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Everything posted by rusty

  1. joe didnt want to play that situation, thats why he came here to be the man,he loved iso joe,why wouldnt he when he could be the star.
  2. joe would be the last person i would want playing in a motion offense. his game is dribbling & forcing shots. a motion offense means a lot of passing & ball movement. joe needs the ball in his hands to be effective. joe wants the ball in his hands. he is not a great defensive player.
  3. i think that you are blind & not to smart
  4. i guess they think he is worth 120 drews
  5. who the hell would trade for him in 3 years when the real big money kicks in & he is 3 years older
  6. after seeing 9 min of highlights we sure can get rid of jj. jc looks trenendous from outside & slashing to the basket,makes jj look like he is playing in slow motion
  7. if we resign joe we will be paying iso slow tempo basketball,so we might as well leave teague on the bench as jj will have the ball in his hands
  8. if we resign him we will keep on playing slow tempo ball & we might as well give mb a lot of minutes as jj will have the ball in his hands while the rest of the team will sulk
  9. joe came here to be the man. he always wanted the ball in his hands. he dribbled the cloak away until 4 guys were on & then forced the shot. he passed poorly out of this. why didnt he pass to someone whom wasnt guarded under he basket instead of someone like bibby,marvin or josh on the perimeter. this team will never be an uptempo team with jj on it. why did he always choke in big games or taking the last shot to win a game. jjs time is up here,he needs to go
  10. we have hard times now, when the team constantly loses to shitty teams, get blown out in the first quarter, & lose games constantly when they are up going into the 4 th quarter.then the fan base might increase. of course you as #1 fan & expert on the hawks could buy a lot more season tickets
  11. right,the man who dribbles the cloak away,wont play uptempo basketball,takes off on defense often ,gets his assists if some one hits a long shot with the cloak running out.& really is the the problem with our iso offense,gee we really have to pay him a lot more money,i forgot that he is a great clutch player some one we can really count on when the going gets rough
  12. after all that you didnt explain why we got our *ss kicked & why charotte played them close
  13. rusty May 12th, 2010 12:09 am woody has to go. he made horrible substitions,would not play his bench,refused to bench mavin or bibby,let joe run the team amuck with his dribbling & ball hogging shutting down all ball movement &player movement,had no control of js.,had no offensive plays we never get easy shots,ran that horrible switching defense creating horrible mis matches for us & pulling our big men away from the boards.must have hated teague & joe smith,got beat by sorry teams like the nets,knicks & toronto. after our great start our season went downward just like what happened last year,showed favoitism to certain player & treated others like crap,never made changes or adjustments during games or between games,had to the stubborn coach in the nba,vever had any set plays,never seen a team who had a harder time getting the ball in bounds. he has to GO
  14. yea you seen him play 3 minutes & got burnt once or twice give him a break. he would be a hell of a lot better than bibby
  15. i guess you think bibby is better,get real,you must be woody
  16. he will never prove he is an elite player because he is not .he is good when he doesnt try to take over the game . when he goes iso the whole team stops playing.the problem with the hawks offense is lack of ball movement & no easy shots. when we play uptempo we are great jow & bibby do not play utempo basketball
  17. they did something to night that the starters couldnt do,beat cleveland. teague should have gotten a lot more minutes this year ,he has talent. he defered to jj & jamal like woody wanted him to do. a lot of cleveland players who play significent minutes played tonight . d west who usually outplays jj was outplayed by teague
  18. you are 100% right. no one else sees this they are all blind to this
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