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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Yes. I left injuries out because they both have a case for missing guys at each point of the year. LP was missing most of the new guys to start the year, but Nate has been down a handful too Specifically during the 5 game stretches we are discussing: Dunn- 5 games each Clint- 1 game Nate, 2 games LP Gallo- LP, 2 games Snell- LP, 5 games Bogi- Nate, 3 games Dre- Nate, 5 games Cam- Nate, 2 games OO- LP, 5 games, Nate DNP 2 games Rondo-missed 3 games each I figure its subjective and a wash to compare the injuries.
  2. The good news is that in LP's 4-1 start, it was mostly on the backs of some serious offensive outings where every shot was going in and we were able to jump on teams early, but fade late, losing the 4th quarters. The writing was there that if shots werent falling, we were not built to hold close leads. In Nate's 4-1 start, its almost the exact opposite. He has been outscored in the 1st quarter, but has rode the backs of great 2nd quarter and good 2nd half defenses, and a strong 4th quarter offensive finishes. His teams defend better, close games stronger than LP's, and score at a clip that seems sustainable as he hasnt had the crazy offensive outbursts like LP benefited from. LP first 5 Games: 1st Quarter: 34.4, Opponents: 27.4 2nd Quarter: 32.6, Opponents: 30.6 3rd Quarter: 31.2, Opponents: 27.8 4th Quarter: 27.6, Opponents: 29.6 Avg Score: Hawks 125.8 Opponents 115.4 Nates first 5 games: 1st Quarter: 26.4, Opponents: 31.4 2nd Quarter: 24.2, Opponents: 23.6 3rd Quarter: 28.8, Opponents: 27 4th Quarter: 33.2, Opponents: 26.2 Avg Score: Hawks 112.6 Opponents 108.4 LP on average Won 1st 3 quarters and lost the 4th, Nate loses the 1st quarter but wins the last 3 Quarters. Small samples but very telling in how the team is executing for each.
  3. I'm still a believer in the roster, when fully healthy and used properly. A backup center and point guard would be nice, but they both come secondary to a playmaking wing that can hit his shots and isnt afraid to attack the rim. Matter of fact, any wing that can shoot and get to the line consistently would be a breathe of fresh air and would really open up the offense for us. A huge portion of that is solved when Dre returns. The other is from within, Bogdan Bogdanovic. He has not hit his stride at any point with us this season, but if he does start to get cooking, look out. We could really use another perimeter ballhandler that doesnt just stand in one spot all day. Technically Kev can move too, but he is not aggressive at all, and is allergic to drawing contact. We sorely lack grit outside of Trae and our twin towers. Mays was a welcome sight the way he played fearlessly. I want to see more of that from this roster.
  4. Im going to prepare for the worst, and assume he gets another shot and has to sit whatever the additional time is as a result. The fact it wasn't an option until recently makes me believe that its more likely to happen than not. If Im wrong great. Just like Bogi's surprise return, I will believe it when I see it and be pleasantly surprised. But waiting for any tangible timeline from our team sources is futile.
  5. https://www.nba.com/news/nate-mcmillan-reluctantly-agreed-to-be-hawks-interim-ap Nate may not even want to be here long term. He was ready to decline the interim offer. Something to keep an eye on.
  6. Sounds like Nate may not even WANT the job full time. He had to be convinced to accept interim status https://www.nba.com/news/nate-mcmillan-reluctantly-agreed-to-be-hawks-interim-ap
  7. Dont forget Bogi.....and Solo
  8. Snell deserves to start. He would balance out the starting lineup so you dont have a ton of youth all at once on the wings. If Im going based on consistency alone, Im starting Snell and Dre together. Kev has really stepped it up lately though too. He is a much better basketball player now than he was when he was first reinserted as a starter. When its all said and done, when healthy, all of our wings need to be played on a hot hand/ matchup basis only. If Cam cant hit, he got to sit. That goes for everyone. But Dre and Snell right now are the 2 steadiest wings we have had all season. They should get first dibs as starters together.
  9. That's got to stick. I love it!
  10. Becky for the positive press. She has learned under Pop, but its been during a pretty bad stretch for them as an org. Coaching looks real good with 3 HoF'ers around. Spurs have not set the league on fire in years, and even with Team USA Pop's coaching was not a difference maker. Some of his principles may be a bit dated without a Tim Duncan to execute them. I prefer not hiring a new coach this time around. The things we lack can all be chalked up to inexperience at HC. Bring in someone with a little clout to coach this not so young anymore roster.
  11. I would love mark Jackson, I hope that is legit. I have a hard time seeing him being effective if the rumors about our players not taking well to tough love is true. Marc has the same tough, no excuses, former player bloated ego, mindset that LP had. I wasn't too impressed by Kenny when he was here, to me Quin Snyder really proved his value by the way our team looked in the years after he left us. I think Kenny did well to right the ship in Brooklyn, but he reminds me of Bud in the way that he is great at X's and O's but is missing something when it comes to getting over the hump. Becky was my choice when we hired LP. I would love for her to get a shot She would bring great press our way as all of the mainstream media would be rooting for her and would HAVE to write nice things about us as a vote of support for her. However, for this next phase, I do not want a first time HC in the locker room. I just think we are past that right now. Im good with NATE, obviously pending the way he is able to finish the season for us. 100% agree
  12. WTF happened with the uniforms..... Im going to go blind tonight.
  13. Still no updates on Bogi or Dunn... just "out" for God knows how long
  14. We should go blackout the rest of the season. MLK or the Statement only.
  15. All winnable games except the 2 LA's. Travel is the real opponent. Schedule makers trying to set us up here. I disagree that we dug ourselves in a hole. We are 2 games behind 4th Place at 14-18 Indy at 4th only has 15 wins. Toronto at 5th has 17 losses. That's 1 win and 1 loss behind the 4th and 5th place teams. Now, in all honesty, the playoff pack is playing much better lately. It wont be easy to make up ground. But keeping pace will only require hovering around .500 until we can get Dre back. I truly believe once he comes back we will be able to make a strong push to the finish line.
  16. 10000 percent agree. But I know in my spirit LP wont make that change and I am just preparing myself mentally. This team looks so much more consistent on offense with a steady shooter out there. Even Kev looks more comfortable next to a guy he knows can take the pressure off of him having to be the only shooter.
  17. It's almost as if us winning goes against their agenda. I was as pissed as the next guy after Cleveland. Heck Im still not over it. But let's get one thing clear, anytime we can curb stomp the Celtics, life is good as a Hawks fan. Even if it's only just for one night.
  18. RedDawg#8


    This. I am on record as saying Grant would have been a dream signing for us this offseason along with Dunn. Those were the only 2 guys I wanted in FA. Detroit was a head scratcher because you go from a contender to the worst team on paper in the NBA, for the same price.
  19. 7 pages after a good win 17 pages after a bad loss Makes ya think, huh
  20. Shouldve called a timeout right there. Cannot let this get to 15 early
  21. Gallo saying "F all y'all haters on the 'Squawk"
  22. I for one am surprised we got 6 games. The fact that we made a TNT game is even better. Its been a while since we got one of those. The good news is, they are all at the end of March or later, which means if anything we POSSIBLY will have our guys back by then. Could be much see TV.
  23. I dont care who coaches, I just dont want to see any more minutes given to struggling players in a season that they told us everyone would have to "earn it". Whoever starts, shouldn't automatically have the right to finish just because they started. The pre planned rotations should only matter 1 time through the lineup. After that, dig in to the groups that are playing well and making an impact on the court. Kev and Cam should not be able to shoot 3-15 all game and still be on the court in crunch time with the outcome in the balance. Especially if guys on the bench are shooting well that night. 2nd gripe, don't wait until we are down double digits to call a timeout. After 2 or at the max 3 empty possessions in a row, rally the troops and get it together. Teams are allowed to flip the scoreboard on us at will with no interruption by the staff sometimes. Stop the bleeding before its too late coaches
  24. Just win baby. We need to play focused and be prepared for a scrappy, desperate opponent.
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