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Everything posted by lethalweapon3

  1. We're going in circles on this, but you'll recall in both the Conference Finals and the Finals in crunch time Ron-Ron was on the floor, wildly dribbling out the shot clock and firing up turnaround long-range prayers that had Lakers fans (and Phil) literally in conniptions. Nearly shot them right on out of the playoffs. On the one where he made-up for it with a tip-in at the buzzer, Phil was like, "I love you, Ron! Don't EVER do that crap you pulled again, though!" lol So yes, it's a great comparison because Ron-Ron's flameouts happen on AND off the floor, and they'll continue to happen, except now he's got a ring for his troubles. There's no argument that if Smoove is not the worst perimeter shooter, then we should all shudder to imagine who is. The point is we all act like he (and Drew, and A$G) doesn't know this, like the next post we make listing these craptastically wondrous stats will finally drive the point home. He knows. They do, too. And for the reasons we've already hashed out here, he will be transforming to a stage where he is not a perimeter shooter at all. But that will take more time than you or I would like. And we can all tear our hair out over it in the meantime until we all look like Rick Sund, or just sit back and enjoy the bumpy ride. I choose the latter. ~lw3
  2. Hopefully this team remembers their last trip to the Illadelph... two nights after a Josh tip-in to finally beat dreaded Orlando and keep us in the division hunt, only to play lackluster against a 26-46 Philly team they all thought would have laid down for them. Poor Steve Holman almost quit that day. Regardless of the outcome, let's hope we don't overreact to this game, either. ~lw3
  3. Fine. You say tom-ay-to, I say tom-ah-to. But even Ron Artest's psychiatrist will advise to you that even the most egregious "dumbasses," if you will, win championships with the right personnel on the floor and on the bench. The real question here is how long till he becomes less enough of a dopey donkey on offense to propel this team into championship-caliber contention. Some believe it will just take one (more?) damm-good-talking-to, and voila, like a quick spray of Shot-B-Gone, Smoove becomes the back-to-the-basket post-up All-Star people keep dreaming of. Fine. All praise to (insert deity of choice here) if it works out so quickly. Others believe no amount of (coddling, coaxing, shouting, shoe-pounding-on-the-table, threatening, benching) will ever matter. That's fine, too. So long as everyone understands that Smoove is not going anywhere, save for a trade for the mysterious All-World superstar or "real center" people also keep dreaming of. I'm saying let's not assume that the next big chewing out is the one where Smoove gets it, once and for all eternity. If it ever does happen, it will take longer than one game, one week, or one month for Smoove to play consistently in this system. It may happen. But it won't happen by, like, Monday. I knew to expect a return to long-range shooting during the Memphis preseason game. Smoove was the first one out of the locker room at halftime, he grabs a ball and the first thing he does... is toe the line and loft up is a three (unfortunately, it goes in). Then he's shooting his 2.99'ers at the free scrimmage, with no signs of disdain from the coaching staff, despite a smattering of groans in the stands. The other elephant is the room that compounds this is his FT shooting. Playing close to the basket ensures the Hack-A-Smoove strategy goes back into full effect, as was the case early in the playoffs, and he knows this. The heralded motion offense will come to a halt every time the ball is directed to him in the low post. Rather than the indignities of getting persistently hammered once he touches the ball, having to suck it up to keep from getting T'd up, and then trying not to decapitate mascots and photographers with his bricks from the charity stripe, Smoove will happily resort to the relatively tranquil confines of the 3-point line. Call it what you want, but Smoove is happier shooting 30% of his two-pointers unmolested than 59% of his one-pointers with a scratched eyelid, bruised shoulder, etc. Getting Smoove where he needs to be on the floor consistently will require a significant restoration in his confidence with his FTs. That won't happen by, like, Monday, either. Until then, no matter where he is on the floor in the halfcourt, defenders have no rational need to play him honest. Some of us fans may not be willing to "live with," the extent of Smoove's transformation, but just understand that this franchise is. The hometown product who puts Highlights in the Factory is not going anywhere. The highlights are worth the "dumbass" lowlights, to both the owners and the less-anal fans amongst us who show up to see him play. Sorry. If that's not the ship the A$G was willing to go down with, then they shouldn't have simply tossed one deck chair off the Titanic and rearranged the others. ~lw3
  4. Not the NBA coaches who intended to keep their jobs. Speaking of which, is Woody's resume on Monster.com yet? ~lw3
  5. Hakeem probably should've offered some tips. One season the Dream shot 42% from three! lol But really, they worked on moving Smoove's play from a 3 to "something resembling a 4" (the team's minute-share for Smoove at the 4 jumped from 19% in '06-'07 to 66%; Smoove's share at the 3 went from 43% to 0%). Maybe if we had signed the Dream to the staff instead of paying for Summer Vacation Camp, Smoove would be playing like the 4 we expect instead of the 3.333 that we see now. Of course, we don't have Hakeem money like Orlando does (P.Ewing). Hello, Tyrone Hill! ~lw3
  6. Yep. Starting at the 4 and actually playing like one (instead of "Smoove Forward") are two different things. Hopefully by season's end the twain shall meet. ~lw3
  7. First, because this six-year NBA veteran has been groomed over more than four years to play Smoove Forward and not Power Forward. Second, because this six-year NBA veteran knows, regardless of the consequences of his decisions, he's not going anywhere (unless "the bench" counts as somewhere of significance to him). Third, because this six-year NBA veteran's antics on this end of the floor are not playing us out of playoff contention -- not yet anyway. We're pretty much in agreement, excepting our expectations of how quickly Smoove's head softens. It's beyond the "STOP doing THAT" part... it's the "STOP doing THAT AND START doing THIS instead" that will take more time than you or I would like. He really IS learning to do something different. Smoove needs to get comfortable with swift low-post moves and precise high-post passes (on a team not familiar with either in its recent history) in a real-time environment against high-caliber NBA talent (apologies to Josh Powell). If that takes one more regular season game to set in for life, hats off to him! I don't expect it to happen right away, though. That's why I say, let's see where Smoove is in March heading toward the playoffs (Mr. Mora, I'm not talking to you), instead of October. And I'm not certain that the "messages" Drew is issuing to Smoove is equivalent to the one Woody gave him about those 2.9999-point shots. Instead of, "If you vow not to take any stupid shots, I'll shave my eyebrows or something!" I'm guessing it's more like, "If you insist that taking those stupid shots is the best option, we can fix that, but meanwhile, could you at least have the decency to go a step back behind the line?" Choice-wise, Drew is doing a hybrid of (1) and (2), he's living with it, and benching occasionally, with the expectation that he'll see improvement as the season progresses. ~lw3
  8. What They're Saying... http://3sob.com/archives/59-october-2010/1197-ups-and-downs-grizzlies-v-hawks-opening-night ~lw3
  9. I like when the ol' Razorback snares a dunk, too. It's like seeing a pig fly. ~lw3
  10. Smoove 'n Larry will have their tete-a-tetes for a little while, but let's see if Smoove's offensive positioning and decision-making has evolved into something resembling a PF by mid-season. No reason to rush things. Actually, I suspect Smoove shooting 2.999-pointers is not as verboten under Larryball as it was under Woodyball last year. I expect he'll get one or two looks per game, usually after the initially designed play has broken down. If he improves his instinct to look for cutters before going up for the shot it will help matters, as will the other Hawks crashing the boards for the likely offensive-rebounding opportunity. ~lw3
  11. 18, 8, and 3 season-long averages would leave me feeling verklempt. (Talk amongst yourselves!) There's no reason why he can't become the second-leading scorer on this squad, with this offense, if he applies himself. It's awfully good to see him trying. ~lw3
  12. Never mind "overreacting," I'm just glad to see people "reacting" when it's not a loss. ~lw3
  13. http://www.hawksquawk.net/community/index.php/topic/351517-5th-st-cafe-review/ Hope my reviews didn't hold any customers back. I sure haven't been back, but hopefully Zaza's far better Buckhead Bottle Bar holds it together. For the money they poured into the place, they could have used a less-pedestrian sounding name than "5th Street Cafe." The place had some glaring logistical and menu issues that they didn't have time (or money, or patient customers) to resolve. ~lw3
  14. Champ: Orlando (over Dallas) Finals MVP: Dwight East Finalist: Orlando (over Miami) West Finalist: Dallas (over L.A. Lakers) MVP: Dirk (over Kobe) Rookie of the year: Professor Griff (over DeMarcus) Coach of the year: Karl (over Doc; Also-ran: Mike Woodson, Indiana) Defensive player: Dwight (over Thabo) 6th man: Roddy Bucketz (over Lou Williams) MIP: Hibbert (over Afflalo) CELTICS/BULLS/MAGIC/Heat/Hawks/Pacers/76ers/Bucks/Nets/Wizards/Pistons/Cavs/Knicks/Raptors/Bobcats MAVS/LAKERS/NUGGETS/Jazz/Blazers/Spurs/Thunder/Rockets/Grizzlies/Warriors/Clippers/Hornets/Suns/Kings/T'wolves ~lw3
  15. The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is... FEAR ITSELF. Well, that, and Orlando. ~lw3
  16. http://www.indystar.com/article/20101025/SPORTS04/101025026/Pacers-release-Magnum-Rolle-regular-season-roster-set Well, for now, if you want Solo, you'll have to trade for him. ~lw3
  17. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2010/oct/25/marc-gasols-status-griz-opener-unknown-test-result/ ~lw3
  18. So ESPN has us 6th behind the Bulls 'n Bucks. As long as they don't have us playing the Magic in the first round it's all goo... Whoops! ~lw3
  19. No Hawks-Cats tonight (FSN Carolinas isn't showing the game, so it's probably not online either). So enjoy the boxscores! No Magic-Heat either. ~lw3
  20. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/os-magic-heat-court-problems-1023-20101023,0,1185318.story ~lw3
  21. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-heat/sfl-miami-heat-jerry-stackhouse-s102210,0,6143259.story ~lw3
  22. http://blogs.ajc.com/atlanta-falcons-blog/2010/10/22/falcons-to-induct-deion-sanders-into-ring-of-honor/?cxntlid=thbz_hm Good time for the Falcons to get him up there on the ROH. ~lw3
  23. Very pleased with the offense from the starters tonight. Defense was solid too, particularly on Bosh and every guard except for House. And each of the bench players found a way to contribute. I was fussing about Horf and his jumpers most of the game, but his versatility will improve as he gets healthier. He needs to drive more and be less like Mr. Roboto out there. Smoove and Drew will have their little wars (over the former's decision making on offense) all year long. As long as the dialogue is constructive, that's fine. If Marvin gives us nothing else (and tonight he indeed gave us something else, big dunk and a clutch 3) he needs to be banging the boards. Another good effort at the glass. You know how Deke would wag his finger after a block? Bibby deserves to wag a finger at me each time he bailed us out with a 3 tonight. And his D was above-pedestrian tonight too. It is clear that Teague is simply too fast for the basket. :-) That fastest 0-4 FG game I've seen, and some nice dishes to boot. Stay aggressive, young fella! Reggie Miller had the fuss over Joe's new contract in his talking points memo, and Joe gave him absolutely no reason to refer to it. 6 assists and one measly TO. Just a couple iso's tonight, the rest was superb leadership. And was that a dunk that I saw? I'm against corporal punishment... except for one particular child (if you listened on TV, you know who I'm talking about). ~lw3
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