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Everything posted by EazyRoc

  1. I also just thought about Patrick O'Bryant. He's young, big, and just hasn't been given a lot of playing time in Golden State. We might be able to get him, and hopefully without spending too much. He may flourish on a team with a solid banger and the best shotblocker in the game. I'm thinking best case scenario, he becomes Chris Kaman like.
  2. We'd have to replace Joe Johnson with one great player. He's our franchise player and does a lot of things most of the league can't do.
  3. Quote: Here's the problem. The NBA could be really clean. However, Stern is such the smuggest bastard that he makes things worse. When you take the I'm smarter than you and you all are just peons road, then you better not get caught in a scandal.. .Weather it be lottery fixing or game fixing because whenever there's a scandal, people want humility from leadership and Stern is not designed to do that. I agree.
  4. I do not like David Stern as the NBA's commissioner after such an explosive scandal, and one that is just as bad as MLB's steroid scandal. The integrity of professional basketball has been tainted by the league officials, mafias, and referees. I've always questioned Stern's motivation on some of the decisions that he's made and not made. I don't like the new age limit and don't really think it helps players as much as it can hurt some. I think it benefits the NCAA much more than the players and the NBA. Anyways, How do yall feel about David Stern ?
  5. Quote: As for LeBron or KG, give me LeBron all day. LeBron has had more playoff success by age 23 than KG has had in his entire career. I would take LeBron, too. He's a better player than KG.
  6. Quote: Quote: Nobody can say "He hasn't had plenty of time to heal." I actually have a small ray of hope. Reports were that Claxton was playing well and working hard in preseason practice, before the knee started giving him trouble again. He's got one strike left before things are as bad with him as with Mike Hampton. And I actually have a small dab of hope left for Hampton this year - he too was pitching well in preseason. I would love to see Claxton come back next year. That way when Bibby is hurt, we can sit him down instead of practically forcing him to play. We'll have great depth, and he wouldn't have to play big minutes. We could see Mike Bibby out there with Law, too. Mike Bibby could play the 2 on the offensive end and 1 on the defensive end.
  7. Quote: I wouldn't count on the East being stronger. We thought that coming into this season, just as we do every year at this time. I think the East will be stronger. Teams like Toronto, Orlando, and Philly are only going to get better. Chicago is a few moves away from being a whole lot better than last year. Not to mention that the Heat could make some solid moves this year and be a contender as well. Charlotte is another team that is a few good moves away from being a very solid team. Speaking of Charlotte, what's going on with Adam Morrison ?
  8. Quote: Quote: Quote: More thoughts on Woodson: Now that Woodson is on board, I hope that he takes a VERY VERY LONG look at what worked and didn't work last season. I hope that he approaches it with a neutral eye, instead of the bunker mentality he went into. What I hope he sees is that he has guys that can make plays if he allows them to be playmakers. Smith could be an effective #2 scorer. Horford definately should be utilzed more on offense, esp in the first half. Marvin needs to be fed the ball as well. There is a lot of scoring talent on t he team, it just needs to be given the freedom and trust to make those plays. In order for Smith to be an effective #2 option, he will have to improve his ballhandling skills. A lot of his turnovers came from him trying to bull his way to the basket (due to his lack of handles) or throwing bad passes (due to him watching his dribble). He's also got to improve on his jumpshot, because I've never seen anyone in the league miss as many wide open jumpshots as he misses. He's come a very long way, though, so I don't think it is impossible for him to make big strides in those areas. That is what I said above the part about Woodson...RIF Yes, you did. I just wanted to emphasize that, because his jumpshot and handles are pretty bad.
  9. Quote: Who said the Falcons are behind last year? That's pure hyperbole and is baiting. So, what is your prediction about wins for next year? Put your money were your mouth is. FYI, new systems in football, esp offensive ones, take more than one off-season to install. Add in that we have a starting qb who was out of football for several years and a rookie backup, and it is very easy to guess that the offense will not be good this year. The o-line also has to learn to play together and there is the experience problem. Defensively, the Falcons did nothing to really upgrade the run D. The DTs are second stringers. Lofton may turn out to be a stud, but he's a rookie and will get pulled out of position a lot by opposing qbs. Then Boley has his distraction and Brooking is done. I would like to note that our defense wasn't all that bad last year. They were out on the field a lot more than your average defense, which made them look worse than what they really are. Players like Trey Lewis and Jamaal Anderson come in with another year under their belts. We've also added size and much better coaching on our defensive line, too. The only reason I say 9 wins is possible is because the Falcons don't have an overwhelming schedule loaded with quality teams. On top of that, they play 6 games in the weakest division in the NFL. It is very much possible for the Falcons to get 6-9 wins this season.
  10. Quote: Quote: I actually think the Falcons are going to be a lot better than people think. The NFC South is not a strong division, in fact, it might just be the weakest in the NFL. The Falcons also don't have a very strong schedule this year, and a lot of the young players we had last year are making gigantic strides. We've got real NFL coaches, and I believe that'll make a world of difference not only for our young players, but the few veterans that we still have. We might be able to squeak out 9 wins next season (at the absolute best) and win the division. The Hawks need a veteran post defender and veteran wingman. If you add those 2 pieces, then we've got a good team that will be a contender in the East. 9 wins!?!? Wow, that would be amazing. I don't see it. The o-line still is problematic. The d-line is full of 2nd stringers. The corners are young and the safeties are old. Our best defender has been accused of domestic violence. The qb situation is interesting, but Ryan isn't going to lite it up ala Big Ben this season. Redman is a nice b-u qb, but he isn't going to win many games for us. I really don't expect more than 4-5 wins next season. The O-line will be much better than it was last year. It was so terrible last year because we had college coaches trying to teach professionals how to play the game. Not to mention that I think Baker will be an improvement over Gandy. Our D-line is not full of 2nd stringers. Abraham is still one of the better pass rushers in the league, and Babineaux has shown that he is a great interior pass rusher as well. Our success on the defensive line hinges on whether or not Jamaal Anderson develops into a good pass rusher. He's very good against the run, but in order for our defense to excel, he has to become a good pass rusher. Bottom line is our head coach was the defensive line coach for the Super Bowl winning Ravens, and we have enough raw talent for him to create a good d-line. Chris Houston was one of the best rookiee CBs in the league last year, and he is a very good cornerback period. Lawyer Milloy is old, but he's a leader and will always have a positive effect on the entire defense. I believe Brent Grimes is a player who will surprise me, and everyone else in Atlanta. Our receiver corps is finally starting to look respectable, and if you combine that with a potent (atleast on paper) running game, then Matt Ryan may exceed Big Ben. People severely underestimate Ryan's talents here in Atlanta. He's a very smart quarterback with great fundamentals, who can read the blitz and really put a team on his b ack. Most importantly, Matt Ryan is a clutch player. He's the guy you want under C when the game is on the line. Most time when you have a good college QB, they're usually so good because they were surrounded with talent (see JaMarcus Russell or Matt Leinart). Matt Ryan had no good offensive player to make him look better than what he really is. 5 or 6 wins might just be what they get, but this is a team that could possibly win 9 if they get everything going.
  11. Quote: More thoughts on Woodson: Now that Woodson is on board, I hope that he takes a VERY VERY LONG look at what worked and didn't work last season. I hope that he approaches it with a neutral eye, instead of the bunker mentality he went into. What I hope he sees is that he has guys that can make plays if he allows them to be playmakers. Smith could be an effective #2 scorer. Horford definately should be utilzed more on offense, esp in the first half. Marvin needs to be fed the ball as well. There is a lot of scoring talent on t he team, it just needs to be given the freedom and trust to make those plays. In order for Smith to be an effective #2 option, he will have to improve his ballhandling skills. A lot of his turnovers came from him trying to bull his way to the basket (due to his lack of handles) or throwing bad passes (due to him watching his dribble). He's also got to improve on his jumpshot, because I've never seen anyone in the league miss as many wide open jumpshots as he misses. He's come a very long way, though, so I don't think it is impossible for him to make big strides in those areas.
  12. Quote: does two more years of Woody = Acie stuck on the bench and not being developed? imo, the biggest disappointment this year was Acie not getting the minutes he needed to get better. almost a lost year in terms of development, and it's hard to excuse all of that due to an injury that didn't sideline him THAT much I think it'll be the opposite, as a matter of fact. Mike Woodson is no longer fighting desperately for his job. He can afford to allow AC the opportunity to develop and really earn some pt. I also think Acie will have a breakout year next season, basically because he was really just a jumpshot away from really being good last year. I definately look forward to seeing him playing All-Star Weekend for the Sophomore team.
  13. I actually think the Falcons are going to be a lot better than people think. The NFC South is not a strong division, in fact, it might just be the weakest in the NFL. The Falcons also don't have a very strong schedule this year, and a lot of the young players we had last year are making gigantic strides. We've got real NFL coaches, and I believe that'll make a world of difference not only for our young players, but the few veterans that we still have. We might be able to squeak out 9 wins next season (at the absolute best) and win the division. The Hawks need a veteran post defender and veteran wingman. If you add those 2 pieces, then we've got a good team that will be a contender in the East.
  14. We better not limp into the playoffs next year. I could care less if we've got 45 or 50 wins, but if we are not able to secure a playoff spot without praying Team X loses, etc. then it will have been a terrible move. I'm not a big fan of Mike Woodson, but there are worse coaches out there. Even though he hasn't really been all that good, and as much as I hate to admit this, he deserves another year after riding out with a team that has been the youngest in the league for some time now.
  15. What will be interesting is to see if this accusation will change the wall refs call games.
  16. Quote: Woody makes plenty of mistakes but he takes blame for the teams failures equally as much as he does their successes. I have heard Woody say countless times that "x" failure was on him. If you want to say that Woody shouldn't be coach for his mistakes then fine, but don't make up stuff like he doesn't accept responsibility for their failures. I agree with that. I'm really not a fan of Mike Woodson as a coach, but I do respect him for never placing the blame upon his players.
  17. Quote: Is this league (decade) better than decades before. Here's the challenge. 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s Give me your best 5 from any era (or all eras) and make a claim that one is the best. For a hint... IN the 1950s you had The Celtics. In the 60s you had Chamberlain, Russel In the 70s you had Kareem, Robertson In the 80s you usher in Magic, Bird. In the 90s you have Jordan, Hakeem IN 2000s you have well, you know. What's the best time for Basketball? Is this it? Kidd, Jordan, Pippen, Garnett, and Hakeem. Wow, not only does this team have potent scorers, but they are all great defenders. The 90s had a lot of great basketball players. However, I think once this decade is over and all the young players now have a few years to mature, they could field an awesome All-Decade team, too.
  18. Quote: Quote: DX That would eliminate the biggest competition for Josh Smith. A poster over on the RealGM 76ers boards (reasonable reputation as an "insider") claims that Philly wants the deal to be: Green/#16 for Randolph/#6 That would make sense because Evans is a nice backup PF, and Green is dead weight. The Knicks are trying to clear room for LeBron, no doubt. The 2nd trade would essentially wipe out all of Philly's cap room, leaving only Memphis with significant room to maneuver above the MLE. These scenarios make sense. With pick 6 only Bayless should be available though. Gordan can go as low as two and Mayo will be gone by 4. If philly likes Bayless, Louis will not be signed. Louis Williams has a solid future in the league and the Hawks should look at him. The world expects to make a run at Lebron. However, LeBron is getting courted by the "Big Pockets", Hip-Hopster mogul at the soon to be Brooklyn Nets. LeBron and one of the owners show up together a Lot. Depending on Lou's summer committment (he should be in the gym working for his contract), He could be as effective as Bibby and cheaper. I've heard that rumor too. Lebron, Devin Harris, and a potential star big man (this year's draft pick) would make them a very tough team.
  19. Quote: Quote: Quote: So, let's see. You're saying that Boston just remained sleeping until they "had " to win. Dude... You need to come back to reality. Here's the truth.. Boston presents a bad matchup for Detroit. Unlike Atlanta and Cleveland, Detroit doesn't have the one guy who can make Boston change their defense. Moreover, Detroit has been Flip floppy all offseason. DIdn't they flip and flop against Philadelphia in the first round? About the flipping and Flopping of Detroit, Rip Halmilton had a monster game for him in that win, Rodney Stuckey showed up big in that game. However, Boston didn't turn anything up... IN that Home loss, the big three averaged 25 points (26, 25, 24) In the Away win, Boston's big three scored (22, 11, and 14)... They didn't pour anything on extra... See you keep feeding me Cliche after Cliche... but you have absolutely nothing game wise to back it up. The big three didn't have a great offensive game on the game I'm referring too. Everybody else around them had outstanding games, like Kendrick Perkins. However, they played great defense and held a large lead, which is not how they normally play on the road. Whenever they had big leads on us in Atlanta, they'd eventually blow it and we would come back and win. However, they did not blow their lead and kept the Detroit Pistons at bay in the Palace at Auburn Hills, which is considered one of the tougher arenas to play at. There is nothing cliche at all about that.. Boston's calling card is their defense? Usually the big three either allows one to score more or they score about the same. Show me the great statistical Jump in road play in the Detroit series for Boston. There is none. In fact, the reason why Flip was fired is because for the last home game, the team came out and didn't try to win. Is that Boston or is that something in Detroit? Boston seemed to consistently play their game and only made very small changes and they overcame Detroit because of the matchup. Actually, it is. I mean sure they have three bonafide stars on their team, but their calling card is really defense. Why do you think Thibadeau is getting the love he's getting ? Because their defense is ridiculous. Truth be told, I'm having a hard time finding actual stats, because their official website doesn't have splits for their playoff games.
  20. Quote: the fact that you typed three lines to respond to a joke is lame lol OK..?
  21. Quote: Quote: First and foremost, I'm going by what Paul Pierce said himself. Paul Pierce, you know the guy that's actually playing, said that the home lost to Detroit was a wake up call. So, if you feel it's BS, take it up with a Celtic player. I'm just relaying what the man said. Quote: 1. Players say what they say to motivate themselves and their teams. Pierce called both game 7s a wake up call for the Celtics. Eh ? So, if they were taking everything so "serious", then why did Paul Pierce have to say something like that to motivate himself and his teammates ? Was he just blowing hot air out his ass for the camera ? EDIT: I'm don't know anything about him saying that with the Hawks or the Cavs. I specifically remember him saying the home loss vs. Detroit was a wake up call.
  22. Quote: So, let's see. You're saying that Boston just remained sleeping until they "had " to win. Dude... You need to come back to reality. Here's the truth.. Boston presents a bad matchup for Detroit. Unlike Atlanta and Cleveland, Detroit doesn't have the one guy who can make Boston change their defense. Moreover, Detroit has been Flip floppy all offseason. DIdn't they flip and flop against Philadelphia in the first round? About the flipping and Flopping of Detroit, Rip Halmilton had a monster game for him in that win, Rodney Stuckey showed up big in that game. However, Boston didn't turn anything up... IN that Home loss, the big three averaged 25 points (26, 25, 24) In the Away win, Boston's big three scored (22, 11, and 14)... They didn't pour anything on extra... See you keep feeding me Cliche after Cliche... but you have absolutely nothing game wise to back it up. The big three didn't have a great offensive game on the game I'm referring too. Everybody else around them had outstanding games, like Kendrick Perkins. However, they played great defense and held a large lead, which is not how they normally play on the road. Whenever they had big leads on us in Atlanta, they'd eventually blow it and we would come back and win. However, they did not blow their lead and kept the Detroit Pistons at bay in the Palace at Auburn Hills, which is considered one of the tougher arenas to play at. There is nothing cliche at all about that..
  23. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: PGs: Deron Williams, Baron Davis SG: Jason Richardson, Andre Iguodala SF: LaMar Odom, Paul Pierce PF: Al Jefferson, Okafor C: Chris Kaman, Okur Think you forgot that Paul Pierce made the Allstar team... and wouldn't pass the ball to JJ. pierce must not like JJ. because he made it in over Ray Allen.It's funny how he said team success should facture in when he's been there with those horrible Celtics teams all these years. Nevermind the fact that getting into the All Star game is an individual honor.
  24. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: The Celtics were content with coasting through the first couple rounds of the playoffs winning their games at home. However, their play on the road improved after losing at home to Detroit. This is about the biggest POT Of BS that has probably ever been written on this messageboard. The Celtics were not content going 7 games against Atlanta. Did you see the Looks on their faces when the series was knotted up 2-2? How about right after game 6?? That was not a look of content. That was concern. The Celtics had the pressure of the basketball world on them because they were supposed to beat us in 4. Don't you think that they felt like they could be the next GS? Wow!! I can't believe you came up with that BS. Then you said that they came out of their stupor after losing a home game to Detroit? More BS!!! They won in Detroit after losing to Detroit, but they were in no stupor. Ask KG if they were taking any away games off in these playoffs and I will love to get the youtube footage of him whipping your ass. First and foremost, I'm going by what Paul Pierce said himself. Paul Pierce, you know the guy that's actually playing, said that the home lost to Detroit was a wake up call. So, if you feel it's BS, take it up with a Celtic player. I'm just relaying what the man said. Ok, so you say playoff basketball isn't different then regular season basketball. You honestly think it's a cliche ? Whatever... Why didn't we manage to win our home game with Boston this year ? Can you honestly say our players didn't play with more intensity (@home) in the playoffs than the regular season ? The facts and evidence show that they didn't win a game on the road until losing at home to Detroit. So, is Boston such a bad road team that they can't win on the road ? Nope, because the facts and the evidence show they are the best team in the league on the road. So why did they lose all their games, most by small margins, on the road, and practically dominated at home ? Do you really think it is because Cleveland and Atlanta are such great home teams ? Are you disputing the fact that the Celtics played better on the road after losing their first home game ? Come back to reality, man. You're trying to find something retarded to argue about, when all the facts are spread out right in front of you. It's veering off the subject of the original post now, and the bottom line is..whether or not Boston wins it all..it will not make us look better. Perhaps if they would have won a game in Cleveland, it would have, but that's not the case. P.S. If KG doesn't do anything to another grown ass man after getting headbutted, what makes you think he'll do anything to me ? That was a pretty lame joke.. Zaza is bigger than him and just as tall and looks like a KILLA lol.Unless you're 6'11 and 260 than u have no shot man. ZaZa is not intimidating in any form or fashion. Speaking of fashion, he's like the fashion editor for some magazine. KG is NBA athlete. He'd be utterly retarded to do anything to me. It's not about whether or not I can fight KG. How lame would I sound saying that on the internet ?
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