is better than where I thought he would be right now overall. His defense is much better than I thought it would be and offense a little worse. I think he is forced to give us more than he should due to the lack of production and reliability from veteran guys,
  4. Against the Bulls is where we REALLY miss Dedmon. He torched those guys and I believe helped open things up for Trae because the floor spacing was better.
  5. Well, Falcons finish off the Bucs in OT 28-22 to go 7-9 for the season. Where does that put them in the draft?
  6. Indeed. I think a big part of the problem is that the Bulls strength is on their front line and the Hawks major weakness is on the front line. Damion Jones has been a disappointment and despite Collins return and playing well Jabari couldn't play.
  7. The Mavs have consistently played well without him both of his 2 seasons and much better without him his rookie year whereas the Hawks are much worse without Trae this season (they lost one game without him last season), the Mavs are just a well coached team of veteran players that can all still play at a high level. Trae has no veteran support this year and weak veteran support last year.
  8. Not even Lebron could win with with the same "supporting cast" around Trae or Luka. If we took Luka we also wouldn't have Cam, so we would still be in worse shape on the wing for the future.
  9. Touche.. damn I'm too sensitive. Its not me, its EVAN! get him out of here.
  10. I am beginning to like the idea of Cam starting next to Trae from now on. The 2nd unit could use the offense of Heurter to complement defense of Goodwin, and also has the offense of Jabari.. which needs to complemented by the defense of Len. We lack depth but if healthy should win some games if CLP can get the guys together again.
  11. JBH, do you think he should start over Heurter? I think his progression deserves that reward at this point, the starting lineup needs his defense in the backcourt Hunter's lack of rebounding is very discouraging, he needs to improve a lot in that area.
  12. LP doing Vince a solid to give him more minutes, out of position no less, when even going small would at most times be a better option than that has really hurt the team. Next year without that situation will be an upgrade in itself if CLP remains.
  13. He didn't fire Budenholzer. Budenholzer forced his way out, wanting no part of a rebuild. TS handled the situation with class, Bud didn't. Because of that I wanted him gone anyway.
  14. I did read that Heurter, Trae and Collins have played together a ridiculously low number of minutes. This team still needs to gel almost halfway through the season
  15. Heurter played well offensively in this game but my gripe with him was his man defense being exposed by the struggles of the team defensively. Others were criticizing what I also saw with this. I am VERY disappointed in the team defense - , guys are out of position for stopping the ball or rebounding the ball, poor rotations to give help.. in this environment of course the backcourt looks bad defensively.. did the team tune out CLP? The main issue with Heurter is the inconsistency, he can totally disappear which happens more often than the games where he has 15-20 points.
  16. I could go for this now. Hield can score the basketball, is fearless and aggressive. Heurter could be a nice player if he were more aggressive. Since it appears he is not, he is like Marvin was more an average starter / role player than plus starter/ star.
  17. Make it parallel universe to parallel universe to parallel universe. The resemblance of the Broncos season to the Falcons is uncanny.. the similarity also in that they are playing well to end a season in which many of the fans thought their franchises would tank.
  18. Indeed and about half of those missed shots were wide open. What is the guy supposed to do?
  19. I think we would have been spot on without the suspension. but such is life.
  20. turnermx


    The 4th quarter melt downs are becoming too routine... I think part of it is the rookies learning on the job and Trae running out of gas. Heurter has also looked terrible, too much hesitation. Collins should take some load off Trae and allow Jabari to become 6th man again with the rookies and Kev settling into more comfortable roles.
  21. I have to admit, I was one of the few that had rose- colored glasses on when John got suspended. I predicted a much better record during that time off. John's return allows Jabari to go back to 6th man providing big scoring punch for the 2nd unit, never have to rely on VC at PF, gives Trae a super roll man and screener, etc
  22. I expect Cam to make a jump (in FG%) when he stops trying to do too much on his drives and handle. Keep it simple. His jumpshot improved simply by better footwork.
  23. Agreed 100%. ANY team after it played 5 games to lose availability for nearly a third of the season a core player and near All Star like John WILL suffer a TON more losses. This is a (nearly) 20 10 guy who was also bringing it defensively. It had a domino effect on the entire lineup. Challenge anyone to name just one team that could survive something like this and not be a bottom dweller in no time in that scenario. Even include the Lakers. If they lost AD or Lebron for 25 of the first 30 this season.
  24. 24-28 would give the team 30 wins after Collins comes back, exceeding last year, if the team is 6-24 when he returns. a .500 record 32 wins. I think I predicted 41-41. if John hadn't been suspended 25 games that may have been the case but since he was suspended. the team has a chance to get luck in the lottery and be right at where Hawks analysts predicted (according to Schlenk) at about 31 wins. that would take 25-27 in the last 52 with John back.
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