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Everything posted by PaceRam

  1. Who's next on the Hawks list? I hope they have a LONG list!
  2. Can I assume now that the Hawks have put their interest in signing Monta Ellis that they have decided not to pursue Nikola Pekovic? If that is true I think that is too bad since I think Pekovic would have been a great addition to the Hawks (IF, they could have offered him a contract the Timberwolves wouldn't match!).If the Hawks don't sign or trade for a Center this offseason what are the possibilities of both Lucas Nogueira & Mike Muscala making the Hawks final roster next season?
  3. Pekovic sounds like he would be a great addition to the Hawks! I hope the Hawks at least make him an offer!
  4. I thought Dwight Howard and the Rockets really wanted Josh Smith?! Do you think the Rockets & Hawks are still discussing this possible trade and maybe they are just having a hard time agreeing to terms (Jeremy Lin?)?
  5. I would feel a lot better about yesterday if the Hawks can make a Sign & Trade deal for Asik and possibly another player and/or 1st Round Draft Pick.
  6. So, does this mean Asik is out of the picture for the Hawks?
  7. All I can say is I think the Hawks sure wasted a lot of valuable time waiting around for Dwight Howard (I certainly don't blame the Hawks but I bet DF wishes he would have not gotten involved in this Soap Opera UNLESS he ends up getting a player(s) he wants in a S&T which I am beggining to seriously doubt will happen!)!
  8. So, if, Howard DECIDES to re-sign with the Lakers my understanding is that the Hawks will get nothing (No Trade Partners?)? WHAT A DAY!!!
  9. I like the Asik addition but I am not real thrilled about the Lin addition (Mainly due to his contract). Am I wrong about Lin (Is he worth his salary?)?
  10. Am I the only Hawks fan that thinks Asik could be a decent asset/player for the Hawks (if, the Hawks do indeed get him in a Sign & Trade)?
  11. I thought the Hawks were eliminated from consideration???
  12. Sorry - I will do a better job in reading previous posts.
  13. Just curious why Dwight Howard can't just announce his decision without all the dramatics?
  14. Does anyone have any news on any legitimate trade offers (If, any) made to the Hawks for Josh Smith, Jeff Teague or any other Hawks?
  15. Agreed! As much as I will be thrilled for Howard to sign with the Hawks there will probably come a time (hopefully, soon) that the Hawks (DF) will need to make a decision on how much longer do they wait for his decision and when (if) do they take a trade offer (A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush) if an acceptable offer is actually given. Like you, I would be very disappointed to see the Hawks come away empty handed.
  16. IF, Dwight Howard makes his decision (I am still holding out a little hope that he chooses the Hawks!) tomorrow it should not ony be an exciting day for the team he chooses but also for the other teams and players who have been waiting to see what he does so they can move forward with their plans! I am guessing (Probably, just like everyone else) that once Dwight Howard makes his decision public we will see a lot of transactions (FA Signings, Trades, S&T's, etc) almost immediately after his announcement. This should be a very exciting weekend for the Atlanta Hawks (And, all the other NBA Teams) and their Fans!
  17. If, the Hawks fail to sign Dwight Howard (which, seems very likely to me) what (who?) do you think their Plan B is? I have read rumors about the Hawks tanking this next season (which, seems very unlikely to me!), going after Andrew Bynum, Andre Iguodala, Omer Asik & Jeremy Lin, etc as either FA signings or S&T. Personally, I hope they get Dwight Howard(!) but if they don't who do you want them to get and who do you think they will end up getting? I have a bad feeling that they end up doing the S&T with the Rockets for Asik & Lin (I would not mind the Hawks getting Asik but I would not be thrilled to see them get Lin and his contract).
  18. I thought I read a day or two ago that there was a good possibility that the Celtics might be interested in doing a Sign & Trade with the Hawks for Josh Smith? Does anyone know if there is any truth to this and if so are there any updates?
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